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by neppolian on May 12, 2008 07:12 PM  | Hide replies

SRK is a pretty gay?

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Bad selection of players for T20
by Notout_Naveen on May 12, 2008 07:11 PM  | Hide replies

As some one rightly said no one had the guts of playing Wasim Jaffer, Chandrapaul, injured Zhaeer Khan , Kumble in the same T20 team...which Dravid did..which pretty much sums up the situation.

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joe v
RE:Bad selection of players for T20
by joe v on May 12, 2008 07:16 PM
add to that, the fact that Misbah and White sat out for most of the games while the sick, injured, hungry and old were playing.

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sat pancho
Dravid is NOT to be blamed..
by sat pancho on May 12, 2008 07:11 PM

Mallya, at the outset you are the BOSS of the franchise and so the ultimate responsibility lies with you! Now that the team is not performing well you CANNOT BLAME Rahul Dravid for all the shortcomings!Rahul Dravid is a CLASS APART and you can never fathom what he is all about.You are a business man and all you see is Business and nothing else!If you could insist and take Misbah-ul-haq,then how is that you couldn't insist on some other's whom you presumably had in your mind? I'm pretty sure IF YOU WERE DETERMINED ENOUGH to get all the cricketer's you had in your mind then NOBODY leave alone Rahul Dravid and Charu Sharma could have stopped you from getting them! so Mallya DONT BLAME OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN MISTAKES...and start supporting your outfit...

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nitin tomar
idiotic presentation by Mallya
by nitin tomar on May 12, 2008 07:10 PM  | Hide replies

If Charu can be kicked out,What is dravid,He should also be kicked out of team,but mallya could not.Cameron White was a better player than dravid,because IPL is a power game and not a lazy one.Mallya should have set this right much before than speaking now.

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RE:idiotic presentation by Mallya
by JAMBA on May 12, 2008 07:26 PM
Mumbai too lost majority of the games, but Mukesh never made anything like Mallya and Deccan chargers also have not won any worthy game inspite of having very good players and hard hitters also. It is just matter of some momentum and form. Mallya has pulled the trigger at a very early stage and has unsettled the team. Had he shown faith in the team, BRC would have done better. And many matches they have lost very closely, unlike DC, Mumbai & KKR. Mallya has done a very big damage to the team and now they are not going to win any games. Even if he buys the players he want, the result will be same. Because players will be under unncessary pressure. Mallya will lose becuase of his impatience. Dravid knows cricket better than Mallya and given free hand he would have done wonders. Look at his track record as captain, when none of the seniors like sachin, Sourav played India won continously and also had a record 14 consecutive victories while chasing. He needs co-operation & suppor. Mr.Mallay provide the support and give him free hand, he will take the team to a respectable position, now its too late to take it to semis but definetly not at the bottom.

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Peace Works
Dravid is good for nothing!
by Peace Works on May 12, 2008 07:07 PM  | Hide replies

Did anyone see the body language of our Indian players in the last Worldcup? Dravid certainly has no captaincy at all.Perhaps,Kumble might do far better than Dravid.

Dravid is NO good for any format of the cricket nowadays.

Time to call it a day,Dravid.You already have no respect!

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RE:Dravid is good for nothing!
by neppolian on May 12, 2008 07:09 PM
even tortoise can run faster than dravid

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Loco Injun
RE:Dravid is good for nothing!
by Loco Injun on May 12, 2008 07:16 PM
But not Dada

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neel malhotra
RE:Dravid is good for nothing!
by neel malhotra on May 12, 2008 07:21 PM
Dravid should borrow some stamina from DADA and learn from him.

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ajay bhathire
RC is not a bad team.
by ajay bhathire on May 12, 2008 07:05 PM  | Hide replies

20-20 is a different format altogether than ODI and test. And Royal Challengers have very good players in them. But nothing is going right for them, thats why they are at the bottom. They have excellent players. Boucher,Ross taylor,Cameron White are known attacking players. Players like Dravid, Kallis, Chanderpaul can provide the stability. The bowling is also good with Zaheer and others.
Teams like Hyderabad, Mumbai also struggled. Hyderabad is still struggling even though they have superb players like Gilchrist, Gibbs, Afridi. It is just that this format is new and many players are still finding it difficult to adjust to this format.
Mumbai has now begun to win. They have a good team also. 20-20 format is unpredictable. Who knows maybe in next IPL the teams who performed excellently can play badly and the teams who were at the bottom can come with superb performances.

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joe v
RE:RC is not a bad team.
by joe v on May 12, 2008 07:12 PM
ok, true, but you left out Jaffer - what the heck is this guy doing in a 20 20 team?? and Kumble?? and JOSHI??? that guy is as old as my dad.
regarding your doubt about hyderabad, they also have Laxman as the captain. thats why they're losing. and andrew Symonds is not playing anymore too..

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ajay bhathire
RE:RC is not a bad team.
by ajay bhathire on May 12, 2008 07:27 PM
Joe I just mentioned a few players and few players might have been missed out. I cant go on listing all the player names. The players u mentioned are excellent. Jaffer is a known test player but in IPL he has given few good performances.
Also u said that Laxman is the reason for the teams bad performance. I dont think that it is true. He has been an superb asset for the Indian team. And in IPL initially he struggled a bit but later on he has given decent performances.

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ramesh  s
by ramesh s on May 12, 2008 07:05 PM  | Hide replies

what do you call a person who selects a idiot like charu sharma?

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by thomas on May 12, 2008 07:06 PM
the person who selects Dravid as captain.

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ramesh  s
by ramesh s on May 12, 2008 07:11 PM

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srivatsa yb
dravid is class
by srivatsa yb on May 12, 2008 07:03 PM  | Hide replies

this 2020 is cheap cricket....we all know the value of dravid...he does not need this 2020...

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RE:dravid is class
by thomas on May 12, 2008 07:05 PM
dont know about 2020, but in 2009 King Fisher calender, Mallya will keep Dravid's naked pics, becoz he has taken 5 crores from Mallya and not done justice in cricket field.

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Loco Injun
RE:dravid is class
by Loco Injun on May 12, 2008 07:10 PM
Yeah like Kolkatta will sell SRK and Ganguly's Jugalbadhi posters :-)

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RE:dravid is class
by neppolian on May 12, 2008 07:07 PM
....TIMES book also need dravids

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joe v
RE:RE:dravid is class
by joe v on May 12, 2008 07:06 PM

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RE:dravid is class
by neppolian on May 12, 2008 07:04 PM
dravid is 50:50?

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joe v
RE:dravid is class
by joe v on May 12, 2008 07:05 PM

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joe v
RE:dravid is class
by joe v on May 12, 2008 07:08 PM
Dude, its cricket too.. and how's Shane watson performing?
Test cricket is all about testing your patience
One day is all about testing your nerve
20 -20 is all about testing your ability to withstand pressure

The guy who plays good in all three is a great player cos he needs these three qualities.

and oh, Dravid is not a great player.

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by on May 12, 2008 07:02 PM  | Hide replies

Knowing Mallya a bit, ((yep...I have associated with him in something. suprisingly it was politics, when he (re)launched Janata Party)) I do not think he would allow anyone a free hand in things; and certainly not in a major investment like BRC, in its infacy. AND I would be the last person to believe that Charu Sharma would defy any wish of Mr.Mallya. It takes too much guts to do that.

May be the team choice was Dravid-Sharma's, but it certainly would NOT have been against the wishes of Mallya.

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joe v
by joe v on May 12, 2008 07:03 PM
an interesting point.. noted.

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neel malhotra
by neel malhotra on May 12, 2008 07:05 PM
Dravid should borrow some stamina from DADA and learn from him. And dont bring Sachin, he is the greatest.

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by Firefox on May 12, 2008 07:08 PM
band mutthi savva lakh ki..not sure how to translate it in english, but I will try..
A closed box is always valuable because you never know what is there inside.

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