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Maninder Singh held with drugs

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Nisha Bhatia
Maninder got depressed
by Nisha Bhatia on May 23, 2007 04:22 AM  | Hide replies

Maybe he was depressed with his career as a bowler and then no luck with commentary as well

But now that he is famous, we might see him as a commentator on Tony Tv, or Bet Max

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venkata kumar
RE:Maninder got depressed
by venkata kumar on May 23, 2007 04:36 AM
I dont know whether you write it intentionally or casually, intereseting to read and seems to be true

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UmaShankar SathyaKumar
by UmaShankar SathyaKumar on May 23, 2007 03:52 AM  | Hide replies

Promod Mahajan's son used to smoke Cocaine in 500 Rs note... for thrill....

In Goa, you will Russians and Nigerians selling crack to European Tourists...That's everybody loves Goa...Not because of beautiful beach!!!

Now, Maninder Singh...

Using Drugs is slowly reaching the crisis level..Remember, Pune Rave Party.....

Why don't the government ban all AFRICAN NATIONALS coming to India in student visa or a Tourist Visa and sell Drugs like their relatives do in Europe and America????

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kba k
by kba k on May 23, 2007 05:09 AM

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by KC on May 23, 2007 04:22 AM
why for morons like you we Indians should be banned from World forum..

Got the taste !!!!! All are not alike... so do not try to categorise people based on anything

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How is Police Handling Drugs
by Raman on May 23, 2007 03:26 AM  | Hide replies

At present the Police all over the country is going very hard at Drugs. There is big and easy incentive for them in the bargain. They have very good network of informers and some of the suppliers are also doing the job of informers.
Now how police earns incentives:-
They already know to a good extenets who are presently drug users and suppliers in there area. When they get know of some one wealthy they catch him with small proofs and than negotiate with them sum for not letting there names or filling a FIR. If the person is little famous than bouty can go much higher.
Even if they seize any drug not full amount is declared and a big potion is againg going back to there own people in this trade.

This is hugly prevelant in half the country. You need to clean up the police to clean up rest of the country from Drugs or this will be good thing for the suppliers and authorities alike.

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sweet  deva
RE:How is Police Handling Drugs
by sweet deva on May 23, 2007 03:43 AM
I think Raman you need to stop watching Hindi movies or any Indian movie...
But you can write script of a common movie..

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kawaljeet singh sandhu
RE:How is Police Handling Drugs
by kawaljeet singh sandhu on May 23, 2007 05:19 AM
I appriciate the concern that Raman id throwing here. Friends the thing is police is not interested in stopping this business. But it is one cog in the chain, where as they got to be correcting the nuisance. Sad if we say and agree that police is doing good this way.
If have had any experience necessarily not yourself, may be some one you know or some of your friends bieing handled this way by poilce, you may not need to go see Films freind Sweet.

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RE:How is Police Handling Drugs
by Mat on May 23, 2007 06:50 AM
Talking about corruption in police....Is Maninder really guilty? If he is , he is only a small fry.Why him, when all it requires is to raid a rich bussiness mans party, to see how common the use of coke is?
Mr Mahajans son showed how easy the availabilty is?
Also where there is money,there will be drugs.
What we see is just tip of the iceberge.
No sane, honest cop with an average income,and family to look after, can afford to go alone against powerful drug cartels. The ones who go are usually corrupt themselves, and do so only with the blessing of someone powerful( and criminal),and most often for the sake of elimination of competition.

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Chaman Chambu
RE:How is Police Handling Drugs
by Chaman Chambu on May 23, 2007 03:39 AM
So what exactly is wrong with the police bargaining with these junkies?

You consume drugs, you do something illegal in this country, pay for it. What if these dealers increased the price one fine day..these junkies would pay anyways. I dont mind if police is minting money off these morons.

At least (hopefully) that extorted money will go to their kids' education.

Celebrity or not, who ever deals/consumes drugs needs to be handled strictly. i have no grivances agaist the police.

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RE:How is Police Handling Drugs
by on May 23, 2007 05:20 AM
What an absurd obseravtion, you find no difference between policeman and the general public. If policeman starts bribing then whom can u bank on. It is there duty to grab people and punish them. If policeman are able to grab this people they should be paid good incentive so that they do not resort to any bribe. chaman think wise do not give illegal suggesstions to curb illegal trade.

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Stop Zero....oops Hero worshiping the undeserved
by JK on May 23, 2007 02:34 AM  | Hide replies

Indian Fans are a fickle lot. They give undue importance to al and sundry. Have absolutely no knowledge in sports. Everyone gives their own opinions.A classic example is Sania Mirza. She was hyped just because she ws the first woman to crack top 50 in tennis. Is that an achievement. ok she won a couple of fourth round matches in some grandslam some 3 years back but still hyping her mere presence in tire 4 tournaments is so sad and retro. The last 2 weeks she lost in the first rond in two tire 4 tourmaents.Still rediff goes ga ga over news like Sania slips to 51st rank or gains 2 places to 48th rank. This is zero worshiping at it's heights. She is no match for the true tennis professionals. She can never win a slam which is the oinnacle of tennis.Why should we give importance to stuff like this. The same goes for the cricketers. They are just prolonging their careers for the sake of money. Unless we change the way we look at sports we cant develop quality sportspeople in this country and have to satisfy ourselves with news like some ex failed spin bowler turned drug addict like maninder.

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Sreekanth Nemani
RE:Stop Zero....oops Hero worshiping the undeserved
by Sreekanth Nemani on May 23, 2007 03:36 AM
Well. He was considered a prodigy just like laxman sivaramakrishnan. He was a complete package by the age of 17, with flight, spin, loop and rippers. He performed brilliantly in the 1986 tour of england and then against srilanka and pak at home. He was considered Bedi's heir.

After that unfortunately he lost his rythm and went out of form. He was never the same force again. To draw a parallel, he was like the 'Irfan pathan' of his era. So donot disrespect him. He is just an addict at worst... which is actually a very pitiful thing.

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RE:Stop Zero....oops Hero worshiping the undeserved
by JK on May 23, 2007 02:44 AM
Hey Buddy,

Do you remember any match winning moments of Maninder? let me know. All i can remember is that he failed to score and got plumb LBW against greg matthews in the tied chennai test. If he had hit that winning run he would have been a hero.The smart guy that he is Ravi Shastri took a single and crossed over to the other side to let the sardar do the dirty work and bat under pressure. Shastri the chicken that he is was cunning but maninder was naive. The same naivety has got him in trouble now.

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gopal g
RE:Stop Zero....oops Hero worshiping the undeserved
by gopal g on May 23, 2007 10:13 AM
well said shasti was shrewd operater ..
make no mistake apart from award in 1985 series(chamopion of champions) that too due to good bowling by shiva ,kapil and all round strength of India.. we won
Shastri is the worst ,selfish and limited cricketer every to play ODI cricket..
he must have madeINdia lose atleast 20-30 important matches by his slow batting.but he is a cunning fellow,brainy guy and knows the art of
manipulation.. he was street smart.
but atleast if thy have got runout it would have sensible in that tied test.he should have told maninder to just block the ball and run.
i remmember that match well.
3 balls were left when the match was tied and India need just one run to win and maninder was batting. first ball he lfet the ball alone and next ball he was playing an exaggerated defensive stroke. what was he thinking .wanted to be hero by hitting the last ball?
that was stupid cricket and shastri should have adviced maninder.
1987 WCsemi final was one more when shstri failed on important occasion and in crucial 1986 match against pak at banglore he got out to 2 stupid shots in both innings
well less said of him is better.

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gopal g
RE:Stop Zero....oops Hero worshiping the undeserved
by gopal g on May 23, 2007 10:12 AM
well said shasti was shrewd operater ..
make no mistake apart from award in 1985 series(chamopion of champions) that too due to good bowling by shiva ,kapil and all round strength of India.. we won
Shastri is the worst ,selfish and limited cricketer every to play ODI cricket..
he must have madeINdia lose atleast 20-30 important matches by his slow batting.but he is a cunning fellow,brainy guy and knows the art of
manipulation.. he was street smart.
but atleast if thy have got runout it would have sensible in that tied test.he should have told maninder to just block the ball and run.
i remmember that match well.
3 balls were left when the match was tied and India need just one run to win and maninder was batting. first ball he lfet the ball alone and next ball he was playing an exaggerated defensive stroke. what was he thinking .wanted to be hero by hitting the last ball?
that was stupid cricket and shastri should have adviced maninder.
1987 WCsemi final was one more when shstri failed on important occasion and in crucial 1986 match against pak at banglore he got out to 2 stupid shots in both innings
well less said of him is better.

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Mike Jordan
RE:Stop Zero....oops Hero worshiping the undeserved
by Mike Jordan on May 23, 2007 05:59 AM
I too remember how Maninder screwed that match. Sucker could'nt even score a single run.

Now that he is famous thanx to the free publicity, he could start a fresh life as a commentator alongside Sidhu.

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Shekhar Singh
RE:Stop Zero....oops Hero worshiping the undeserved
by Shekhar Singh on May 23, 2007 04:52 AM
Well said JK,


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rajeev singh
RE:RE:Stop Zero....oops Hero worshiping the undeserved
by rajeev singh on May 23, 2007 05:42 AM
Sania has done no woman has done for Indian Tennis, this is just the beginning, an impetus given to the asirations of the young girls, who so far have been believing that its not possible for woman with Indian genetics to enforce themselves into womans tennis scenario.
4th round of grand slam itself is a gr8 achievement you MORON.

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by Raman on May 23, 2007 02:28 AM  | Hide replies

The epidimic of drugs is spread very rapidly in our country. Since last 2-3 years its not only reaching Metos or our big cities, but also villages. Govt at centre and states needs to wake up work against this disease.

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by Chandan on May 23, 2007 02:39 AM
i feel these drug peddlers provide money to local politicians to run election. its almost like smuggling of arms where politicians are involved too. my hench is even politicians themselves enjoy taking drugs and do not want to stop it as it will interfere with their fun. they also want to have fun and don't mind if they earn on one hand and junta also gets to have fun on other hand. very similar to tambakoo, tobacco , zarda, gutka industry policy.

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by mrityudaata on May 23, 2007 02:41 AM
Right Raman, so you should stop taking drugs now.

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by Chandan on May 23, 2007 02:47 AM
ha ha ha . that was funny mrityudaata. yawnnnnn!!!. feeling sleepy, an after effect of reading a drug related article :). feeling drugged already. folks you carry on. its a heated debate , one which needs attention as its of National importance.
well need to go.

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by Raman on May 23, 2007 03:31 AM
mrityudata bloody Scarry name friend. I only take Daru ocaationally, leagalised by govt.

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where is the picture of maninder Singh?
by Chandan on May 23, 2007 02:24 AM  | Hide replies

someone here wrote that maninder looks weird.i have forgotten how he looks like. would appreciate if his picture can be provided with the article.

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No wonder he looks weird....
by Aseem on May 23, 2007 02:11 AM

All these years...all the drugs.....they take their toll!!!!

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UmaShankar SathyaKumar
by UmaShankar SathyaKumar on May 23, 2007 02:00 AM  | Hide replies

Promod Mahajan's son used to smoke Cocaine in 500 Rs note... for thrill....

Now, Maninder Singh...

Using Drugs is slowly reaching the crisis level..Remember, Pune Rave Party.....

Why don't the government ban all AFRICAN NATIONALS coming to India in student visa or a Tourist Visa and sell Drugs like their relatives do in Europe and America????

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by PQR on May 23, 2007 02:05 AM
that's a far fetched attempt on your part. when our own people are guilty, why blame African nationals. If Indians are the consumer then they are party to the crime. where there is demand, there would be a supply. our laws are too laxed on people consuming drugs for the hec of it.

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Super Cool
by Super Cool on May 23, 2007 02:24 AM
Some African Nationals indulge in drug abuse - so your solution is to ban all Africans from coming to India.

A lot of Indian companies abuse the H1B visa in the US - should the US govt. ban all Indians from coming to the US ?

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Pankaj Daga
by Pankaj Daga on May 23, 2007 02:58 AM
You are a racist pig.

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Nisha Bhatia
by Nisha Bhatia on May 23, 2007 04:15 AM

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Mike Jordan
by Mike Jordan on May 23, 2007 06:09 AM
Your suggestion is full of crap. How can entire African people be banned bcoz of a few bad apples. The solution is to apply the existing laws when any drug peddler is caught. There are more foriegn nationals from European countries involved in drug business(both conumers as well as suppliers) than African Nationals.

In Himachal pradesh and Goa, you will find white tourists involved in this business. Many white men and women come to India coz they view India as a heaven for drug addicts. Coz our police and politicians are apprehensive of booking foreign tourists involved with drugs.

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Depression might be the cause for the fallen hero
by PQR on May 23, 2007 01:37 AM  | Hide replies

Since he is an ex-cricketer, may be he could not take the blow to his career and therefore he hooked on to drugs. at times taking drugs is a considered very normal among people in hi-fi circles. for them its as normal as taking regular drinks- they just want something that gives them a high. remember what happened with Rahul Mahanjan?

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Gopal Krishna
RE:Depression might be the cause for the fallen hero
by Gopal Krishna on May 23, 2007 01:58 AM
what depression? he is just trying to create an impression, not depression, on BJP so that he too can get a ticket and get elected like his junior Sidhu! hope his attempts don't go vain!

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RE:Depression might be the cause for the fallen hero
by PQR on May 23, 2007 02:07 AM
yes you may have a point. good night for now.

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dilansh sharma
Maninde's Case is isolated one
by dilansh sharma on May 23, 2007 01:22 AM  | Hide replies

Maninder case is an isolated case itself. Its unfair to compare his case with rahul or other shitty paki players who use drugs and cheating and finally lose matches after doing all this.
if maninder is really guilty he surely will be punished as per IPC.
But its highly irrelevent to consider this incidence to compare with political parties or other players

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