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BCCI to complain against umpiring

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Jimmy Thomas
continued,( declare the test unofficial)
by Jimmy Thomas on Jan 07, 2008 09:10 AM  | Hide replies

but first and formost, ICC has to declare this test unofficial, so that some justice is done. just imagine the hurt and indignation the indian players are going thru especially harbhajan singh after his performance in this match. the other point,we all know that aussies are the world champions, and the last thing they should be given at home especially, is help from the umpires, whatever little chance visiting teams get,are killed by the umpires like these,thus making the whole process a mockery. even if there have to be some iffy decisions made, they should be against the aussies, since by status and potential they r the best team to overcome them. ( this view is just a thought to make the games in australia a little more interesting) Its so ridiculous and thoughtless of the umpires to make it even harder for the visiting teams, as if already there is n't enough challenge. I seriously think its high time, technology is used. nothing should come in the way of making the result as correct and fair as possible ( not even loss of time)
as of harbhajan being banned for 3 test matches, that was not fair again. where was the evidence, even if he abused symonds, racially? nothing was recorded,umpires didnt hear anything and the word of the defence party(ponting,clarke & hayden) should not be taken as evidence, that's laughable and senseless judgement frm Mike procter.

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RE:continued,( declare the test unofficial)
by govin on Jan 07, 2008 10:16 AM
One thing is very clear these umpires and the match refree had made Ponting above the game of cricket, why the hell the umpire ask Ricky Ponting for that catch out when he had doubt instead of referring the decision to third umpire? second when there was no proof of Harbhajan using any racial words why again Ricky Ponting was asked? will the umpires will ask Kumble and give Punishment to Brad Hogg for his abusive words? NO AND NEVER?
Its very clear they all think Indians as useless third world country people, top of it our so called administrators are spine less people. Are they having guts to protest in a manner that an example will set in for future? Ask the screeing of all the faults made by umpires and nullify the record of this very match as any existed match, than only it will be considered that justice was done.
Ricky Ponting has been proofed to be biggest cheat and with no intigrity as a sports person.
One more thing Ricky Ponting and company of players who are promoting any of the goods in India, If we are real Indiands we should boycott all the items for economic reasons so that they understand the value of Indians and Indian sentiments.
Stand up India, Stand up Indians. Do not take this as routine thing if you have any self respect.----------- jai hind

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Selective Honesty III
by on Jan 07, 2008 09:10 AM

2.      There was clearly no bat involved

Does Ponting has a right to appeal there? Absolutely yes whether he knows the batsman is out or not. His job is to get the opposition out whichever way possible within the laws of the game and he is doing his job. It is for the umpire to decide whether there is a catch or not. But Holier than Though attitude just because once he declared a Non-Catch? Just because Mr. Ponting says something (as a fielder not as a batsman mind you), everyone must believe him because he is the Australian Captain.

So, let this garb of selective honesty be taken of. Just let the world know that you are here to play cricket and win. You have a job to do %u2013 score runs and get opposition out, umpires have a job to do %u2013 to decide (which is another topic to write volumes on) and get on with it. Do not harp on this credibility and honesty stuff, on taking the word of the fielder, on turning in to a saint from a selfish run hungry batsman.

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Select Honesty II
by on Jan 07, 2008 09:09 AM  | Hide replies

Umpires are there to do a job and if a batsman wants to wait for umpire to give a decision, so be it.

The problem arises when the Australian team says you believe me when I am fielding and taking catches but I am going to let the umpire do the job when I am batting because that is my definition of Integrity. Sorry, but that is difficult for me digest. Why not let the umpire do the job when you are fielding as well? What makes you turn into Mother Teresa suddenly when you go in as a fielder? Michael Slater mentioned on the TV during the TV broadcast on Star Sports that Fielding and Batting are two different Beasts. Why so Mr. Slater? Are you referring to the skills required for two aspects of cricket or are you referring to selective change of character of a person when he changes from a batsman to a fielder? And if it is the second, may I know what makes that transformation in an individual happen? Trust is something that you earn and not demand. Isn%u2019t that something that we learn in real life?

Mr. Ricky Ponting wants us not to question his integrity. Here is a man who was clearly caught behind on the first day, but within his rights I must say, stayed on and ultimately got out to another wrong decision. Then he is questioned by a media person on his catch and appeal against MS Dhoni and he slams the reporters because he is questioning his integrity. This is after all the replays showed

1.      Catch was not completed (unless the definition of a completed catch has cha

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deepak bansal
RE:Select Honesty II
by deepak bansal on Jan 07, 2008 02:58 PM
this is a loss for not India or Austrailian cricket.....a loss for all cricket players, lovers and patrons of the game....ICC has to consider this....cricket is after all still known as a gentleman's game

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Selective Honesty
by on Jan 07, 2008 09:07 AM


Since I was a small child growing up in India, like all of us, all of us been fed on heavy doses of the principles of Honesty, Integrity and values. All the school books that we read or were supposed to read but did not, countless hours of lectures that all of us received from the learned teachers and parents and all the religious, moral and historical literature that we grew up on stressed on these same principles.

The problem that I have with all that now is that nowhere in this vast reservoir of knowledge and experience that we drowned ourselves in, talked about selective Honesty. Nowhere did it mention that you can declare yourselves to be honest in one area of life but stand up and beat your chest with pride that I have already told I am not going to be Honest in another area. If anyone has come up with this kind of explanation of Honesty, Integrity and CREDIBILITY, I would be very seriously interested in learning from that text. To me Credibility is earned through overall conduct and character of a person, not SELECTIVE acts.

So is this article about cricket or moral values? Lets take this in context of the second India %u2013 Australia test about which so much has already been written and clear fences have been erected between Indian Media and Australian Media.

Should batsmen walk when they know they are out? To me, this is their personal prerogative. Umpires are there to do a job and if a batsman wants to wait for umpire to gi

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archana george
india should boycott
by archana george on Jan 07, 2008 09:04 AM

india should just boycott the games ahead.
this is too much, not only didnt they give the aussie cricketers out, but yesterday when on to give out to dravid and ganguly all on false basis,,, and now tehy comin up with charges against harbhajan.. this is too much.. how much should the indians tolerate...i think they should just walk out...

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Jimmy Thomas
declare the test unofficial!!!only solution...
by Jimmy Thomas on Jan 07, 2008 08:50 AM

in my opionion the only solution make the situation a little justified is to declare the test unofficial and thefore null & void. even the most ardent aussie fan will know in their conscience,that australia doesn't deserve this victory.( I still believe that they are the best team in the world if you take into account their past performances and their true potential.) but this crosser all the limits. I mean, if there were not obvious umpiring blunders, india could have won the match with the position aussies were in 195/6, and symonds adding another 130 runs to his personal score there. look at the way equations change after that. I thought laxman and tendulkar got lucky with lbw's two later, but that's later, you would never know wht would have happened if the aussies were to be bold out for say a score of 230 or 250. the ramnifications of such a decision is too huge to neglect it. ponting also got lucky when he was on 10. the umpires made bad decisions against the aussies too, albeit to a lesser extent. one can never conclude that they are biased but one this is for sure: they are highly incompetent. if umpiring errors are allowed to decide the fate of a high profile test match, then there is seriously something wrong. ICC should wake up atleast now and take the help of technology, in a manner that is largely acceptable to all. ( you can never satisfy all). something like tennis could be tried, like (3) challenges for both the batsmen and fielding side. (contd)

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Lucky B
Show unity against monkies
by Lucky B on Jan 07, 2008 05:50 AM

Let's observe one whole day mourning of untimely death of Australian morality. Don't watch, listen, and read any Cricket news of the first day of the third test.

Sponsor will beg for our mercy.

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