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Symonds faces abuse yet again

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by Jolly on Oct 18, 2007 09:50 PM

Andy issue is becoming a bore. Let him go back so that the monkey noises will not be made and we can enjoy a good T20 match.

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the truth
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:38 PM  | Hide replies

Indians and Pakis are all jealous of the aussies and symonds is an aussome batsman who is a threat to india and he said somethin that went up their noses so the jealousy came out fromthe stands but end of story MAN OF SERIES _SYMONDS ,WORLD CHAMPS _OZ so guess who is having the last laugh lol

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RE:the truth
by HARD HITTER on Oct 18, 2007 09:51 PM
whats the use of winning the series, when you ended up with a misery and that to by indian tail enders. hoe humiliating it was for aussies that they could not content tail enders.
Look at the faces of ponting, symonds and co pathetic.

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RE:the truth
by Jolly on Oct 18, 2007 09:55 PM
Yes our guys have taken the sweetness out of their series win. They will leave our shores with a doubt lingering still...

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RE:the truth
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:55 PM
when they lose wat u want em to be happy or wat and wat do they care they trashed india on indian soil and they have a trophy to take back and world rankings india has gone down to no7 aussies have no placeup to go lol

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Mohd Haris
RE:the truth
by Mohd Haris on Oct 18, 2007 10:00 PM
Hey India is ranked fourth in the official ICC RANKINGS. Rediff's cricket ratings and just as fkd up as its movie ratings.

They don't fkn count, anyway...

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RE:the truth
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 10:05 PM
dude they have gone down from 6 to 7 on the ICC rankings and that was said before the cup id india beat oz they go to no 2 else if they lose (which they did lol) they go to no 7 ,it was official

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RE:the truth
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 10:08 PM


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RE:RE:the truth
by vasu on Oct 19, 2007 01:46 AM
India is #4 in ODIs and #3 in tests
Try to know facts before writing shi*t

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Getting back one's own medicin
by Anilkumar on Oct 18, 2007 09:34 PM

Isnt that true? Why are Australians so wild while getting the same treatment as what others have been getting back in their country.

I feel these guys have started cracking under nervous conditions, sign of becoming weak beatable side.....

Having said this, Team India must remember that they will be subjected increased heckling during the tour down under..

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@ hard hitter
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:31 PM  | Hide replies

"Similarly in UK, SA blacks and asians are treated very badly and unfortunately, we indians/asians are crazy to go to such places" these r ur words so u admit indians r crazy to go there but r stil goin there so can u blame the west ,do they send u invitaions we go there for our better life then we say oh these crazy countries

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RE:@ hard hitter
by HARD HITTER on Oct 18, 2007 09:38 PM
Yeah definitely they send invitation. If thats not the case why is NASA, silicone valley and other important institutes hire indians and we indians are having gret portfolios out there?
I agree that the level of education, information and money that we get from thses ountries is great, but that doesnot mean that these countries have a free hand to abuse us. In return we deliver what their own people cannot do!!!

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RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:41 PM
hard hitter of course indians are inteligent but u talkin of sunita wiliams ,is she indian or america? silicone valley yes why not ,they have japs workin there too ,so wat ,talent is alwways welcome ,hats off to people who go there workd make money and return to india but when they stay back kill for a green card and then abuse the country ,tat stinks

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RE:RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by HARD HITTER on Oct 18, 2007 09:47 PM
no one abuses anyone for fun. especially indian will not do such bullish act unless they forced to do it. and in US there are so many ways that an indian is abuse, harressed etc.
You are not the only one who is residing in US, like you are there are 100's of thousand, who are there. YOu are lucky enough to have a good experience, or who know you enjoy their harrasment!!!

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RE:@ hard hitter
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:58 PM
hard hitterif u dont like the west ,wat u doin there,i asked a friend how he cud live in india ,he said i like the filth and chaos ,i said oh no wonder ,so may eb some people get used to that dump and i have been subjest to racial abuse too but again whose fault is it my fellow indians paan parags who have created an impresison

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:@ hard hitter
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 11:40 PM
LMAO!! Ashish, think before you write. Check one of your message on this board where you're claiming Sunita Williams as Indian. You're just confuse with your own identity..

You seem all over th place with your childish comments and bunch of lies.. You're one funny guy. LMAO!!!

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RE:@ hard hitter
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 11:10 PM
tandoor when did i evertake pride in sunita ,ur comprehedin skills are very low my friend and how is sunta indian when she has a us flag allover her jacket and she holds a us pasport ,?? oh mmay be u talkin of the samosa she ate lol yes but the samosa is indian not she

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:@ hard hitter
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 10:24 PM
Ashish. You're simplny contradicting yourself here.

All the time you're abusing all the Indian living overseas and consider them Non-Indian. Now you're taking a pride for Sunita Williams achievements. Do you know Sunita is Born and raised American and married to non-Indian? To me, she is still Indian but I wonder how did she become so dear Indian to you all of a sudden..

You're a one hillerious cracker..LMAO!!

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RE:@ hard hitter
by Dhosa on Oct 19, 2007 02:01 AM
if you been subjected to racial abuse, don't blame other Indians for that. The fault lies in you and your inferiority complex to White Skins. You're constantly displaying you admiration for the whites and down grading India and Indians. I am not surprised the Whites had subjected you to racial abuse.

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:@ hard hitter
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 09:46 PM
LMAO!!! Another Cracker.. Making no sense again..No woder why you seem so confused..

You're the one abusing Indian and Indian. Why are you blaming others??

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RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:59 PM
tandoor truth hurts ah so all u think of are crackers ,look outta ur window if u in india and smell the fresh air

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RE:RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by Dhosa on Oct 18, 2007 11:29 PM
You have a complex. Unlike you,all other Aussie fan here praise Aussie but do not dowangrade India as a country.
So what part of the world you live in now? So allready have lived in so many conutry over the last three weeks... ha ha ha..

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:@ hard hitter
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 10:13 PM
LMAO!! Another Cracker from Ashish.

Where is truth here? All I read from you is utter nonsense

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RE:@ hard hitter
by Bhasmasur on Oct 18, 2007 09:35 PM
Aptly put....allegiance should be with the country where you earn your bread and butter...
Indians living in the UK should be loyal to UK, Indians living in the US should be loyal to US....
No doubt of that!!

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RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:42 PM
No they wont.

How many people see fellow indians from other states equalaly let alone do what you say...

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RE:@ hard hitter
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:40 PM
no they wont; still they would see fellow indians from other states equally. Let alone do what you say.

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RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by HARD HITTER on Oct 18, 2007 09:41 PM
Being loyal is different issue and raising your voice against racism is an different issue, and mind well even in UK and USA you ahve got that privilege.
You are talking about loyalty, even after getting agreen card and staying in US for more than 20 years ans indian is called as indian and not american, same is true with UK and any other country.

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RE:RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:42 PM
sorry the tech term is indo-american. similar to greek-american, iranian-american etc.,

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RE:@ hard hitter
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:45 PM
dude racism is not good i nevr said it is but as i always told u whose fault is it ,we anna go abroad take ourpaan parag ,jhutkas ,spit ,pee on da roads ,have u seen any racism towards a jap or even korean,u wondeer why cause they keep their cultureand adapt to the west also ,indians wanna live the same like they do in india

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RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by HARD HITTER on Oct 18, 2007 09:53 PM
This proves how knowledgable you are!!! Every where in US, UK canada, every asian is abused. when I say asian it includes japan and korea

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RE:RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:58 PM
and btw asian in North American context means chinese and SE Asia. It does not include Indians from India/Guyana/Africa etc., (atleast in Canada they are referred as East Indians).

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RE:@ hard hitter
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:57 PM
everywhere(in every country) people get abused.

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RE:RE:@ hard hitter
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:52 PM
in addition japanese or koreans are not abused because their countries are doing well too.

yes indians, particularly the ones who came recently are awful. Partly i blame living in selfimposed ghettos, ability to have close contact with india etc., These things were not available to those who came before the internet prime days.

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RE:@ hard hitter
by Bhasmasur on Oct 18, 2007 09:46 PM
Such first generation Indians, those who emigrated to the states in the 60s were typically the first batch of IITians...the first wave as we call it....
Such people are green card holders and are now referred to as Indo Americans.....

Let us accept it....the Americans may not have accepted Indians, Pakis with open arms...they are not the most friendly people...but what you can't contest is their "live and let live" mentality.....

Even today, the 4th wave considers the US as the holy grail....

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RE:@ hard hitter
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:50 PM
Such first generation Indians, those who emigrated to the states in the 60s were typically the first batch of IITians...the first wave as we call it....
Such people are green card holders and are now referred to as Indo Americans.....

Why do they still have green card? Haven't they become US citizens?

And for the record all indians who have lived for decades can be called indo-americans.

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champs at no 7 lol
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:24 PM  | Hide replies

they make gods of a team that ranks no 7 and come olympics they want india to come back with 100 gold medals ,tats why the aussies are no 1 in most sports and cricket champs they give all sports importance

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RE:champs at no 7 lol
by Bhasmasur on Oct 18, 2007 09:30 PM
The aussies concentrate on a few sports and become champs in most of them.....
If they don't have talent in a particular sport, they leave it well alone....
But in the sports that they excel, they establish a highly professional setup....no doubt of that!!
Be it Hockey, cricket, swimming...they do extremely well!!

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RE:champs at no 7 lol
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:33 PM
bhasmasur usa oz uk even china they dont make gods of one sport ,tats why they do well inn the olymoics ,look at sania mirza so much of talent if she was in the states she wud be no i but indians wanna make gods of these loserswho rank no 7 and kill other sports ,in the end wat happens aussies trash em

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Sandeep Patnaik
@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by Sandeep Patnaik on Oct 18, 2007 09:02 PM  | Hide replies

Why Symonds why not someone else???

Thats a gud question. I am finding that hard to understand....may be Mr aaaa could throw some light on it...my take is, its Symonds bcoz he did start the whole thing...you see if there is smoke...there is bound to be some fire...and that fire by the way is created by none other than Mr Symonds himself. i dont know when and where...may be he did something to the crowds that made the crowd go wild on him..and one more question...Why in varodra why not matches previous to that..?

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RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:06 PM
try talking to a gujarati. I am not. and what about bombay? you seem to know what goes on in US that is not even reported in the media...:)

Same thing happened in Rajkot 2002 with the windies team.

When i viewed a documentary on the dandhi march i saw some clues. People living within their own communities such as religion, caste etc., And people dont venture into other caste/religion areas.

why the madras crowd applauded both india & pakaistan when the pakistan team won back in 1999?

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 09:24 PM
Now...lets see who is being racist here? Why try and point fingure at Gujratis? too funny..
LMAO.. Crowd is the same all over the world. The bottle rocket were thrown in Australia, West Indies also. Remember the India-Pak game in Eden Garden Calcutta?

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RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:26 PM
hahah crowd same all over da world ah ,one game in sa ,lunch time spectators were all over da field and hwne play resumed they picked up all the litter and walked off even the indian commentator said imagine such discipline in india or pak ,never ,so dont compare indian rowdies with the crowd abroad ,where in the world do u see fans burnin players houses ,indians and pakis are uncouth ,no manners

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 09:32 PM
LMAO!! CROWD IS THE SAME ALL OVER THE WORLD. Go check your so called clean UK's crowd behaviour during Soccer world cup games..

Check your facts and think. Why keep downgrading India in every oppertunity you get?

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RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 09:38 PM
that is correct. But indian crowd seem to copy what goes on. I dont think just because the soccer crowd is worse it is not a passport for indian crowd in cricket to do the same.

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RE:RE:RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:36 PM
tats soccer hooliganism its a diff story ,we talkin of cricket here ,and im quotin an indian commentator who said tat not me

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 09:43 PM
Ashish.. Another Cracker..LMAO!!

"tats soccer hooliganism its a diff story ,we talkin of cricket here ,and im quotin an indian commentator who said tat not me" ???

We're talking CROWD BEHAVIOUR here..

And Again No woder why you seem so confused..

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RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by HARD HITTER on Oct 18, 2007 09:23 PM
Absolutely correct. asutralians are masters in practicing racism and are hardcore racist. Each and every asian is been troubled in certain provinces. When I say trouble, it means, demolishing shops, killing, injuries etc.
becos of this aussy govt has to setup a anti-racism body to tackle such situations.

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Sandeep Patnaik
RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by Sandeep Patnaik on Oct 18, 2007 09:15 PM
Why do u always seem to find the fault with the Indian people...is Symonds that well behaved...none of the Aussie are well behaved..

And about the racism in India...I live in UK...and you will be surprised (delighted depends on which side you are) there is a racism going on in between the English, walish, Irish and Scottish. they dont like each other. We are still little backward so it is the way it is in India...what about the developed nations all around the world...they are well educated,very wealthy and still behave like they still live in the ancient world..

So that exists everywhere...in different forms ofcourse. so what the heck. may be when all of India is very well educated and wealthy as the Europeans and Americans, then we might just leap frog over these nations on our way to glory.

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RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:20 PM
dam sandeep u have no work or wat ,man its so funny to find a man who doesnt live in india moves to uk and then barks how great india is ,dude i dont know which uk u live in but the uk i went to was clean and green and not dirty like india ,send me those pictures of men peein in uk and la ,lemme see ,ashish_mallela@rediffmail.com

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 09:25 PM
That's called Pride and respect for their Heritage.

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RE:RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by HARD HITTER on Oct 18, 2007 09:26 PM
You fool here we are not discussing senic beauty, but it is all about the racial dirt that resides in UK and infact in US too.
are northeren ireland people in good terms with UK?
Not entire UK is green and clean, some provinces are even dirtier than India and same applies to US

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RE:RE:RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:28 PM
hard hitter yes 2 percent of uk and usa will be dirty 98 % clean ,india vice versa and comin from some one who lives in oz its funny cause wonder why u left this grt country to live in a counbtry u deem racists and dirty

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 09:27 PM
".. a man who doesnt live in india moves to uk and then barks how great india is"

That's called Pride and respect for their Heritage.

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 09:39 PM
LMAO!! too funny.. Aren't you the one defending Aussie's claim of being racially abused?

No woder why you seem so confused..

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RE:RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:29 PM
yes tats also called a rat desrting a sinking ship and then they go abraod get racially abuses and start crying foul

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RE:@ aaaa Why Symonds why not someone else???
by Bhasmasur on Oct 18, 2007 09:26 PM
Just cos the English don't like the Welsh or the Scots does not mean that there is rampant rascism!!
The English and the Irish have always been at loggerheards cos the Englsih have never taken kindly to the roman Catholic church....
The English and the Welsh compete for jobs in working class communities in Hartfordshire, Pudsey etc and hence that resentment....
Where is the issue of rascism Sandeep??

I think you are mixing two things... The Aussies have been badly behaved..true, very true...but the Indians have given it back to Symonds in equal measure...that stays on the ground between the players....
Subjecting Symonds to monkey chants by the crowd is something that we should not be proud of!! It is something that needs to be frowned upon and nipped in the bud cos it may take a more ugly form later on....
Next time, there would be banners and posters showing a monkey like creature with the name of the player written on it....It might just be the start of some ugly caricatures....

Whether Symonds invited these taunts or slurs due to his skin color or due to his appearance aka hairdo is open to conjecture...
But what is not open to conjecture is that the behaviour of the crowd at Vadodara was objectionable and downright insulting....
It is the same as when the Nagpur crowd had subjected Vinod Kambli to slurs and an allusion to his skin color by calling him "Kalia"....
Very very unfortunate.....

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Searching for Free Intert Tv for Indian programs ?
by on Oct 18, 2007 08:18 PM

Searching for Free Intert Tv for Indian programs ?
U r welccome to indiatvstation.com

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Aussies should look at there back yard first
by jamescunnin on Oct 18, 2007 08:09 PM  | Hide replies

What happened to Symonds was a SAD thing, but his actions and the way the Aussies have been this series where they being dishing out verbals and banter to the Indian Players, will naturally result in the Home crowd supporting its players!! All I am saying is when our team heads to Aussie be ready from some naming calling and racist chants! The Aussies are famous for it their supporters chanted racist solagns at the South Africans and Sri Lankans on previous tours. Suprising Ricky Ponting did not included in his statement how his Australian home crowd have also had racist problems!

IF you dish out, be prepared to get some back in return. I never seen any of the African players being chanted at or any Monkey imitiations then? SO why Symonds and Why the Aussies? All this Aggression hype and media fixation has caused certain impressionable Indian fans to get engrossed.

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RE:Aussies should look at there back yard first
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:13 PM
in 2002 windies team had to go through the same stuff. sorry you are wrong. we did not talk about it.

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RE:Aussies should look at there back yard first
by jamescunnin on Oct 18, 2007 08:17 PM
I saw their was crowd trouble, were they were throwing bottles onto the pitch, but never thought there was a racisim issue!!

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RE:Aussies should look at there back yard first
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:26 PM
On the pitch? Rather at windies players...

Equally bad... "question to the idiots who rained bottles down on West Indian fieldsmen"

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RE:RE:Aussies should look at there back yard first
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:27 PM
fans who can't control their emotions and do either racist chants or throw missiles should be debarred from the grounds period.

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RE:RE:Aussies should look at there back yard first
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:29 PM
you may not see this 2002 as racism. But these things escalate steeply. Back in 2002 it was missiles thrown (racism was not documented publicly by media) in 2007 we see monkey chants. 5 years from now what else?

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RE:Aussies should look at there back yard first
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:22 PM
indians are the worse bevahed basicall cause most of em are uneducated and if the educated ones think indian players are gods then u cant blame the rest ,wat wrong did symonds say ,he said too much hype for t20 ,he was right and wat happd t20 champs got hammered 4-2 ,some champs

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TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula
RE:Aussies should look at there back yard first
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Oct 18, 2007 09:35 PM
And what did people in Vadodara do? They were simply chanting "Ganpati Bapa Moriya" and Symond saw the problem in that... LMAO!!

These Aussie even has a problem with us speaking in our Native Language..

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Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by MANOJ on Oct 18, 2007 07:39 PM  | Hide replies

India should came out of ICC and should form new cricketing Board.Because cricket money is the property of India.95% money for cricket cames from India then also ICC takes strong actions against India, Pakistan ,Bangladesh,and sri lanka,s player only why? Australian English players are most of time not following rules why BCCI supports to that? I think asian nations should came out of ICC and form new body.Bcause Without Asia Icc could not get money

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RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by Hindustani on Oct 18, 2007 08:13 PM
You are lying.there is no racism based on black or white people in India. I live in India and till now I have not seen and racism cecause of skin color.

Big Liar!!! Lol

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RE:RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:51 PM
india debates racist sakin ads...

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RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:53 PM
Even then only windies or black players are targetted. Why not Punter, Hayden or Gilchrist? Is the media blocking what happens to them?

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RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by HARD HITTER on Oct 18, 2007 09:17 PM
have you being to australia?
they are the worst racist. For them every asian is an alien. Thats the reason australia has a anti-racism body to tackle rascism.
Similarly in UK, SA blacks and asians are treated very badly and unfortunately, we indians/asians are crazy to go to such places

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RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by ashish on Oct 18, 2007 09:43 PM
so HH wat u doin in oz then ,come back ,simple ,u under house arrest or wat?

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RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by Dhosa on Oct 19, 2007 02:07 AM
Eventhough you admitted you been though Racial abuse, you're still living abroad and it's obvious from your messages that you still worshipping White skin. Soundz funny you're giving HH a advise..lol

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Yehswanth Pai
RE:RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by Yehswanth Pai on Oct 18, 2007 08:15 PM
we may not be as diplomatic as the whites are. They are certainly more articulate in their reasoning as to why the non whites should be traeted the way they are by them. Havent the Aussies /Germans /English /French ?Blegians and not forgetting the American whites at the beginning of the century done slave trading and arranged for mass annihilation of the other races which perhaps only the WHITE man can. We Indians a least put the aboriginals of the country on the lower rung of the ladder and not made alcoholics of them or shove them in to ges chambers. Yeshwanth Pai from Bangalore

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Sandeep Patnaik
RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by Sandeep Patnaik on Oct 18, 2007 08:45 PM
So, how many countries have you been to Mr Adolf? And how long have you stayed in India?

out of those countriesthat you visited, how many of them have you actually explored? How deep you went on to find out that there is very less racisms. My feeling is because you have been staying in India most of the time you have got indepth knowledge of the country.

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RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:50 PM
so is that wrong to expect india to be leaders. Previously when the colonizers came we had no choice. And when we got independance the peaceful way it stands out even now.

So in this age of increasing globalization is it too.o much to ask indians to think long and hard and be good examples. Particularly when lot of countries are struggling with racism.

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RE:Ban on ICC And Form New Body?
by A K on Oct 18, 2007 08:09 PM
who decided whether monkey chants are racist???
i dont see any racism in monkey imitations...

Our ancestors were in fact monkeys, and it seems few ppl (read symonds) show more of their traces than others

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Sandeep Patnaik
@ Chris
by Sandeep Patnaik on Oct 18, 2007 07:37 PM  | Hide replies

so now you agree...USA is just one example out of many. You said you have moved around the world and haven't seen the kind of thing that happens in India..so my friend your ignorance doesn't mean that you are right. there may be several other countries where this kind of things happen all the time..i am not saying whatever is happening in India is right but don't point your fingers at India for everything. Look around the world and then comment on something. where do u live by the way?

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RE:@ Chris
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 07:49 PM
WRT to US it does not happen to americans vs americans. What they did to Iraq is entirely Mr. Bushs' fault.

WRT to Indians deep division is at the core. And this is why when you see another indian in the streets outside India it is not friendly. It is pure jealousy and when you interact the questions are based on preconceived notions and irritatingly probing to the nth degree.

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Sandeep Patnaik
RE:RE:@ Chris
by Sandeep Patnaik on Oct 18, 2007 08:06 PM
Mr aaaa,

Sorry to disappoint you, but how many places in US have you been to. have been to Florida...Oklahoma...to name a few...ther people get shot for asking questions and putting on clothes that the residents of that area don't like. if you dont know them and want to know about it then just give a few visits to the streets of those cities and find that out for yourself. That's an American killing an American for no reason.

In India people might be jealous of the neighbour but that doesn't kill anyone.

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RE:@ Chris
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:09 PM
But dont they have laws that take care of if smth like that happens eh. That is what i mean. People will do anything and that is why the law of the land offers some protection.

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Yehswanth Pai
RE:@ Chris
by Yehswanth Pai on Oct 18, 2007 08:21 PM
I think you havent got it right -Remember this os a land of oppertunities. This means you take advantage of any situation or make the best out of every oppertunity

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Sandeep Patnaik
RE:@ Chris
by Sandeep Patnaik on Oct 18, 2007 08:57 PM

@ aaaa

who said they get caught for murdering someone...hey wake up...i never said that...and they never get caught...these things you won't even find in the newspaper as well...that's how bad it is there...

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RE:RE:RE:@ Chris
by Dhosa on Oct 18, 2007 08:26 PM
Well said Sandeep. Few here on this board are unnecessorily making a big deal out of nothing incident involving Symond.

It seem these few depresse people are always looking for every little oppertunity to downgrade us Indians.. the living example is their effort here of proving us Inidans are racist and we racially abused Symond.. What a Joke!!

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RE:@ Chris
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:33 PM

1) 1999(?) WC semifinal crowd violence when india was losing
2) 2002 windies players were abused; thrown bottles at them
3) 2007 monkey chants
4) ???

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RE:RE:@ Chris
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:55 PM
also why didn't the crowd pick on others? Why only symonds?

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RE:RE:@ Chris
by Dhosa on Oct 18, 2007 09:03 PM

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RE:@ Chris
by Dhosa on Oct 18, 2007 08:41 PM
LMAO.. That's what I exactly meant in my previous post. Are you happen to be someone from Pakistan, who hates India?

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RE:@ Chris
by aaaa on Oct 18, 2007 08:54 PM
My take is that it is players vs players. Let them deal with it.

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Sandeep Patnaik
RE:@ Chris
by Sandeep Patnaik on Oct 18, 2007 08:52 PM

@ aaaa....

thnx for the facts and figures Mr aaaa. have you ever thought why Australia always finds itself in thick of things evertime...

1. Michael Slater - venkat
2. Mcgrath- sarwan
3. Mcgrath- Lara
4. Darel Hair- Murlitharan
5. Lilee- miandad
this list is going to very long if I can go on writing them.

whats your take on that...?

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RE:@ Chris
by chris on Oct 19, 2007 07:39 AM
Given your especially thick neanderthal skull I'm gonna stop ask you to explain your obviously failed point so as to enlighten yourself and just straight tell you. American foreign policy, Invasion and occupation is not at all comparable to social traits of Indian society. The examples I listed are not common place around the whole of the world, and throwing out the American invaded Iraq!!! BUSH WAR CRIMINAL !!!!! 11! card shows you either lack the education or are too stupid to utilise your education.

The social climate of India, its industrialisation of racial, sexual and power abuse at every level of society, is not just common place the whole way around the world, it is not just how things are. Especially not in almost all free independant democracies.

But hey, keep the blaming the white man, that's the only response an Indian has ever come up with when faced with a problem, blame everything on the white man and play the victim, no reason to change now.

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