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Tendulkar on the backfoot

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by prakash on Mar 07, 2008 01:33 PM


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Kanchi Thalaivan
sachin backfoot
by Kanchi Thalaivan on Feb 28, 2008 05:08 PM

i will ask you people(sachin haters). had sachin been in the position of sangakara and gambir you people would have critised sachin that he plays for records. so you people understand for winning team work is required. see ricky ponting whether he scores century or not the team is winning because that is team work.

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Kanchi Thalaivan
sachin backfoot
by Kanchi Thalaivan on Feb 28, 2008 04:52 PM

see people, if statistics are true we have to accept it. to write statistics it is not necessery they should play criicket and score so many centuries. take harsha bogle comments during match, how many match he has played? even ravisastry comments about tendu that 'again he walk across the crease' when tendul out lbw by lee, in this case whether ravi has not out by any or some lbw. the guy who has given stat. has showed upto 2006 tendu had been very good in both the innings(1st and 2nd). recent years tend is not in good attacking form while chasing which is true.

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Sachin Zad
Who is Rajneesh Gupta?
by Sachin Zad on Feb 28, 2008 01:54 AM  | Hide replies

Have you ever played cricket? Just because you know how to type doesnt make you a columnist..!!
If that was the criteria every computer literate would have become an expert cricket columnist in this country..!!
And stop playing with statistics..!! being a management consultant I know that it is not statistics that prove a thing..it is first we decide what we want to prove and then use statistics to supplement it..!! tomorrow using the same numbers you can prove that Sachin Tendulkar never even existed as a batsman..!! so forget about writting in rediff..get some better job which will not just earn bread for you but also some respect from people..!!

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nizam bad
RE:Who is Rajneesh Gupta?
by nizam bad on Feb 28, 2008 03:20 AM
What is it with all the Tendulkar fans, who get very upset whenever someone points out his deficiencies through statistics? Why don't you try and have any constructive arguments? Most of you just resort to name calling and ignore the importance of statistics.

The statistics are pretty straight forward, as far as I'm concerned. Tendulkar doesn't score when India chases big targets. He doesn't score in the forth innings of a test either. Here is one more statistic for you: In almost 18 years of playing test cricket, he has not scored more than 500 runs in a test series. This means, he doesn't score big either. Just enough to keep the die-hard fans happy not enough to keep his side winning though.

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sunil vyas
by sunil vyas on Feb 27, 2008 07:43 PM

Sachin has always been the mild and sober ambassador of the game hardly into any controversy ever. Saachin Tendulkar, The original and real Master Blaster. genius think the way that some other people cannot think. You have to give geniuses the room because they know the game better than anyone else. He has got fantastic character. If you have mental strength, half your battle is won. Then you just need certain skills to take you through. Sachin is blessed with both. When you combine mental strength with character you get a fighter- a strong desire, technique and the will to play the game in the right spirit. Sachin is a combination of both and that is explosive. His adrenaline pumps strongly when he walks out to bat with the noise of the crowds. You can%u2019t hear yourself think with that noise. If he was limited, he would score more double-centuries and even a couple of triple tons. From the moment he arrives at the crease you know something is going to happen. He loves to dominate and take the game to the opposition. His stroke-play has made him popular with crowds around the world, that is why he plays better away from home. He has been a doyen to the game. Given the adulation and the expectations, he has carried himself in an exemplary manner. %u201CSachin%u2019s strength is his focus. He decides what is good for his game. Once you are focused, half the battle is won. The gift that he has is rare %u2013 not everyone has it. But he has not frittered it away.

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sunil vyas
by sunil vyas on Feb 27, 2008 07:24 PM

WHENEVER Sachin Tendulkar wields the willow, the nation freezes. Considering this fact, the debate whether he is a watch-winner or not seems to be redundant. Today, when Sachin goes out to bat, he has over a billion people praying for him. So, whether he is a MATCH-WINNER or not, who cares: he is a HEART-WINNER. After all, the commitment shown by him over the last decade or so towards the overall game in general and the Indian team in particular has been exemplary. Just notice the vigour and intensity with which he runs between the wickets %u2014 attempting to convert singles into two's and three's %u2014 as if his very life depended on these runs! Why, he even put aside his father's death during the 1999 World Cup %u2014 to wear his beloved India colours, despite the opponents being the lowly Kenyans. What more can we ask of him? He is a genius no doubt and deserves laurels and accolades. achin is a match winner in his own right. It is not just because of his cricketing brilliance. Its because of his sheer presence, which motivates the players and also sends shock waves into the opposition. I still remember Shane Warne in Channel 9 recollecting his duels with Sachin. Nothing can unsettle this genius. He goes on and says for a player like Sachin "we need to work out many strategies to get him out". This is where Sachin becomes a match-winner.

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sunil vyas
Why Sachin is a match winner
by sunil vyas on Feb 27, 2008 11:10 AM

WHENEVER Sachin Tendulkar wields the willow, the nation freezes. Considering this fact, the debate whether he is a watch-winner or not seems to be redundant. Today, when Sachin goes out to bat, he has over a billion people praying for him. So, whether he is a MATCH-WINNER or not, who cares: he is a HEART-WINNER. After all, the commitment shown by him over the last decade or so towards the overall game in general and the Indian team in particular has been exemplary. Just notice the vigour and intensity with which he runs between the wickets %u2014 attempting to convert singles into two's and three's %u2014 as if his very life depended on these runs! Why, he even put aside his father's death during the 1999 World Cup %u2014 to wear his beloved India colours, despite the opponents being the lowly Kenyans. What more can we ask of him? He is a genius no doubt and deserves laurels and accolades. achin is a match winner in his own right. It is not just because of his cricketing brilliance. Its because of his sheer presence, which motivates the players and also sends shock waves into the opposition. I still remember Shane Warne in Channel 9 recollecting his duels with Sachin. Nothing can unsettle this genius. He goes on and says for a player like Sachin "we need to work out many strategies to get him out". This is where Sachin becomes a match-winner.

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sunil vyas
by sunil vyas on Feb 27, 2008 11:09 AM  | Hide replies

Sachin always keeps the opposition guessing. Kapil Dev, Gavaskar, Vengsarkar, Azhar, Dravid, Laxman, Ganguly are match-winners, but Sachin is greater than them because whether he scores or not, he keeps the opposition on their toes. The very fear of the rival bowlers makes Sachin a match-winner. Tendulkar holds the record for winning the maximum `Man of the Match' awards in one-day internationals. India has won almost 80 per cent of the one-dayers in which Sachin has scored a century. Sachin is an emperor in world cricket. Tendulkar has shone as the one man gladiator for India. SOMEONE once said "an expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows everything about nothing". The same applies to those experts who have conferred upon themselves the right to come hard upon someone who I would term a national asset. Tendulkar outweighs statistics and numbers. That is reflected in his altruistic and dedicated batting which thoroughly impresses even my granny. Tendulkar is a match-winner, although in a team of 11 when everyone gives his best it would be an overstatement, but the number of times that Sachin has put India within sniffing distance of a victory is a sign of his class and commitment. s it because he has not won any one-day finals in the last few years? But how many of these finals would we have reached but for Sachin? Does it not take a match-winner to win the matches which take us to the final?

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nizam bad
by nizam bad on Feb 27, 2008 08:11 PM
Take any sport that is being played (Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Racing etc), the greatest players that have played that sport have always made the most important games their own. How many of you can really say that about Tendulkar in Cricket? The dominating Tendulkar that you are talking about played his gaime in the 90s and has not played that brand of cricket in more than a decade, except occasionally. If you let any cricketer play for that long, I'm sure they are all goig to produce such an innings occasionally.

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Rajneesh Gupta
by on Feb 27, 2008 08:52 AM  | Hide replies

Mr. Gupta get a life and please write your articles responsibly. Yuvraj Singh now becomes a senior just becuase you don't have Ganguly and Dravid to hammer away at your'e now searching for others. What failures are you talking about. Dhoni and Yuvraj are the same age when you pu forth statisticswhy dont you add Dhoni to the list and the work the statistics out. Anyway Dhoni failed during the test series why didnt you say anything then, he performs now in the ODI series and cricket lovers are patient. Likewise Sachin perfomed against Sri Lanka today and one needs to be patient. Trow whe Rohit Sjarma fails you would call him a a senior. Get a life dude or another profession, its a shame rediff hires people like yourself who are junile in their thinking and get al tight when a senior pro like Tendulkar fails in a few games. Look at the larger picture, guess you woul if you could truely understand the game. Your article and stats are ludicrous to say the least.



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RE:Rajneesh Gupta
by Ramesh on Feb 28, 2008 10:40 AM
fist thing is to select one based on performance and reasonable chances and decide whether he is fit or not . when people like yuvraj and dhone fails in tests why you keep them in tests instead of discarding them give antoher yougster a chance . you use different tactics for different .why you discard ganguly who scores a century, followed by a double century? Give him a chance against dhoni and so hypes and compare them in 5 or 10 onedays and use statistics and compare who are great. it is not fair when you discard one and compare him with others when you are unfairly giving more chances and always you try to find a way to remove him all the time. What a great country we are in. it is shame

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