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RE:What woudlve happened if Bhajji slapped Tendulkar
by raghavan on Apr 28, 2008 11:12 AM
Cool it..WHy drag Sachin who has been an epitome of sportsmanship and humility into this brawl? DOnt you guys have anything better to do? Always find something to fight over!!!
Remember you are talking of a man who has given limitless hours of dedication to his sport and so many victories for India. Everytime this guy walks up all INdia wants him to score centuries, win from impossible situations and so on. Have you guys ever stopped for a moment to think of what you have achieved in your worthless lives..apart from bitching about sportsmen?
Go get a life man..If you cant do that do yourself and everyone a favour ... jump into the sea...

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Rashmikant M Jani
RE:RE:What woudlve happened if Bhajji slapped Tendulkar
by Rashmikant M Jani on Apr 29, 2008 05:50 PM
A Cruked Guy like Bajji can do to his GodFather
Tendulkar,why He can try with BCCI President Mr.Sharad Pawar too!!
He knows he is indispensibale in Cricket world,
He always hv tried number of times & proved he is always right! Paisa hath ka mel hai!!
BCCI,knows Bajji can'tbe repaced or they hv to work Hard to locate other Spinner,Kumble hs already Retaired,Bhajji can slap Faroq Enginer for giving Judgement againest him.PCI r more poweful atleast have guts to throw Akhtar out,even they hv to losse any thing.
Hope Mr. Sharad,Mr.Tendulkar Decide to hv GUTS to Sack a Sardar fom Indian team!!! No Maratha can do such ting since they r Scared,Not 2 repeat WestBengal issue like Saurav Dada!!!!

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terence francis
bajji too bad
by terence francis on Apr 27, 2008 10:17 PM  | Hide replies

he should be banned from playing again. its an insult for indian cricket. he has crossed the limits.no one can do such things which is an insult to cricket and to the nation

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RE:bajji too bad
by RAJAT GULATI on Apr 28, 2008 10:48 AM
both should be banned from playing few matches... we have not seen bhajji slapping him neither know the reason of slapping him.... but we and world have seen sree crying on tv.... thats an insult... this proves we require more maturity handling such matters!! they are all are professional players and they are playing for India first then for themselves.... and they dont have any right to cry infront of camera like that making Indian image down in world sprots arena!

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What the F means provocated
by Vasudev on Apr 27, 2008 09:48 PM  | Hide replies

What the F U guys are talking about. We are in modern era and not playing gilly danda on the streets. There is no 2nd thought about letting Harbajan playing Cricket for the country. He should be banned for life. Even if he is povocated, who the F in the world is going to slap a fellow person. If someone argues about that then that person must be brought in front of me and I can F him out of shape

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mahendra sapa
RE:What the F means provocated
by mahendra sapa on Apr 28, 2008 12:37 AM
Yes. I like Harbhajan, but he has crossed his limit. HE MUST BE BANNED FOR NEXT 5 YEARS.

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RE:What the F means provocated
by RAJAT GULATI on Apr 28, 2008 10:52 AM
have u seen him slapping sree? or if he has slapped him do u know the reason fot it? we all dont have any reason for it... bhajji is very good player and it may b a case sree is doing a drama on tv?? but what ever is the matter this has created a huge insult for Indian cricket! they both should be punished accordingly speacilly sree for crying infront of camera! ask him to be Indian and dont insult indian team in front of world... this is not a tv series!

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RE:What the F means provocated
by Readiff on Apr 28, 2008 02:21 PM
Why not blame Yuvi for continuing him in the next game?

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Anti Sikh Bias in BCCI
by V S on Apr 27, 2008 09:20 PM  | Hide replies

It's ironic that BCCI is run by upper caste hindus and there is not a single christian , muslim , sikh , OBC hindu in that organization.

Bhajji's punishment smacks of anti sikh bias.

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RE:Anti Sikh Bias in BCCI
by RAJAT GULATI on Apr 28, 2008 10:58 AM
dont start your own cheap drama! Be Indian! If you want to join and change something come ahead and fight legally for what u think is right... rather than provoking religion!!

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RE:Anti Sikh Bias in BCCI
by Bhajamachhultaiakhai on Apr 27, 2008 11:43 PM
Aur keya sochega tu bundhgobi! Dimag nahi to kuchh bhi nahi! salla taxi driver.

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atruth prevails -aussies rock
by ashish on Apr 27, 2008 09:08 PM

so much for all the aussies bashing ,aussies are doin the best in da IPL and haydy and symmo were right ,indians will never change just cry babies and losers

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Shame to BCCI
by on Apr 27, 2008 08:13 PM  | Hide replies

At last BCCI has achieved in dividing the Indian Nation Team.This has been proved in Bhaji Sheeshant episode.It is not the fault of Bahji and ShreeShant but BCCI is SOLELY responsible and should Appolozise to the Nation.I being INDIAN have been hurt..

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RE:Shame to BCCI
by ashish on Apr 27, 2008 09:09 PM
u retard if u love india so much why did u flee

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RE:Shame to BCCI
by on Apr 28, 2008 01:05 AM
Because I am working FOR Indian COMPANY as Software engineer.Don't be so rude.I still love and respect you.It is my oppinion and your views can differ from mine.Be Happy and GOD BLESS YOU.

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RE:Shame to BCCI
by on Apr 28, 2008 01:27 AM
BCCI is only after MONEY.U r correct that INDIAN TEAM has been divided in many GROUPS.Selling and Buying of players was shameful.Harbhajan and Shreesant who were fighting together for India now finghting among themselves.BCCI should be SORRY for what they have done to CRICKET. Joginder Sharma,DELHI

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Prakash Padukone
RE:Lungi Dance -- Deccan Kaaliyas
by Prakash Padukone on Apr 27, 2008 06:33 PM
And the north indian bhaiyyas, bhikaris without any money or just plain draridrawasis, beggars, who cannot match the money power of the west are jealous. These domesticated cattle or north indian monkeys of an inferior race are a blot on India, just look at the uneducated and illiterate masses in Bihar, UP Punjab and MP and you know what I am talking about.

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Prakash Padukone
RE:Lungi Dance -- Deccan Kaaliyas
by Prakash Padukone on Apr 27, 2008 06:42 PM
It is the same man, they are north and these bikharis from teh north will migrate and give their mth and sis to anybody to reach anywhere and work, and then they start getting wings. These bhayyaas and northies are the most corrupt, dirtiest and filthiest people in India, and bacuse of which India always lags behind., Look at Delhi, a rape a day, and so is UP and Bihar, they understand only one language and the language of the gannd maro, that catch hold of their hair (which ever northie) and put a bamboo up their backsides and treat them like cattle.

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bhaji''pakka waist''
by rajith on Apr 27, 2008 05:29 PM  | Hide replies

now matt hayden proved himself right.he is not at all a world class bowler .he is just a waist

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RE:bhaji''pakka waist''
by Bhajamachhultaiakhai on Apr 27, 2008 05:45 PM
waist or waste???
These half educated guys are ruining English.

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santosh satpathy
RE:bhaji''pakka waist''
by santosh satpathy on Apr 27, 2008 06:30 PM
who is this English dog??

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