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incredible india
the entertainment business
by incredible india on May 12, 2008 09:00 PM

when a great blockbuster movie like sholay or DDLJ comes along .. it increases the overall market for movies.. while the super hit movie is running all other movies..released at the same time may flop.. but even ordinary movies which are released AFTER the superhit blockbuster is over, benefit from the increased interest in films among the viewers.
IPL is the SHolay of twenty20 cricket.. it has opened up a huge market for twenty20 ..
but then it can last only for 6 weeks..
the public will not wait for one whole year to watch only IPL. by the time ICL puts up their next show in september . they will have a hugely increased viwership.. maybe not close to IPL.. but enough and more for them to do well..
Lalit modi knows this very well. that is why he is going all out to crush ICL. but unless IPL breaks the ICC future tours calendar. they cannot really compete on equal terms with ICL.

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This article
by GAGAN on May 12, 2008 08:59 PM  | Hide replies

How in the **** this article makes sense when it talks about the popularity is IPL may eclipse international cricket. IPL is cricket and any popularity in of it will help in making the sports more famous. Which by the way is much needed to involving non-cricketplaying countries.
IPL has not a huge success being in the the very first season. So lets' wait a bit before these anti-establishment media(whatever you call it)starts killing it. Also IPL is threanting to traditional cricket in doing something which traditional cricket completely failed throughout entire history. That is the same reason cricket is dying in UK.

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RE:This article
by Brat on May 12, 2008 09:46 PM
You are absolutely wrong. The sports infrastructure of UK encourages a kid to take up more challenging sports. The best people go for Football. Others have hundreds of options Rowing, Atheletics, Squash, Boxing...anything...even Golf. Cricket is more popular amongst the South Asians (who are not successful in any other sports). Pls don't try to access the liking and dislikings of another country from here. Also, don't compare EPL with IPL. Football is afterall a global sports and Cricket is just a Circus of the bookies and politicians.

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Ramesh Kapoor
by Ramesh Kapoor on May 12, 2008 08:46 PM

While the writer mentions as an aside about ICL and probably its longivity and an early demise versus the money rich IPL and influx of foreign players, the focus on upliftment of home bread players is being lost. This is contrary to what ICL wanted and pick up talent from the steets of Indian cities and villages.

Another point that makes me sick is the 'preferential' treatment being granted to Shoaib Akhtar whose 5 years ban was suspended to let him a few hundred dollars, thanks to Shah Rukh Khan's KKR - is it a case of my brother's keeper. Meanwhile, Harbhajan for his action may see an end to his career.

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ben hur
its official abt ipl fixing.
by ben hur on May 12, 2008 08:39 PM

Delhi District Cricket Association (DDCA) official sitting in the Delhi Daredevils dressing room during Thursday's match at the Kotla, busy talking on his cell phone. The man in question is a well known bookie in the Capital.
The ICC made it clear that the IPL is a domestic tournament and their Anti-Corruption and Security Unit (ACSU) officers would not be present.
even vijay mallya admitted that ipl has a corporate side to it and its not merely ckt.
so it is official that ipl is a fixed entertainment.

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Full of  Joy
Rooney sits outside just coz dont get injured ...
by Full of Joy on May 12, 2008 08:37 PM

Rooney of England sits outside and declare himself unfit during qualify round for Europe tournament coz its follwoed by English Premier Ligue so he wants to see tht he will avilable for the Ligue and play the club matches...and wht is wrong...afetr all players are also humanbeing like IT People and Scienctist leaving their country for better future... money drives the power and its rule of this world...

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sharath  shekar
Lot of flaws
by sharath shekar on May 12, 2008 08:35 PM

Your article consists of a number of flaws.
First of all, you are predicting massive disintegration of cricket even before the tournament is even over and cricket has actually disintegrated. BIG DEAL. With only India playing, cricket is already on its way to disintegration with/without IPL. IPL i feel is actually helping cricket spread its wings to countries like china and africa where fotball is becoming increasing popular. If cricket has to sustain itself, IPL is the only way to go forward.
Secndly, lot of people said the same thing when 50 over one day match was introduced, well has not cricket disintegrated. Come on for god's sake if cricket is disintegrating, you would not have people filling up the stadiums day in and day out.
3)you say you are are freelance sports writer(No wonder.) Your article is as one sided as it can get. Good sports writers actually always give the two sides and then allow the reader to decide upon himself. You have to remember that you are a sports (freelance) writer and not dealing with politics.
Fourthly, If you have ever heard about football, you might understand that its the EPL , La Liga and Seria A and the Bundesliga which is sustaining football and giving the financial power to spread the game throughout the world. if football was run like how FIFA runs, then football would not be where it is.
Forget FIFA, take the example of the premier Hockey League introduced by ESPN, actually lot of people were watching hockey for the first time. It di

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ben hur
at last someone agreed abt ipl.
by ben hur on May 12, 2008 08:30 PM  | Hide replies

mallya said, "... people need to understand that the IPL has a corporate side to it, and a very definitive corporate side. It is not at all cricket in the traditional sense".

this is the commitment of mallya, which indirectly hints that its not merely ckt all the way in these matches. just like all the politics and corruption in corporate world to go up the cadre, the same applies here in ipl and to win matches, many sacrifices are made to achieve the victory 'target'.
ipl is masala fixed ckt.

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S Shrikanth
RE:at last someone agreed abt ipl.
by S Shrikanth on May 12, 2008 09:14 PM
True, BCCI is itself a bunch of thieves. Isn't it?

IPL is to benefit Politicians, Corporates, Film stars and Criceters.

The fool here is the 100 crore Indian public who will have to pay for the huge profits these 4 set of people would gain from IPL. It is highly likely that consumer items will be costlier after this tournament. Where they will receover their money from? Of course, its we.

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Full of  Joy
RE:RE:at last someone agreed abt ipl.
by Full of Joy on May 12, 2008 09:23 PM

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Full of  Joy
RE:at last someone agreed abt ipl.
by Full of Joy on May 12, 2008 09:22 PM

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RE:at last someone agreed abt ipl.
by sri on May 12, 2008 08:46 PM
Maybe, but if BCCI the governing board of India (!) has to be incharge, Mallya or any other tycooon cant do whatever they like!

Unless of course BCCI is a den of thieves which it might well be!

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by Brat on May 12, 2008 08:29 PM

Cricket has always been a %u201Cgame%u201D (not sports) of bookies and manipulators. It has reached the peak with IPL. As you know WWF has been renamed as WWE, soon, IPL too would be named as IPE (Indian Premier Entertainment). It would end up being a Circus.

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Suresh Pandya
It's business of sports...Just Enjoy
by Suresh Pandya on May 12, 2008 08:28 PM  | Hide replies

I do agree with the writer to some degree. But come-on thigns evolve and that's what's happening with cricket. Doesn't this happen with Football, Baseball, Basketball, etc already. If a player can make enough money in IPL why do you and other worry.

And what makes you think if a bookie can't make it to the dressing room, he/she can't fix matches...that doesn't make sence. I hat to see matches fixed but you can't stop that by stopping a bookie going to the dressing room. I hope the players will resist these kind of things themselves when they can make enough money without getting involved int Match fixing.

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RE:It's business of sports...Just Enjoy
by sri on May 12, 2008 08:51 PM
If a bookie is in the dressing room, fixing is MORE likely to be going on and is up in the open. That's all it means! You have to stop these characters from visiting players AS WELL as stop all covert means of match fixing.

All people are trying to do here is being argumentative. What we need to be clear about is that foul practises cannot be allowed. PERIOD. And depending on player's moral values is just not enough.

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Red Pascal
by Red Pascal on May 12, 2008 08:28 PM  | Hide replies

Statements like "India's grassroots cricket structure is rapidly falling apart. Which child will nurture dreams any more of playing for India when he can get a packet parading his skills in the IPL?" Are all hyperbole and not base don fact, has there been a single desertion of Ranji or Test team in India or even a junior state match for the IPL ?
NO- then how is this claim being made, and none of the cricketers have landed directly to the IPL without first going through the "grassroot" that he is claiming has fallen apart. There is a difference between a "potential" storm and a real one, the author should not reduce his credibility by calling a "potential storm" a real storm.

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by sri on May 12, 2008 08:42 PM
No desertions only because IPL has just started and there are only 8 teams with 4 foreign players each. All those rule will change - then your objections fall apart. One day IPL will start searching for young talents who have never even been seen in Ranji or elesehwere!

Gulu is being cautious and warning of pitfalls. Let's just take heed and make sure they dont happen. But people like you do your flippant analysis and shoot the messenger!

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Saravanan Subramanian
by Saravanan Subramanian on May 12, 2008 08:55 PM
Are you same as Gulu? Whenever you see a post against the article, you are responding in unnecessarily strong and rude pitch - abusing the members criticizing the article.
Hold your nerve!!!

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