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Did Gilchrist cheat?

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Showing themselves as Fools!
by satish on May 09, 2007 01:44 PM

i know loser's have reasons to tell,but this reason looks like shit to me,Aussies were far more best in the whole worldcup,they won every worldcup match convincingly.

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Masood Arif
RE:Gilcrist not chetser
by Masood Arif on May 10, 2007 05:24 PM
Hi All,
I Wont say wether gilli cheated or not but i would say that if this thing was done by some other player of other country then Australians would have definatley call that team as cheaters, and would say taking of undew advantage, as some years before ricky pointing did with his bat. australians want the world to accept what ever they feel is good for them.

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Ravi Kumar
RE:Gilcrist not chetser
by Ravi Kumar on May 10, 2007 05:33 PM
I agree with you, Malinga can do any thing, Murali can bowl like any thing... But if others win then the problem will come out.

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Anitha Rani
Gillie is A Great Player - Don`t cry Sri Lanka
by Anitha Rani on May 09, 2007 12:40 PM  | Hide replies

Hi Guys and Girls,

The First thing : "He is a Man Of Perfection "As v knew very well that GilChrist (the Gillie)is a Great player with his bat and gloves ... And the another important thing is that he played lot of innings like that .. he scored 100 of less balls.. he is a great hard hitter with commited and hard work... So let the Sri lanks don`t cry and criticise the Gillie... they r trying to dominate the aussies with their this type of loose talks... if u dare to dominate then try to win them in future at least... b sportive.... don`t b like a child... do u knoe with keeping the sqaush ball in side the gloves and playing shots are very tough... ok... so leave it... and b sportive... the muralitharan also said it`s not a matter....

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Selva  Kumar
RE:Gillie is A Great Player - Don`t cry Sri Lanka
by Selva Kumar on May 09, 2007 12:53 PM

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Sathya Ranganathan
by Sathya Ranganathan on May 09, 2007 12:40 PM  | Hide replies

EVERYONE remember the same gilchrist walked away for not out in the 2003 SEMIFINAL against the SL

dont just support lanka because they are asians, they r chukers, murali, malinga and all srilanks did not deserve to be in the finals at all,

i am not an australian fan but i like gilchrist, yes India did not make it to super-8 but still support them

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by Jacqui on Jun 05, 2007 06:43 AM
Who are u to accuse malinga and murali....sour about india not making it to the finals - dont take it out on a team who went out and played well everytime and got to the final through hard work...they deserve to be there...yes your definitely not an australian but a white wannabe....usually when your own country falls short most people would support another country in their own asian sub-continent.....the sri lankans deserved to be there so stop being a sore looser

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Vijay Krishnan
Only ICC knows
by Vijay Krishnan on May 09, 2007 12:39 PM  | Hide replies

Whether Adam Gilchrist cheated or not, it can be verified only in accord with the ICC Cricket Rule Book. I feel that if it is checked with and found alright, then there is no need for any public uproar about the same. However I would just like to ask the ICC, say if any Asian country cricketer would have done the same, would there not be any special enquiries or investigations conducted to check the credentials of the cricketer(s)? I guess not...however the case with a non-Asian seems to be likewise.

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amit dave
RE:Only ICC knows
by amit dave on May 09, 2007 06:26 PM
Agreed - Amit Dave

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no name
not cheating
by no name on May 09, 2007 12:24 PM

atleast he has the mind to think of a way to counter the sweat related gripping problem.practically it cant be called cheating as the experts are saying.plus he himself revealed it.so the intention was fine.improvisation is the word..not cheating.

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Sanjay Gupta
Sri lanka has 2 chuckers
by Sanjay Gupta on May 09, 2007 12:15 PM  | Hide replies

Sri lanka is the biggest cheating team in the world.It already has 2 chuckers Malinga and Murlitaran and look 'WHOS TALKING"

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RE:Sri lanka has 2 chuckers
by Jacqui on Jun 05, 2007 06:46 AM
Actually through many teams accusuing them of this they actually went through many tests to prove this is not true....but teams still love to resort to these accusations which were proven false. As well as yourself - a complete idiot...just a sore looser that your team didn't make it to the final - if sri lanka did win then people like yourself as well as the Aussie team would resort to the kind of rubbish comments you have posted....get a life.

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