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Dravid's ton puts Karnataka in command

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Selfish Vs Selfless
by Salil on Nov 16, 2007 01:21 AM  | Hide replies

We have a player who scores a run a ball 100...he is called 'selfish' by his detractors as he plays just for records.

Then we have this who scores, with much less strike rate..who they say 'doesn't play for records' and he is called 'selfless'.

I would anyday prefer selfish players in the side.

Nothing to take away from Dravid and i still agree he is selfless, but stop calling someone selfish unduely. Even if he takes 15 balls to score last 10 he scores the earlier 90 and the nest in much less time. so overall it shouldn't hurt the team.

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RE:Selfish Vs Selfless
by krishna on Nov 16, 2007 01:54 AM
first of all we are talking two versions of the game. If you want to compare test strike rate -Dravid is better than SRT and Ganguly. I think that SRT is still the best, but the comparison of strike rates is not reasonable. If a comparison has to be made, why not Ganguly 73.

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RE:Selfish Vs Selfless
by Vengsarkar on Nov 16, 2007 02:19 AM
Seems to be he is referring to ODIs..

Agreed Ganguly's Strike rate is also less. But he also brings with him part time bowling option. So as far as ODIs are concerned he bring in just a ittle more value than Dravid.
And to his credit he has score many match winning innings for india, some almost single handedly. I once remember him winning one overseas ODI series single handedly.

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shaukhatalikhan shaukhatalikhan
Kudos, Dravid
by shaukhatalikhan shaukhatalikhan on Nov 16, 2007 01:21 AM

A very good job by you, Dravid. All the Best!!!

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Sanjeev Verma
Dravid need not prove anything
by Sanjeev Verma on Nov 15, 2007 11:00 PM  | Hide replies

He is a class player with 20,000 runs in international cricket. He was once declared Wisden cricketer of the year. If he can score 214 runs against Ranji Champions Mumbai then he can score century against any team in Ranji.

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RE:Dravid need not prove anything
by Salil on Nov 16, 2007 01:13 AM
cool so let him just continue playing in Ranji...will be good for his state, and his country.

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RE:Dravid need not prove anything
by Salil on Nov 16, 2007 01:23 AM
was just a joke...
"he can score against "any" team in Ranj"..is like undermining his abilities Sanjeev:)) he can do much more than that.

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Show them what you are
by on Nov 15, 2007 10:26 PM  | Hide replies

Com'n Dravid

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Suresh Chamarajanagar
RE:Show them what you are
by Suresh Chamarajanagar on Nov 15, 2007 11:04 PM
Yup!! Get another one in the second.

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Dravid's Class
by on Nov 15, 2007 10:07 PM

You have a way of playing cricket, that is Dravid's Cricket with Class

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anirban chakraborty
Dravid's ton
by anirban chakraborty on Nov 15, 2007 09:14 PM  | Hide replies

He is always a class player and wud always be...absolutely no doubt abt it..any one having any doubts?????????

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Rocky Fernandes
RE:Dravid's ton
by Rocky Fernandes on Nov 16, 2007 12:21 AM
Dravid must be playing for India and its sad that he is not picked up yet after 40, 214 and 121. Mumbai has good bowling attach and scoring 40 and 214 was not an easy task.

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RE:Dravid's ton
by Salil on Nov 16, 2007 01:02 AM
yes..as far as ODI is concerned...not that he is bad..but now we have better ODI multi utility players than him...who dont need time to settle and can start scoring as asoon as they are in.
The of the mpr diferences between IND and Pak in the ODI series has been pak have too many batsmen who take time to settle...younis, mhmd yusuf, etc. So despite these guys scoring heavly pak lost.
Look at India...on numeraous occasions when we lost wickets, that didn't affect the scoring run-rate...since rahul was not in the team.
Yes he is certainly useful in holding the batting together when we start losing lot of wickets, but then that happens just once in 4 to 5 matches and just for that odd match/situation we dont want him in the team. anyways we will be losing that match, only the inevitable gets delayed.

But yeah as a batsman, his attitude, selfnessness is un questionable etc he is a class act. And may be we should have him in ODI series in england and austrialia.

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RE:Dravid's ton
by prashanth on Nov 16, 2007 02:56 PM
DRAVID is 100% Gentleman Cricketer......
He is not at all playing for making RECORDS...
He is always giving 100% when he in field both as a Batsman & a super SLIP FIELDER....

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computer learning
RE:Dravid's ton
by computer learning on Nov 16, 2007 03:44 AM
Isn't Dravid boring in every aspect? Dravid is. He is a crab who pulls every other successful individual down and likes to stay with him.

Dravid declares the innings when somebody is playing beautifully on 194! Records don't help an individual, they rather help generations in Indian cricket. Team milestones need to be met first, I agree. Sachin Tendulkar has always put team first, then his records to serve the country even better. Do not pull Sachin down by being a crab in a bucket!

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