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Dravid handed momentum to Aussies: Waugh

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'Rest' Dravid like Sourav?
by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 02:30 AM  | Hide replies

Just the way Ganguly was rightfully dropped, same might be the right thing to do for Dravid as well.

Hope he returns back and performs like Ganguly is doing of late to justify his comeback.

And i am not commenting based on his performance today. He suckd like hell today, yes.
But its his many performances of late which have been miserable enough to raise this issue.

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RE:'Rest' Dravid like Sourav?
by on on Dec 28, 2007 02:38 AM
Unfortunately India wanted Ganguly to stay out their and bat it out with the tail. He literally throw his wicket away to Hogg. I understand Sachin was extremely unlucky to get an Inside edge and got out. Then Yuvi and Dhoni failed and Saurav knew he was the last recognized batsman and well settled too, why throw it away?

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RE:'Rest' Dravid like Sourav?
by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 02:47 AM
if you were playing at the international level for India, would you really dare to 'throw' away your wicket?

is it easy to get into the Indian XI that someone would throw his wicket away?

I dont think there is a more frustrated man other than Ganguly to have lost his wicket to Brad Hogg.

Yes, it would have been nice if Ganguly would have been thr till the end with the tailenders but well..

60.1       Hogg to Ganguly, OUT, Got him. Hogg gets his first wicket, Ganguly undone by a wicked change of pace, the flipper skids through and knocks back the off stump as the batsman rocks back. A bamboozled Ganguly's on his way just short of his fifty
SC Ganguly b Hogg 43 (79b 1x4 1x6) SR: 54.43

doesnt seem like he 'threw' his wicket away.

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RE:'Rest' Dravid like Sourav?
by Jim on Dec 28, 2007 03:01 AM
Watch the highlights or tape if you can find it. I can send it to you if you have an e-mail address. That is a better way to judge than to just read Cricinfo. Those idiots are all Indian. They love the team so till they get completely frustrated, they dont say anything negative.

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RE:'Rest' Dravid like Sourav?
by Starwar on Dec 28, 2007 07:09 AM
Forget other issues...we need to drop Dravid ...ASAP..

Dravid has failed since last 18 months in tests...according to sidhartha vaidyanathan in cricinfo site

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RE:'Rest' Dravid like Sourav?
by on on Dec 28, 2007 02:54 AM
The same question I have, why throw the wicket away when you have 100 test experience behind you and know that you're the last experienced batsman.

You read on cricinfo commentry and I watched it live on TV. It was flipper, the one Kumble bowls all the time. Ganguly went back and tried to cut it violently and failed to connect. Watch it on the news channel as they are still showing the clippage from the play..

Sachin classically flicked the ball for four and cricinfo commentory said, 'Inside Edge for four runs'.. Watch yourself and decide

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RE:'Rest' Dravid like Sourav?
by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 02:32 AM
He needs to be back in form .. for his own good and for his team as well..

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RE:'Rest' Dravid like Sourav?
by on on Dec 28, 2007 02:44 AM
I don't think he was ever out of form in Test matches in last couple years.

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Waugh the unwanted captain
by on on Dec 28, 2007 02:29 AM  | Hide replies

here is another loose canon barking. This is the same guy who was unwanted by his own team as a captain.

The same Aussie where blaming Ganguly yesterday for giving strike to Yuvraj before tea. They were blaming Ganguly for Yuvraj and Dhoni's outster in same over.

Every one who watched the game yesterday, knows how well Lee and Johnson bowled. they were unbelievably tiedy with the robotics line and length. The speed was consistently around 145kph with the new ball. Hey even Hayden and Ponting had to play that sort of bowling, they would have been 0-0 at in first 15 overs..

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RE:Waugh the unwanted captain
by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 02:50 AM
he was a fine player, a fine captain (his team won the World Cup under him) and a fine human being (he does a lot of charity work and that too for Indian kids).

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I Am legend
steve waugh doesnt think his country bowlers arent best
by I Am legend on Dec 28, 2007 02:17 AM  | Hide replies

the statement made by steve suggest that he doesnt have faith in australia's bowling attack...

if u see the pitch map of the australia bowlers...they didnt give anything to indian batsmen for 20 overs...no bad balls nor wide balls..

our fast bowlers didnt had any match pratice..both zaheer and r.p singh are making comeback after injuries...

rahul dravid and wasim jaffer both arent attacking batsmen..both are in same genre...u need a attacking batsman in the top...

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RE:steve waugh doesnt think his country bowlers arent best
by on on Dec 28, 2007 02:42 AM
Every one who watched the game yesterday, knows how well Lee and Johnson bowled. they were unbelievably tiedy with the robotics line and length. The speed was consistently around 145kph with the new ball. Hey even Hayden and Ponting had to play that sort of bowling, they would have been 0-0 at in first 15 overs..

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Waugh knows crap
by Jim on Dec 28, 2007 02:01 AM  | Hide replies

Steve is doing what I would do if I were in his shoes. Dravid is the biggest threat to the Aussies from previous tours. He is down on confidence. If you want to help the Aussies make sure that he does not regain his confidence. So Steve, being the shrewd manipulater that he is, is playing mind games.

I watched the game. There seems to be a block in Indian think tank. They have gotten it into their minds that the Kukobura ball does not swing or cut after 25 overs since the seam gets soft. So, there are instructions that we should not lose more than 1 or 2 wickets in that time. That is the reason behind just letting everything go.

I have the tapes on the innings yesterday on my Tivo. I keep watching the first 15 overs. It is strange but, there were several nice over pitched deliveries that the Indian bats just let go. Their tactics were wrong.

As for the morons on the forum that are being SUBJECTIVE again, well it is normal when you dont understand the game. Dravid was at one end. If you remember, Akash Chopra who was the beloved of several here played 50 overs to make 23 in the previous test in Melbourne. Viru at the other end got going so we just ignored things. This time around, neither got going and Dravid looks bad today.

It is not a bad start. Indians play better from behind than when they are ahead. When they are ahead, for some reason they seem to lose focus.

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RE:Waugh knows crap
by shayantan on Dec 28, 2007 02:04 AM
makes sense

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RE:Waugh knows crap
by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 02:18 AM
ya makes sense. but all the same. Dravid sucked toady!

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Puneet Rambal
SEWAG should have been Played...
by Puneet Rambal on Dec 28, 2007 01:57 AM  | Hide replies

I think sehwag should have been played instead of dravid. Sewag is a kind of batsmen, either OUT or faster runs.

See Hayden played agressively, similarly Sachin also played like that. Whoever were very defensive didn't do well.

Well this test looks gone case for India. Indian Team should take some lessons and try to play better. If they play like this, it may be 4-0 white wash for indians...

It is a Wake Up call for Indian Team!!!

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RE:SEWAG should have been Played...
by Jim on Dec 28, 2007 02:05 AM
This idiotic thinking of putting everything on player should stop. It is a team game. THe openers have a role to play. THey blunt the new ball and put some runs on the board. The rest follows. That is the general idea of cricket.

Jaffer is now the guy we like because he scored a double hundred at home. We forget the fact that the wicket produced 2000 runs with less than 20 wickets from both sides. Jaffer opened the face of the bat and guided a nice out swinger into the hands of the keeper.

Sehwag should play because we need a combination of one attacking player and one defensive one. People used to yell at even Sunil Gavaskar but, for a while Chetan Chauhan and then the number 3 bats or Vishy used to score quickly while Sunil just hung around.

Learn cricket before you post idiotic comments on the forum.

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Puneet Rambal
RE:SEWAG should have been Played...
by Puneet Rambal on Dec 28, 2007 02:17 AM
Jimy Jimy Jimy...

U have lot of knowledge about cricket. Why don't u go to AUS and help out Indian Team...

Jimy Jimy Jimy...

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RE:SEWAG should have been Played...
by Jim on Dec 28, 2007 02:53 AM
Puneet Bhai, I was wrong in the personal attack. I am sorry about that and I like your reply.

THe fact of the matter is, I agree that Sehwag would have helped but, only if he had someone at the other end. But, in reality we lost the plot when we went from 120/3 to 196 all out. See last year during the ashes, australia were 84/5 and went on to make 420.

Sachin and Ganguly were in and were on for good scores. Both screwed up by getting out at the wrong time. To add to that we got 2 bad decisions in Yuvi and Dhoni. Let us hope for a better day today.

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RE:SEWAG should have been Played...
by on on Dec 28, 2007 04:05 AM
Yuvi was out, check that on your TIVO. The sneko confirmed the edge. Dhoni looked out as well, but I have no openion as no Hawk Eye confirmed or denied it..
The one who wasn't out was Kumble. The bat actually hit the pad and snemo confirmed that..

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Cricket s
by Cricket s on Dec 28, 2007 01:46 AM  | Hide replies

Dravid should take a break or bat at #6.

On a lighter note....

I hope his dropping will not trigger things like 'oh I have scored over 20K runs, I have scored 35 centuries, Highest scorer in 2003 tour etc etc. I also hope if Dravid is dropped he will not enter the team as an all rounder or come into the team with the help of K'nataka politicians.

Dravid can go to Himalayas (with the help of SG), find out the same Guru who did Poojas for SG, drive away the negative energy (in his mind) and get back to the team.

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by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 01:56 AM
And i believe, if India were to do well in this series, Dravid has to play an important role. He needs to get back to form and stop playing so miserably like jez doing off late.. for is own gud and for the gud of the team as well.

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Crick fan
by Crick fan on Dec 28, 2007 02:40 AM
Dravid did well to bat out 20 overs. The new ball is a havock in Aussie. But perhaps he could have got at least 20 -25 runs to set up better pace for India. Dravid will be back scoring soon, but mind you the problem will be Jaffar. If persisted with he cannot do much, as he is inadequate for Aussies.

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by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 01:54 AM
Yes you are right. :D

but regarding coming back wd the helkp of politicians, i believe you are referring to SG, but lemme tell you, if after being dropped, RD performs in the domestic circuit and stil hez kept out of the team due to spme spat wd the coach or the chief selector, then Karnataka ppl wud evidently get personal..

And above all, no matter how you comeback, you have to perform to justify your comeback which SG si doing till now quite well.

The moment he stops, i believe the claws of Bedi and co. wud be out!

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Cricket s
by Cricket s on Dec 28, 2007 02:06 AM

Please look at the domesic scores (and English County) of Sir Ganguly. He had nothing SIGNIFICANT to show.

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by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 02:14 AM

Please do that yourself.

and you would know that 'He had nothing SIGNIFICANT to show' is bullsh*t.

I guess his performance as of now is enough to not even go into the debate whether it is SIGNIFICANT or not!

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Cricket s
by Cricket s on Dec 28, 2007 02:23 AM
You only said that he made a lot of runs in the domestic...just prove it. He made runs since his comeback is a truth and he made his way into the team via backdoor is also a truth. Just look at his domestic scores include 14 runs in 4 matches (English County in 2006).

Ganguly and Ganguly fans have one thing in common. Just manipulate the numbers and show as if Ganguly always scored runs (two minute noodle).

REcent Ganguly statement "oh I missed a few double centuries", "oh had I batted at up the order I would have scored more centuries". Here is an opportunity ...just make an announcement that you want to bat up the order. You are in form. SG...why not you bat at #3 or opening and let the out of form batsman bat down the ordeR?

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by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 03:33 AM
@'on' or wotevr
that was meant to be in a taunting tone.
and ya wotevr i said to 'Sir' Cricket s, refers to you too (regarding Souravs comeback wd politicians aid)

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by on on Dec 28, 2007 04:29 AM
@'Nishant' or wotevr

uhhmm..makes no sense...whatever...

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Cricket s
by Cricket s on Dec 28, 2007 09:43 AM
For Nishant:

Oh you are angry now!!!! that is good. Unlike you, I will try not to use foul language. Sir...English County...I am talking about 4 matches..and you are talking about one match agt Mumbai. You are the one who said he did so well in the domestic matches. Except a knock here and there...he had ordinary performance in domestic matches including two zeros against Z. Khan. Ganguly recently made a statement that he missed a few double hundred. Check out crickinfo article after he score the 2ble hundred. SG may be performing now...but he set up a bad precedent to future cricketers ...that you can come into the team via buring effigies and political influence....not a good thing

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by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 05:38 AM
since whn did things out in rediff started making sense @'on' or wotvr

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by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 03:32 AM
Now you hav started talkin like a real pr*ck.

you aint any b8r dude, thn those goons wd burning effigies.

And coming to 2 min noodles stuff, are you any better?
Youlike a smarta*se pointed out his dismal performance in the County.
did you evr bother to mention his knock in the Ranji final against Mumbai??
as i said you are no better. just a smarta*se.

and nobody not evn him thinks he has missd a few double centuries but i guess you are as manipulative as the Sourav fans. hah! hypocrisy at its best!

lemme hand it to you.
Ganguly returnd only due to politicians of bengal and goons wd burning effigies. mebe he suckd Chappels 'you kno wot' as well.

so now, talking of the present (which is what matters) is he performing or not?

While you figure that out and continue cribbing, i hope Sourav goes on performing.

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by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 03:35 AM
btw, thrz a difference which i hope wont be hard enough for you to figure out.

I nevr he said he scored bucketful of runs.

got that?

and neithr do i agree wd you on the fact that 'he as nothing SIGNIFICANT' to show.

hope thats self explanatory?

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by Nishant on Dec 28, 2007 02:16 AM
btw, 'Sir' Ganguly was nice.

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by on on Dec 28, 2007 02:33 AM
LMAO!! Nice? what does that mean? And yes Ganguly's contribution in domestic wasn't much. He was recalled for SF tour just because the issue was raised in Indian Parliament by Bengal Politicians..

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Cricket s
by Cricket s on Dec 28, 2007 02:24 AM
Yeah right...communist Govt in Calcutta is talking to the Queen.

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bala murugan
no back bone for indian fast bowlers?
by bala murugan on Dec 28, 2007 01:16 AM

Y indian bowlers cannot extract bounce.
Even in PERTH they cannot raise the ball over hip height.

In perth.,indian batsmen will get 80% of balls over the shoulder height............
They will get out below 80.

Lets see

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