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Sehwag leads India''s MVP race

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sampath kumar
Thats Veeeeeeeeru!!!!!
by sampath kumar on Jul 09, 2008 10:30 AM

Ya veeru is always the best, he doesn't bother about pitch, bowler, team, he always plays in his own style.

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by jagadish on Jul 08, 2008 09:47 AM

Viru is the best choice for opening, and he proved again he is the best.
Viru will show wat he is in coming series also. All the best viru. great going and keep going.

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Hinoo Bakra
Give youngsters a chance ... remove Dhoni as captain
by Hinoo Bakra on Jul 07, 2008 07:27 PM  | Hide replies

Sehwag, Gambhir and Raina had over 100 strike rate. Dhoni's strike rate was only 91.3. He admits his team was not prepared to face Mendis. He ignored experienced in form players like Ganguly and Dravid. He tried to blame Raina, who had a far better strike rate than him. What are his qualifications to lead, again ??

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Get in Tendu, idiot sard and sree
by Singha on Jul 07, 2008 06:53 PM  | Hide replies

srilanka gonna get sunk.

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prakash agarwal
by prakash agarwal on Jul 07, 2008 06:36 PM  | Hide replies

I think if a senior player like sachin or ganguly as they r much experience from other like uthappa,rohit,etc.would have made the differences.Not only they play so much ODI or TEST matches senior players learns or gain many think & i think they can handle the way mendis bowl.Here now we need the help of the seniors also,if in this match the senior plays then would have the differences.The players like shewag ,yuvraj,raina,rohit,etc.as the way they get out it look like as they didn't learns from the mistakes .I don't say that they r not good player ,they r but the performance in these crucial match is very worst.Its seems that they r learning not playing,u can c the way yuvraj out ,he even not understand how he gets bowled he is so much experience player its a same a player like him .I give full marks to mendis as a new bowler he bowled vrey well with full confidence infront of a experience player.Now i think dhoni can understand that we need the help of seniors also ,as we can see inthe recent serious of australia the seniors plays the vital role like such as sachin ,he is always a great & will be always remains agreat players.with there's helps we win australians series in there home ground its not the only effort but much more than that.Now the over all its the best time to call some senior players and can make the undefeated teams so i want to tell dhoni,without there's help u will loose the crucial macthes every times.So please please think about these.

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santosh srivastav
by santosh srivastav on Jul 07, 2008 07:23 PM
May be ganguly's problem is he breaks the spirit of the team by divide & rule policy.....this current ODI team is the future of india & WC11 so they need to be groomed

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Screw Cricket
by deepak on Jul 07, 2008 06:17 PM  | Hide replies

India is useless. It plays game after game, it has lots of money, it has high profile players, high paid coaches, but it cant win if you have a spinner who bowls different ! Indians are stuck in mediocrity. Do something about it.

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Dire Straits
Tendulkar and Harby to return in the Test series vs Sri Lanka
by Dire Straits on Jul 07, 2008 05:40 PM  | Hide replies

Tendulkar and Harby to return vs Sri Lanka. Read further on Indiatimes.com

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RE:Tendulkar and Harby to return in the Test series vs Sri Lanka
by blackskin on Jul 07, 2008 06:03 PM
Why only Tendulkar?
when India needed he never played sheet anchor role, only few innings are not enough to make a place in team.

Doni is now over confident about his place and captaincy so he must be punished.

Yuvraj is behaving like a King so he must be screwed

Remains all having not in stabilized in team so think of player whose fitness 110% and performance 120%.

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