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Fire or Retire: Team India's new mantra

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Bengali Ganguly Supporters?
by Dasapraksh on Feb 05, 2008 05:13 AM  | Hide replies

Where are you people, when your fellow Bengalis are killed by ur Bengali Govt? Are they not ur brothern?? only Ganguly is Bengali?

Other Indian Nationalist ...Those who support BCCI team because of your 'Love of the country'..India is not at all at SHAME when BCCI team loss at worldcup but when the KILLER got elected in Gujarat

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:Bengali Ganguly Supporters?
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 06:02 AM
good point dasaprakash. But you know its easier to criticise than to put forward solutions. So I ask you how you suggest we solve this problem

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RE:Bengali Ganguly Supporters?
by AnUnknownIndian on Feb 05, 2008 06:45 AM
@Dasaprakash. In one of your message you said Ganguly made it to the Indian team becoz dalmiya pulled some strings. Can you please tell me How many strings were pulled by Dalmiya to enable Ganguly to score 10000 plus runs in ODI or to play 100 tests. I am no fan of Ganguly but I suggest you to look at the positive side of it. The way he was thrown out and the way he came back and proved himself is a great case for management study, for determination, hard work and dedication. Your critisism will be well taken provided you can appriciate too.

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S Nagarajan
RE:Bengali Ganguly Supporters?
by S Nagarajan on Feb 05, 2008 10:44 AM
Dear AnUnknownIndian,

I am also sourav fan, But i cant accept all the lies u are making.

Who leaked Chappel's secret email to BCCI about ganguly to the press? everyone in india knows it. it is Dalmiya. he did it to favour sourav.

hence dont think people will forget the past and dont make lies here.

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RE:Bengali Ganguly Supporters?
by DIGITAL GLOBAL on Feb 07, 2008 06:12 PM



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Mahesh Dave
by Mahesh Dave on Feb 05, 2008 04:45 AM

He is a crap......because of that Dhobi....if india loose and he come back to India......He needs more security.......

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derc cruse
REply to Rajnikanth Nayak
by derc cruse on Feb 05, 2008 03:23 AM  | Hide replies

"by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 04, 2008 10:55 PM
Let me make one thing clear. I never liked ganguly. he came into the Indian partly due to the influnce of dalmiya. he proved himslef later, but thats a different story. I still remember the bullshit explanation the selectors gave for preferring ganguly over kambli "Ganguly can bowl". For you information it was ganguly who eased kumble out of the ODI team. You can check the old enwpaper reports and you will find I am right. And lastly my problem is not with you harping about ganguly its more about you cursing this team to failure just becoz ganguly is not in it. Its people ike you who stood and supported south africa over india in eden gardens and out the unity of india to shame. It is this kind of regionism over nationalism that makes me sick.

And for my parting shot. Whatever great deeds ganguly may do, he will always remain someone who made it to the Indian team becoz dalmiya pulled some strings to get his "boy" in. PERIOD."

If Ganguly is chosen by Dalmia then rest of the Indian team also chosen by different lobies like mumbai and all. You guys are so envious that you want to malign somebody's achievements by saying these fabricated stuff. Some of you also say Tagore got Nobel prize by Lobbying and so is Amartya Sen. Come on achieve and then talk. Actually you guys are hard worker, but dont have much stuff inside so what happens?? You know

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RE:REply to Rajnikanth Nayak
by Rams on Feb 05, 2008 04:19 AM
There are a number of players who got into the team because of a god father. If Ganguly could not prove himself initially, there was no way Dalmia could have kept getting Ganguly into the team. Ganguly turned out to be the 2nd best indian player in ODIs.

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:REply to Rajnikanth Nayak
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 04:24 AM
He has there is no doubt about but he has gone past the past where he can be a regular in the ODI team. Its time for him to stand back and wtach the juniors prove themselves. If the juniors fail then ganguly is always there as an option. I fwe play ganguly now then there will be no way to assess the juniors for the future.

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Raju Roy
RE:REply to Rajnikanth Nayak
by Raju Roy on Feb 05, 2008 03:57 AM
You are dumb little shit, that is why you talk about Kambli over Ganguly and talk about support South Africa over India, it's because of injustice, and Lobbiies it's the blood of Mumbai and South India to control the BCCI.

Check facts and then talk or Shut up and follow the game rather than blame any person, you may have personal dislike because you/your players are not at per with Ganguly's standard, but that do not give your so called views that Ganguly came from Lobbies.

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:RE:REply to Rajnikanth Nayak
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 04:05 AM
My dear come what may. I have only expressed my opinion and if I am not mistaken my opinion has been held true by an interview gangulys brother once gave. If you google search you may find it. Is still stand by my statements and you are free to point out the facts to prove me wrong. But i will still request you all not to be abusive.

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:REply to Rajnikanth Nayak
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 04:00 AM
Just another thing derc cruise. You seem to think i am anti bengali. The truth is I do not have anything for or against bengalis. My problem is that for the sake of one person all ganguly supporters think it is ok to curse the Indian and praying for it to fail. Such anti nationalism is what I am against. I think you are a bengali and I am just going to make one statement hoping you understand. Even a nationlist like subash chandra bose would have dissapproved of the anti nationalist only bengali sentiments that you are propagating. What you are doing here is not just bad from the view of the cricket team but also from the view of the union of india. I am just asking you to put the nation first and pray that the team does well irrespective of ganguly being in or out of the team.

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:REply to Rajnikanth Nayak
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 03:46 AM
Ypu may be right but there are certain players like sachin laxman and kumble who came to the team solely on merit. These players did not have any lobby to back them only pure talent. I have nothing to say about amartya sen or tagore, i did not follow their exploilts but i have followed the exploits of the indian team for quite soem time and I stand by my statement that if dalmiya did not put his hand up in support for ganguly, then ganguly would have taken a lot longer to enter the team and would probably never have been cpatain. That is the reason i will never like him. However, there is no doubt that ganguly has proved himself at the top level. But currently he should not be a part of the odi team. He and dravid will be good cushions to fall back on if the junios fail big time. I will however thank you for not using abusive language which i notice many ganguly supporters are doing.

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google lover
by google lover on Feb 05, 2008 03:18 AM  | Hide replies

how about the mantra "just-stop-blabbering-nonsense-in-the-media-and-actually-shut-up-and-perform"

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rajanikanth nayak
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 03:22 AM
Actually the mantra should be. Hey-media-stop-highlighting-everything-that-the-cricket-team-does. Very soon they will start writing about the toilet habits that the players are adopting to win games.

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google lover
by google lover on Feb 05, 2008 03:31 AM
im sure rediff will be the forerunner for this considering their fixation with cricket and cinestars

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Jasper kim
Fire who
by Jasper kim on Feb 05, 2008 02:59 AM

Who are they going to replace these guys with? India most likely will never win 50-75% of their matches like australia so I see no point in issuing a statement like this. Selectors should also be cut if the players they select fall flat.

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Doogie Hauser
Why are Indians so stressed about team selections?
by Doogie Hauser on Feb 05, 2008 02:30 AM  | Hide replies


A few things need to be made clear. The reason you have young players in the India team is for experience. You're playing in the tri series against the two teams that made the last world cup final, and you guys were booted out in the group stage.

So, there is an obvious class difference (in more ways than one) between the Oz/SL teams and the Indian team. You wouldn't expect Kenya to win a game in such illustrious company, so why do you expect India?

Anyways...after the experience of playing in big games in this series, India might become competitive enough to get past the group stage in the next world cup. Now thats progress.

Even big boys need little steps to learn how to walk.

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:Why are Indians so stressed about team selections?
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 02:37 AM
Excellent points man. But just one qestion why are you hiding behind a faka name to put forward your convictions.

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:Why are Indians so stressed about team selections?
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 03:08 AM
no it doesnt. but you may want to think up a new alias. Doogie howser is long gone. even the actor is all grown up and has moved on to different roles.

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:Why are Indians so stressed about team selections?
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 03:23 AM
Nah the actor is way more fun on "how i met your mother". I wish they didnt have to stop becoz of the strike.

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Having a mantra is not enough. You need skills too
by CricFan01 on Feb 05, 2008 01:45 AM  | Hide replies

Just having a mantra will not make India perform better. The players need to have the necessary skills to perform at the highest level. We can then talk about other things, like aggressiveness etc. With all due respect, only a couple of youngsters look really capable of surviving in international cricket for long. Rohit Sharma is one of them. Gambhir, despite his performances in T20 and few ODIs, is not good enough to play against top class bowling - his technique is suspect and tends to get LBW. Tiwary looked out of place in the 1st ODI. It is not the number of runs he makes but the manner of his game that determines promise. We cannot judge a player based on one performance, lets hope that Tewary performs better in future. Uthappa should be dropped, he knows only one way of playing, just walking down the wicket and smashing the ball. He just cannot play off the back foot- this is key to success in Aus. It was because of this, that he got out in 1st ODI. Aus are too smart to allow him full length deliveries. They will keep bowling him short pitched and cramp him for room. Moreover this guy (except for a couple of innings) does not have good shot selection and mostly gets out in 20s after being set. While it is good to plan for 2011 WC but there is no point in making that as the only focus and select only raw players even it means loosing games? We need to also win the games in between so there needs to be balance between youth and experience. I think Dhoni should be kicked o

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RE:Having a mantra is not enough. You need skills too
by CricFan01 on Feb 05, 2008 01:50 AM
out of the team as he cannot play outside subcontinent. He is the much hyped player with not much to back his performance abroad. I doubt if he would survive in the team till 2011 WC. They removed Sehwag from vice-captaincy because he was not performing with the bat. What is Dhoni doing? I also think making Dhoni Vice Captain for tests is a mistake. Sehwag is a better choice and he has good record in all the countries he played. Moreover he is more than useful off spinner. He is a better candidate to take over the test captaincy from Kumble. Even in ODI, Sehwag looks better candidate than Dhoni.

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rajanikanth nayak
RE:Having a mantra is not enough. You need skills too
by rajanikanth nayak on Feb 05, 2008 02:03 AM
As far as dhoni's performance outside the sucontinent goes I think you are forgeting the two fifties he played against england in england. Also I think he gave quite a decent performance during the 20 20 cup. I think the pressure of captiancy is affecting his batting and only time will tell whether he will survuve or not. As far as sehwag as vice captain goes i am not sure that now is the time to put the pressure of leadership on him especially since he hasnt reestablished himslf completely yet.If i may point out he has only made one century since his comeback and he has failed in the last two games. let him establish himself properly and make a bunch of runs. Once he does that depending on dhonis form a decision on change of leadership can be taken. All said and done ,the selctors must be cngratulated for not giving dhoni the test captaincy.

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RE:Having a mantra is not enough. You need skills too
by DIGITAL GLOBAL on Feb 07, 2008 06:26 PM

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ramprasad mantravadi
Stupid Management Mantras
by ramprasad mantravadi on Feb 05, 2008 01:29 AM

How about these management slogans :

LGTHOHBBLAHBHAB - Lets Get The Hell Out of Here Before Brett Lee And His Band Hurl Another Boucer

WITNOTGIGOWM - What In The Name Of The God Is Going On With Me

HIPWITNTMOTYODWNMOOTT - Hope I Play Well In The Next Two Matches Or That Yuvraj Or Dinesh Will Nuke Me Out of The Team.

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Mrs Mary Uthappa
by Mrs Mary Uthappa on Feb 05, 2008 01:07 AM  | Hide replies


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ramprasad mantravadi
by ramprasad mantravadi on Feb 05, 2008 12:42 PM
hello UthappaM., top that with some chillis and onions.

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Utpal Parekh
RE:ROBIN must play
by Utpal Parekh on Feb 05, 2008 01:00 AM
Dear Madam,
Your son is indeed very talented and we cricket lovers will never forget how he got us victory at the Oval...amazing knock it was!!

Your son has talent, an amazing range of shots and has a very bright future!! However, he needs to improve his shot selection....he plays very risky stuff which gets him into trouble and prevents him from becoming a top flight player!!
If he imporves his shot selection, i'am sure he will be a mainstay of our batting!!

Utpal Parekh

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IPL Fans
RE:ROBIN must play
by IPL Fans on Feb 05, 2008 01:01 AM
Read/Discuss All of your IPL hotwire news in IPLFans (you know what to to put after that) in the web browser.

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