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Dravid handed momentum to Aussies: Waugh

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Stop focussing only on Sledging
by Raman on Dec 28, 2007 12:37 AM

I have always been telling on here that our media,former players like Gavaskar and current ones like Bhajji Sreesanth etc are only focussing on Sledging the AUssies and completely ignoring their greatness,they have won 4 WCUPS and 2 without losing a single match and also won series after series for almost 15 years,so its high time we give them the credit and start focussing on the game to counter them than some stupid verbal diarrhea....they are too good and we are no way number2 team,thats just a myth,we are no different to any touring team there and look at our ODI record against them last 10 years or so you will find the huge gap..

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Time to not retire but rest
by ALOK GUPTA on Dec 28, 2007 12:32 AM  | Hide replies

I think Vengi was right in his decision to rest Dravid in One dayers. I believe after this series Dravid can be rested for some more time and prove his credibility before he would be considered again. No doubt its tough time for Dravid but cricket and India first. I guess he should discuss this with Ganguly how to fight back and I am sure Dada will surely help him out despite of all the differences. Long live Dada...

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Suman Bhat
RE:RE:Time to not retire but rest
by Suman Bhat on Dec 28, 2007 12:43 AM
what about the failure of laxmanjaffer dhoni yuvraj and harbajan wktless

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RE:Time to not retire but rest
by ALOK GUPTA on Dec 28, 2007 12:48 AM
They are not consistant failure like Dravid:)

BTW Mr Bhat, you have made lot of fun today of yourself. Everyone here know now that you do not know anything about cricket. So better go and sleep

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Cricket s
RE:RE:Time to not retire but rest
by Cricket s on Dec 28, 2007 01:36 AM
When SG failed and he was dropped, you guys burnt effigies. SG kept saying "oh I scored 15K runs" instead of just shutting his mouth and scoring runs in domestic matches.

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Cricket s
RE:Time to not retire but rest
by Cricket s on Dec 28, 2007 01:35 AM
Inspite of RD's poor form...he averages 40 or so this year. Not like our Two-Minute Noodle Great.

RD should also consult SG on how to organize Bandhs, burn effigies, which politician to influence, keep telling fake stats to media etc.

At least now you guys realize that there is nothing wrong in dropping for lack of scores (SG, RD or SRT). Dropping Ganguly at that time was the right thing to do...and if needed dropping RD is just equally okay.

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RE:Time to not retire but rest
by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 01:44 AM
btw, i fully agree with one point of yours..

Dropping Ganguly at that time was the right thing to do...and if needed dropping RD is just equally okay.

Spot on!

But Dravid satarts scoring in domestic matches and hez stil kept out of team due to his spat wd venki, obvsly no 1z gonna accept that. then you can also find RDs fans with slogans.

Atleast SG is performing like anything now, so giv him a break.
He has justified his comeback.

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Drop Bhajji and take Sehwag
by Ram on Dec 28, 2007 12:20 AM  | Hide replies

Maybe that would do the trick. As it is Bhajji has not done anything noteworthy since a long long time. If Sehwag comes in, he can not only open the innings but also chip in with his offspin. What say?

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RE:Drop Bhajji and take Sehwag
by ALOK GUPTA on Dec 28, 2007 12:37 AM
Sewag can chip in with his offsipn but can not influence like Bhajji. Taking regular spinner out of team might affect the equation. If pitch support then Bhajji could be 100 times dangerous then Sewag and that's the test cricket. So you idea sounds good but I am unable to digest replacing a bowler with a batsman.

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Vinit Sacheti
RE:Team India is big time loser!
by Vinit Sacheti on Dec 28, 2007 12:17 AM
Dont be too frustrated.... hopefully india will fight back... india is the only team in recent years who gave a fightback to Australia.... did u forget about the last series....
india was never the no. 1 team, still they are better then lot of othe teams..
dont talk in air.. that t2o was fixed.... india again defeated australia in the t20 match in india.
Lot of blame goes to bcci for planning this series... there were not practise matches... and the conditions here are quite different from india....
but they should have done better in fielding and running between wickets atleast.....
lets see how does the series go..

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sumit bhalerao
RE:Team India is big time loser!
by sumit bhalerao on Dec 28, 2007 12:23 AM
only india can beat them, and take my words we will win this series. the move of making dravid open the innings was a blunder. take sehwag in throw bhajji out make sehwag open the innings and see the difference bhajji is of no use.....

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Wicket or no wicket
by Giri on Dec 28, 2007 12:03 AM  | Hide replies

Playing off the new ball backfired India. We should have attacked inspite of knowing Australia will come at very hard. None other than Tendulkar undone the Aussie bowling. Dravid and Jaffer gave too much respect for Lee and Jhonson. Dravid is not at his best of form.

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Samia Baig
Yuvi to open
by Samia Baig on Dec 27, 2007 11:49 PM  | Hide replies

India should try Yuvi as opener in 2nd innings with Dravid in his usual position. We would anyway be chasing 600 and looking to lose. No harm in giving some respite to the Wall

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RE:Yuvi to open
by Desi on Dec 28, 2007 12:38 AM
Couldn't agree with you more!

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Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by Vijay on Dec 27, 2007 11:48 PM  | Hide replies

Unfortunately, Steve is right. Dravid is not in a great form. Defence is not the best answer to Aussie pace battery but aggression is. Shewag is our best bet to open the innigs. If he clicks great if he doesn't we don't have much hope. If shewag fires then only Aussie bowlers can be pushed on backfoot then our other batsman can score. Mr. Kumble let's bring Veeru back, "aaya tho murga gaya tho anda." Let's gamble

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Suman Bhat
RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by Suman Bhat on Dec 27, 2007 11:51 PM
What about failure of jaffer dhoni yuvraj laxman andtoday master blaster did not blast or tiger did not roar..where was superstars when team require their service blabbering so much in front of media%u2026. What about failure of jaffer dhoni yuvraj laxman and harbajan wktless
Ganguly said he missed many 100s bcuz of batting up in order why he did not come forward to opening??

what about failure of jaffer, laxman dhoni yuvraj and harbjan wktless????
Here no other Indian batsman is ready to open, cos they all are under tremendous pressure even playing in their regular
Dravid is still best...

Dravid is hig Mat I nns NO Runs HS Ave BF SR 100 50
115 197 24 9683 270 55.97 22832 42.40 24 49
hest contributor to the team ind victory as test batsman for india.more than tendulkar and gavaskar dravids average is 74.92 when india wins.Dravid's average is 35.09 in his last ten innings
Dravid has highest catchholder for ind in test (in odi too)
Dravid has highest batting average in test format than any other batsman
dravid is only batsman who batted from No1 to No7 position in team for both forms of game
Dravid is only ind player who won 3 icc awards
dravid only ind player selected for 3 yrs icc test team 2 yrs icc odi team.
dravid is only player who performed consistantly from last 6-7 yrs for the team

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RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by Vijay on Dec 28, 2007 01:09 AM
Hey Bhat, It seems Dravid has forgotten that we need to score not stay at the wicket for nothing. We can't stop every ball that too we are replying to Aussies first innings total not trying to draw the match. Can you please remind Dravid to be positive or quit! We got people yaar! Kya bole...

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tamil troublers
RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by tamil troublers on Dec 28, 2007 12:07 AM
Dont write, Dravid was, Dravid did, Dravid have done. Dravid in the past. In current form, he is a hopeless players and was rightly discarded from the team by Vengsalkar. He need a rest like ganguly. If he can find form, then its fine. Otherwise, bye bye Dravid. your career should be over

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Cricket s
RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by Cricket s on Dec 28, 2007 01:42 AM
Good one. I hope Ganguly fans read your statement and understand that Ganguly was dropped for a reason

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RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by JM on Dec 28, 2007 12:05 AM
Suman Bhat, you seem like a fan of Dravid but not a follower of cricket. It certainly does not seem you have played cricket at any level or understand the intricacies of a test match.

Dravid is indeed a great player one of the best! We dont need your 2-bit braainac-analysis to say that (neither does Waugh or Vijay contend that)

The discussion is about team-India and the article is Dravid gae away the 'momentum' to the Aussies. i.e. that is where it started and because of that Ponting had his job cut short and didnt have much thinking or pondering to do.
Yes, Jaffer failed, Laxman/Ganguly/Tendulkar didnt carry on...very evident! But Dravid, as great a player he is, lived a life of misery on the pitch. It was very difficult to watch and Im sure he was glad in some ways to get out.

Instead of tooting "Dravid is great..Dravid is great" like a stuck record, try and understand cricket, maybe you can even try hitting a stationary tennis ball with a cricket bat before throwing up on rediff.

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RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by ALOK GUPTA on Dec 28, 2007 12:19 AM
Suman were you there when everyone said they will not open and Dravid said he will open. But when everyone said no one open then who will be on non striker end. The Dravid said, I will play from both sides. But then in the fist over Aus found no one on the non striker end, they refused to play and they refused that Dravid can play from both ends. The Dravid said are you afraid of me, dont worry I will not take any run and I will make a history to make no run full day. Mr Suman...Are a nuts or what???

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Suman Bhat
RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by Suman Bhat on Dec 28, 2007 12:46 AM
Opening against fast and accurate bowling on hard bouncy pitches in aus conditions will be a tough task for any batsman . it will be a challenge to even Jaffer
As a professional team player dravid he accepted challenge If he fails he will be out of test team also He is well aware of chief selector has an agenda against him.( Already out of odi team after just five bad innings. (Harbajan was wktless in six matches still he playing odi )
today master blaster did not blast or tiger did not roar..where was superstars when team require their service blabbering so much in front of media%u2026.
Ganguly said he missed many 100s bcuz of batting up in order why he did not come forward to opening??

what about failure of jaffer, laxman dhoni yuvraj and harbjan wktless????
Here no other Indian batsman is ready to open, cos they all are under tremendous pressure even playing in their regular slot, but not Dravid. Dravid is the savior not only for Indian cricket and to other Indian batsmen too. Even still dravid has better average than any other ind batsman and still ranked 12th in ICC test ranking

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RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by on on Dec 28, 2007 04:23 AM
You're right it was a collectiv failure. The only one I would spare is Sachin and Kumble among the batsmen. Sachin was extremely unlucky and Kumble was not out.

Lets support Team india and not the individual player

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sumit bhalerao
RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by sumit bhalerao on Dec 28, 2007 12:21 AM
we should hav taken uthappa in the team should hav opened with uthappa and jaffer. uvi 0ne down, tendulkar two down then ganguli then dravid and dhoni to follow. we should hav attaced as we hav said earlier the only way to beat australia is to play like australia.

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RE:Dravid handed momentum to Aussies
by Patrick on Dec 28, 2007 12:28 AM
hey bhagwaan. aur kya kya sunna sorry padna padega.

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Usman Zaheer
Too early to Judge
by Usman Zaheer on Dec 27, 2007 11:32 PM  | Hide replies

I think it is to early to judge the Indian performance. We started slowly but i think we will pick up soon

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geet kandya
RE:Too early to Judge
by geet kandya on Dec 27, 2007 11:55 PM
ae usman bhai, goggle utar duniya dekh.............we'll pick up soon?......ya, we'll pick up our bags soon and rush back to india......if this is the way we r going to lose oppurtunities to take the initiative.....!!!

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suresh madhavan
RE:Too early to Judge
by suresh madhavan on Dec 28, 2007 01:49 AM
we'll pick up soon?......ya, we'll pick up our bags soon and rush back to india-- ROFL-
I can't stop laughing- thanks

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RE:Too early to Judge
by Nishant on Dec 27, 2007 11:56 PM
well.. Steve Waugh commented on the play till now and i think he is spot on.

Anything can happen.. true. Dravid can score a 300 in 2nd innings.. but till now he suckd and Steve Waugh is RIGHT!

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amit pratap
Dravid: Bali ka bakra
by amit pratap on Dec 27, 2007 11:31 PM  | Hide replies

Dravid is set batsman in middle order. His form is also not so good but he is big player. I think middle order will help him to get some runs & confidence. As far as yuvi concerns he is new in the team & have a tremondeous form now a days. So he will be flexible in opening. he is an attacking player & able to face lee & company easily. Aussies don't like aggression of opponents so yuvi can down their confidence easily.

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Suman Bhat
RE:Dravid: Bali ka bakra
by Suman Bhat on Dec 28, 2007 12:47 AM
A failure of gamble for kumble as dravid failed as opener now ppl are already screaming against dravid. . He has never been selfish towards his position and game

make ganguly and tendulkar open batting against aussies in tests and also make them bat in five diff positions in five odis then see the differnce in scoring strikerate. ..why everytime dravid should made scapegoatkar and none of player is coming forward to open innings to accommodate yuvraj. If ganguly & te Opening against fast and accurate bowling on hard bouncy pitches in aus conditions will be a tough task for any batsman . it will be a challenge to even Jaffer
As a professional team player dravid he accepted challenge If he fails he will be out of test team also He is well aware of chief selector has an agenda against him.( Already out of odi team after just five bad innings. (Harbajan was wktless in six matches still he playing odi )
today master blaster did not blast or tiger did not roar..where was superstars when team require their service blabbering so much in front of media%u2026.

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