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Bedi criticises Bajji's bowling action

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Wake Up Mr Bedi...
by on Dec 02, 2007 05:47 PM

This is a remark by a dissgruntled old man who wants to be in the public eye by giving statements that may put him in news.

Media as usual you are to blame to give undue and unwanted publicity to baseless, useless remarks.

Guys, lets encourage out team. Lets not dissapoint them with such false accussations.


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Mark Kaylee
Bedi paid by the Aussies
by Mark Kaylee on Dec 02, 2007 05:38 PM

Obviously this Santa Banta Bedi is being paid by the Aussies to demoralise Indians ahead of the down under tour.

Aussie chamcha Bedi...shame on you..thoooo

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Thanks Bedi!!
by Mat on Dec 02, 2007 05:28 PM

Thanks for your input,but don't you think you are just giving the aussies another bullet to fire at us ,before the tour. The timing is really bad, Sir.

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