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Stats highlights: England vs Zimbabwe

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mahendra sharma
Call Sachin for 20-Twenty
by mahendra sharma on Sep 14, 2007 11:35 AM

BCCI should send sachin for Twenty-20 world cup.
B'cos we want india to win this cup. & Sachin is top scorer in last 3 series.he is the only inform & consistant batsman these days. Do doubt that Sachin is still The Best. that he al ready prooved in last series.no one in indian team near by sachin in last three series.so he shuold be called for Twenty-twenty also. if we want india to win, we need to have sachin in the team.he is the only who can give us victory

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Indians particularly North and South Indians are good people, but some of them suffer from a superiority complex.
by Yogaguru on Sep 14, 2007 08:46 AM

Indians particularly North and South Indians are good people, but some of them suffer from a superiority complex.
Be ready to admit that complacence is a great weakness for a nation.
Admit that East or western people are equally good.
Bengalis are a most powerful race to surge ahead.
They are intelligent, cultured and educated.
If you want to pull them back or abuse them you would not be successful.
Actually the Bengalis and the Punjabis suffered most due to politics of partition etc.
Punjab was divided into Himachal, Pakistan and Haryana. Bengal into East and West.
If these two could remain united we could have found a better India.
Anyway talented sportsmen are there in these places.
Many Bengal and Punjab player were denied the opportunity to play for India. Injustice was done to Saurav, Deep Ranadeb to name a few.
Now yesterday you saw Jhulan bagging the ICC award.
Today Bangladesh beats WINDIES.
Be ready to see the rise of Bangla and Punjab again.

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