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'India's conduct was deplorable'

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by SHRIPAD PURANIK on Jan 30, 2008 02:13 PM  | Hide replies

Mr. Roebuck MUST understand that the decision to withdraw from Tri series was not an act for GETTING A FAVOURABLE VERDICT IN FAVOUR OF HARBHAJAN, but to maintain the pride of our country which has always fought Recism and to clear such a heinous charge on our player. The absuive language by Bradd HOGG was ignored by the match referee conveniently. As regards the Company that BCCI keeps (refer Zimbabway comment), pl note that BCCI is also in company of CA. Let the gentleman respect pride of the Asians as they have always been at the receiving end at the hands of MATCH REFEREES. It has been proved beyond doubt that the non-asian countries have always got away with all kinds of nonsense on the field. That in fact is an act of RACISM by the so called referees. As regards comments by our Sunil Gavaskar, pl note that he had always placed our country's pride above every thing else. Whatever he has said was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT and in the interest of the game of cricket.

Shripad Puranik

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Shashi Dharan
by Shashi Dharan on Jan 30, 2008 05:02 PM
India fighting racism? Here everyone is called by his race- Madrasi (Kaalu may also be added. Bara Baje Sardar, Saala Bihari, Saala Chamar. Open your eyes friend.

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vox populi
by vox populi on Jan 30, 2008 05:23 PM
there were a lot of people on this forum who called sreesanth monkey during the home series against australia.

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Mukesh Kumar
What is right is right
by Mukesh Kumar on Jan 30, 2008 01:55 PM  | Hide replies

Pure logic and common sense says, no one should threaten the legal system and try to influence it for making any decision. Agreed, Proctor did wrong and it was very evident. But BCCI challenging ICC and legal body about possible pull up was not at all fair. What if it would have happened in India that some Australian was on line they threaten to pull out. I am sure all of us would have been writing the same words what Peter has written in his column. And why to talk about his past, just talk about if he is right or not. His sporting credentials are very high and he commands tremendous respect from cricketing fraternity. He was the one who blasted Ponting off few days back. Where were we? No one asked for his history? We were happy because he spoke out his mind and many of us praised him to be upfront. Let us learn to take criticism in our stride just as we take positive feedbacks.

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australian conduct was deplorable
by raj on Jan 30, 2008 01:33 PM  | Hide replies

well, as if their on-field antics was not enough, they snubbed gavaskar, whose name was on the trophy. maybe we should call off that trophy in his name. we'll scrap it and make it a regular test tie. why should he continue with it when he was not called along with border this year, as they had done all these years ?

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parthasarathy sarathy
RE:australian conduct was deplorable
by parthasarathy sarathy on Jan 30, 2008 02:03 PM
For all his bias, Gavaskar deserves to be snubbed at every available opportunity.

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RE:australian conduct was deplorable
by pranam on Jan 30, 2008 01:42 PM
Calling X or Y is hosts decsion not yours and mine It is not mandatory that X or Y should be called

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Sharad Saxena
RE:australian conduct was deplorable
by Sharad Saxena on Jan 30, 2008 01:45 PM
Mr pranam,

a TEMPTED evidence has no value in judiciary...
why this stump microphone was not presented to Procter...I tell u bcoz nothing OBJECTIONABLE was recorded and later on they tempted with this microphone and produced it a evidence....FUNNY???

And Mr parnam, I challenge u..name a single country where judgement is made on the recorded voice as the ONLY EVIDENCE.....as everybody know that mimicry artist can easily copy other ' s voice.....accept the challenge if ur dare enough else stop crying like a crow...

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RE:australian conduct was deplorable
by pranam on Jan 30, 2008 01:54 PM
Mr Saxena say all this before sitting judge and come out clean Dont chicken out like a coward and a bully

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Sharad Saxena
by Sharad Saxena on Jan 30, 2008 01:31 PM  | Hide replies


Sorry Mr peter roubek, this proves u never gone 2 school

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by Amit on Jan 30, 2008 02:58 PM
lolz where comes physics in cricket :P can u explain which laws make uneven bounce or sudden turn in grounds :P .I m not against ur statement was not funny using physics priciples in cricket :)) even I have been in school too like peter roubek .but never heard those days any principles coming in cricket.lolz

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Sharad Saxena
by Sharad Saxena on Jan 31, 2008 10:42 PM
Dear Amit , I know u understood what i wanted 2 deliver....my simple point is who was the initiator of this issue....of course its Symonds and what Bhajji done that was reaction to the Symonds action.....

If u really serious then I can tell u truly applicable physics law....I give u clue....after catching the ball why u pull back your hands quickly:)...think over it and u will get physics law there....lol

I have some more APPLIED laws of physics....lol

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Sharad Saxena
by Sharad Saxena on Jan 30, 2008 01:28 PM


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Muralidhar Rao
Roebuck's past baggage
by Muralidhar Rao on Jan 30, 2008 01:25 PM

To hell with Peter. He was let off from jail in South Africa for assaulting 3 young teenagers. What Bhajji did is nothing in comparison. Get off your high moral pedestal Peter Roebuck. Just stick to facts. You are in no moral or ethical position to judge. You are one of the felons yourself. Shame on you.

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Muralidhar Rao
Roebuck's past baggage
by Muralidhar Rao on Jan 30, 2008 01:24 PM

To hell with Peter. He was let off from jail in South Africa for assaulting 3 young teenagers. What Bhajji did is nothing in comparison. Get off your high moral pedestal Peter Roebuck. Just stick to facts. You are in no moral or ethical position to judge. You are one of the felons yourself. Shame on you.

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Rajesh Dusad
The beginning of fall of OZ dictatorship on ICC.....
by Rajesh Dusad on Jan 30, 2008 01:16 PM  | Hide replies

Respected 'Professional' cricketers and their Board,
Please start practising to receive such whacks on your back side..

Hail BBCI !!!!!

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Shashi Dharan
RE:The beginning of fall of OZ dictatorship on ICC.....
by Shashi Dharan on Jan 30, 2008 05:07 PM
British Broadcasting Cricket of India?

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Rajesh Dusad
RE:The beginning of fall of OZ dictatorship on ICC.....
by Rajesh Dusad on Jan 30, 2008 10:03 PM
BCCI my dear friend....
By the way hat's off to your general knowledge...

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Aussies Given a Dose of their Own Medicine
by A P on Jan 30, 2008 01:11 PM  | Hide replies

Sledging should be banned from cricket immediately. Aussies are the ones who started it all. Now when the Indians are giving it back to them with interest, the Aussies are unable to bear the heat & go running to the match referee. What happened to their saying of "What happens on the field stays on the field" ? If Ponting & Co cannot take the heat, they have no business starting off sledging. Mr. Roebuck, well you may have issues with how BCCI swung the matter in India's favour. But if BCCI didn't back Indian players, then whom would back them, Cricket Australia? Aussies haven't been penalised adequately for their obnoxious behaviour. We all know life isn't fair & whoever pays calls the tune. Just as England & Australia lorded over the ICC in the olden days, its now India's turn. Anybody who cannot digest it can go & play other sport or they have the option of not playing with India or in India. Anyways I doubt whether we need to see that monkey Symonds back in India nor that boorish cheat Ponting. Aussies had better think a hundred times before trying any of their sledging tactics in the future with Indians coz we will give it back with interest pluz having the boorish Aussies banned for 10 -15 matches. If the ICC does not listen to India we will take over ICC. Chak De India!! Wake up Aussies to the new world order in cricket where you are mere mortals & Indians are the Gods. Ban Symonds for 15 matches for levelling false allegations & abusing Harbhajan Singh. Ban Ponting fo

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RE:Aussies Given a Dose of their Own Medicine
by pranam on Jan 30, 2008 01:24 PM
BCCI big bully of cricket Does not have guts to face an enquiry That too before a sitting judge If they had faced and come out victorious story would have been different

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by Rajamani on Jan 30, 2008 01:06 PM

This is a message from BCCI to ICC that India is no more a soft tagret. We will retaliate as we have the power now. See the case of Mcrath, Warne, Bond who used to sledge Indian players all the time, they are in contract with ICL for big money. So it is proved that with money we can attract current as well as ex players to play in our country. Y no other country has followed the suit ? Becuase only in India people r that much crazy about cricket. Afrer retirement even ponting, symonds also will join IPL and play in India in our grounds, & at that time he will not mind if some one from the crowd calls him monkey, becuase of money matter.

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