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Players vs BCCI - so what's new?

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sameer shaikh
by sameer shaikh on May 07, 2007 04:15 PM  | Hide replies

The main person to oppose contract was Tendulkar. Just few days back he sent a noitice to shukla that he will not compromis on endorsements. Tendulkar has maximum endorsement or contracts with 20-25 companies. He will suffer loss..

Now u see, how hungry is he for runs or money??? Ravi shastri told he is hungry for runs...

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prince prince
by prince prince on May 07, 2007 05:09 PM
evryone works (or plays) for money, whats the big deal if Sachin does the same

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by radharma on May 07, 2007 05:26 PM
You work and get reward. But not by threatening simply because he has mass and political & business power. Take Mc of australia. How he retired after world cup. See examples and live accordingly. Otherwise you will be thrown out cheaply

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by laiju on May 07, 2007 05:29 PM
One can do charity in so many ways, It is not necessary he should inform that to the world.

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by Aneesh on May 07, 2007 05:48 PM
Everybody lives and works for money only. Then why you say only tendulkar is greedy? You don't want any money? Eveybody tries to earn their maximum by using their all abilities and power before getting too old. There is nothing to wonder. people like you blame tendulkar because you people are Jealous on his earning. you will shut your mouth if somebody pays you a huge amount for your work.

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sanjay naik
by sanjay naik on May 07, 2007 04:25 PM
All are hungry for money r u not?

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by egrl on May 07, 2007 04:55 PM
U R Correct. What kind of charities our Indian cricketers did for the fellow Indians who runs life with hardships. But Australian Cricket steve waugh came India, adopted children and still does charity here. But these India cricketers still runs behind money. First all of we should stop going to see cricket matches. Shun advertisement performed by cricketers. Yes
Tendulkar is a greedy man

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prince prince
by prince prince on May 07, 2007 05:10 PM
giving or not giving charity is something an individual decides

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by radharma on May 07, 2007 05:23 PM
Well that decides one's individual character. whether is he humane or greedy

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by Aneesh on May 07, 2007 04:26 PM
Sameer, Tendulkar told you so?

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prasanna krishnan
by prasanna krishnan on May 07, 2007 04:31 PM
yaar does tendulkar need to tell anyone

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Prem Prakash
Players vs BCCI -- so what's new?
by Prem Prakash on May 07, 2007 04:10 PM

Chor Chor Mausere Bhai

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final nail
by SUMIT BANERJEE on May 07, 2007 03:59 PM

i sincerely wish india looses against bangladesh as now it seems bcci and establishment has not learned it lesson from worl cup debacle and hasn't done anything concrete to discipline greedy players.loss again bangladesh would be final nail in the coffin of greedy players . New dawn of idian cricket wiil only happen after the demise of rotten system and players.... bangladesh owe us their independence to us and they can return the favour by beating india.

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suresh  vaggannavar
Indian Cricket Team Relief Fund.
by suresh vaggannavar on May 07, 2007 03:45 PM

Indian Cricket Team Relief Fund.
Beckaar Bhavan,
Aaltu-Faaltu Circle,
Kaamchoar Nagar,
Cricketpur. MT (EMPTY)

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Sanjay Gupta
by Sanjay Gupta on May 07, 2007 03:37 PM  | Hide replies

Our Indian Team must be told to win against Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka or South Africa to have their voice heard.

Guess what BCCI can be in peace for the
next ten years

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by Blitzkrieg on May 07, 2007 04:50 PM
Correction..They should be asked to win against those countries on their soil and not in India....20 years are there for the taking

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Freek Guy
Money ruling cricket in India
by Freek Guy on May 07, 2007 03:32 PM  | Hide replies

I have heard a lot from the below comments that the cap on the number of endorsements is not fair. But one should note that BCCI's ruling is not totally unfair. We talk about lakhs from match fees, retainment fees etc.. But a single endorsement fetches crores a year, So those with 18 and 20 endorsements would actually be finding them a better source of income whereas it should have remained a second priority. The player interest is bound to shift towards the side that brings more fortune.
Please leave the cult "Only good player gets good endorsement" because this is not always true. Once a player establishes himself, endorsements will flow irrespective of what he does thereafter. Thats why the Demi God status - God doesnt need to prove, all God does s great!!!
Therefore, BCCI should have a policy such that the main business of the player - cricket - becomes the major source of income. And linking payment with performance would necessitate one to play well. Note that they have not placed a cap on the earning from a single advertisement - If the player plays extremely good, he can bargain with an endorser for a sum as huge as it can be. Naturally, the endorser would budge for the best players in the squad because he also has a cap on the number of players he can choose to endorse his product. This in turn would put additional pressure on the players to perform.
Now, dont say endorsing is the player's right and private player private product, private BCCI, no regulation and such stuff - No board can be a victim of such rules. The board would love to have the team play at its best at any cost...

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kalpak shaha
RE:Money ruling cricket in India
by kalpak shaha on May 07, 2007 04:26 PM
well you are looking at one side of the coin and that too being pessimistic. Be realistic and think that endoresments for players is also motivation for good game. The companies also know that the performance of the player is important to sell their product. So I would say that instead of BCCI, the companies should modify their contract structure... :)
Performance oriented payment from BCCI is completely fair. But dont think that this will not account for the player as they get money from the endoresment. Their cricket future as team India member is also in danger. BCCI should control this factor rather than money factor.

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prasanna krishnan
RE:RE:Money ruling cricket in India
by prasanna krishnan on May 07, 2007 04:33 PM
ya like the BCCI can stop salary and let the buggers earn from the endorsements, how long can they survive?

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anantharaman  venkatraman
RE:Money ruling cricket in India
by anantharaman venkatraman on May 07, 2007 07:00 PM
I am sure no senior Indian player will be able to control his greed and retire voluntarily with grace as many foreign players like Gilchrist have done. Even the great spinner Muralitharan has said he will retire soon and will have nothing to do with cricket after retirement as there many other things in life to enjoy other tahn cricket. Will the indian players do so?They are not satisfied even after earning crores of rupees, having attractive employment, luckrative own business and above all despite their poor form. They are also obstructing entry of youngsters in the process.

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Sampath N K
Players VS BCCI
by Sampath N K on May 07, 2007 03:18 PM  | Hide replies

One thing should be understood here is the working capacity of a player is limited. He would work only for a max of 15 years that is if he is in good books with his fellow players and the board official. So why put hurdles to earn that extra buck? He does not get paid like the others in AUS / NZ / ENG. Give him the resources and money, he will definitely perform. It is BCCI that is getting too much greedy. I think it is time that BCCI learn from the football clubs and have those strategy.

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Balasubramaniam R
RE:Players VS BCCI
by Balasubramaniam R on May 07, 2007 03:31 PM
One feels BCCI should be more mature. Let the players earn as much as they can when they are popular. There can be a limit on the percentage of time for which they should make themselves available to BCCI. Rest of the time is theirs. On match days however the time table could be tougher so that the players dont get carried away. At the same time BCCI should be bold enough to sack players who dont perform. BCCI should set proper benchmarks for performance for senior as well as junior players with tougher standards set for seniors. If the system is transparent then it will show in results there will be no need to panic after failures.

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Sameer Kapoor
BCCI Vs Players
by Sameer Kapoor on May 07, 2007 03:05 PM

Since the BCCI wants to restrict the number of endorsements so that the players concentrate on playing and not commercials why does it not throw out players who are not contributing or not in form rather than restricting their endorsements? If a player is thrown out of the team his 'commercial value' will automatically fall and the number of endorsements will decrease or just vanish. Instead of dropping players who are not in form, for the very first series, after the world cup disaster they pick Sehwag, not only pick him for the team but he may be the captain if Dravid does not play because of injury. Hats off to BCCI for thier spineless stand. Way to go Cricket India, long live our BCCI and arrogant players. If this is the route we wish to take I think Ireland or bangla Desh may win the world cup before we do.

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Ideal Man
Bnagladesh Series Shouldn't be Parameter
by Ideal Man on May 07, 2007 02:48 PM  | Hide replies

In my opinion they can not be hero again if they win in Bangladesh. They have to win any big tournament to get back supporters faith and if BCCI gets flexible than I would say their is no hope remain in this game. These players have earned a lot during their career and now its the time they have to show their skills rather than opposing contracts. Why the hell they are stcik on contract issue. They have to have little shame remains in them. We are not going to leave them relaxed until they bring back countries dignity. BCCI never succumb in pressure and if these players stick on their demaand do sack them and introduce fresh blood in team. I am sure if they search they will get 100's of Heyden, Lara, Ponting, Sangkara, Macgrath and Gilchrist.

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Anil Bhagwat
RE:Bnagladesh Series Shouldn't be Parameter
by Anil Bhagwat on May 07, 2007 04:51 PM
Tendulker can buy in Rs. 1 Crore, to any most-influential person in the 'BCCI', to keep his 20- 25 Endorsements going alive to earn hefty Money. He can leave the Cricket only if the company can continue to endorse him,out side the ground too. He is no more a live wire "LEGEND" on the cricket ground but doesn't want leave the endorsement at any cost. It's immaterial whether He deserve in the Team India Or Not. After, All He is a "Mahan Balle-Baz" He should resign graciously as others are doing, otherwise what respect he has earned, will be lost in fumes. The companies are also funny investing money on old Horse.

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