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ICL no match to Packer's WSC

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Meer Ali
by Meer Ali on Aug 23, 2007 05:02 PM

no doubt ICL at this moment no match to WSC but i am sure in future it will over take the BCCI.God bless Kapil dev for daring and let the talent comes out in Indian players.BCCI WILL TAKE FEW PLAYERS FROM ICL FOR TEAM INDIA IN FURURE.

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Emperor Ashoka
The article is perfunctory and serves no purpose
by Emperor Ashoka on Aug 23, 2007 04:59 PM  | Hide replies

This labouriously penned article is perfunctory and serves no purpose. It is said that comparisons are odious. It is also said that half knowledge is a dangerous thing. Both the sayings are proved right by this article.

The circumstances of Kerry Packer's cricket circus (as it was called then) and Subash Chandra's ICL are entirely different and their intents, stakeholders and audience have practically nothing in common.

It will be more meaningful for scribes to attempt a critical analysis and evaluation of what ICL can achieve if it falls in place, how it will impact the Indian cricket scenario in the immediate and distant future etc.

I for one believe that ICL is a very welcome concept and wish it tremendous success. Atleast it will make the part-timers and politicians manning the socalled "official" BCCI to sit up and squirm, if not mend themselves totally.

If in fact (even miraculously) ICL puts BCCI in the shadows with its success, that will be a greater and more glorious day in the history of Indian cricket.

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shyam vallabh
RE:The article is perfunctory and serves no purpose
by shyam vallabh on Aug 23, 2007 05:30 PM
I fully agree with you.

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srini vasan
RE:The article is perfunctory and serves no purpose
by srini vasan on Aug 23, 2007 05:14 PM
I too welcome ICL.

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BCCI has so much money yet no result
by ! on Aug 23, 2007 04:58 PM  | Hide replies

The Day politicians leave BCCI, it will become a professional agency.

They have so much Indian money and doing so less for cricket. Look at Australian Cricket Board or Pakistan Cricket Board. Champions are produced.

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aravind kumar
RE:BCCI has so much money yet no result
by aravind kumar on Aug 23, 2007 04:59 PM
Pakistan Cricket Board???????? CHAMPIONS?????????? are you kidding me?

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amit sharma
by amit sharma on Aug 23, 2007 04:49 PM  | Hide replies

1)our most of indian cricket fans r not logistic, they would like to see match irrespective of recognised r r not,
2) ICL will never hold five days test matches
3) n our advertisers has nothing to do with recognition, they would like to get advertised
4)BCCI has done so many things wrong, it does not justify to entrance of ICL just to enjoy the efforts done by BCCI, BCCI needs to be rectified
5) PPL criticising BCCI on money issues forget that BCCI was 60 years in loss but still doing something for players (under 15, 19, 21, india A), grounds, holding matches/ tournaments etc now they hav full right to enjoy also, but like ICL being run by cunning a businessmen who just want to get advantages only by using groomed players by ssome1 else, facilitated by some1 else, if he is genuine then he must develop infrastructes n players then should come ahead
n in any case theere r so many fools in india to treat him as great, just they treat so many in politics
6) And as far media is concerned, most of our so called experts at Tv channels age group of 18-30, having diploma of few months /years will talk so much , as indian media ( specially electronic) has always been biased/immatured/irresponsible, will try to justify it, n as our most of ppl r illiterate, unaware, which can be seen this time also, as has been seen in election,reservation, dharna, etc,

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Surya Kiran
by Surya Kiran on Aug 23, 2007 04:56 PM
Very True, even 20-20 matches of English counties have a craze. It is all money, nothingelse and people who think that it will be a flop show think themselves that they are much better planner, managers, offcourse businessman etc. and the people in Zee group are idiots and don't know how to manage things.

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by ! on Aug 23, 2007 05:05 PM
Amit Sharma is writing an an employee (junior clerk) of BCCI. Totally biased.

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aravind kumar
RE:Stars matter more than just players!!
by aravind kumar on Aug 23, 2007 04:49 PM
just last night, i was seeing the news and the word was that a number of sponsors were coming forward including sahara. and another thing we have to keep in mind is that these games are definitely gonna be better than our ranji matches.
but as you said, things may not exactly work out the way Zee is planning. but i think its worth supporting them just for the fact the we have had enough of the BCCI and its politicians

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Rana Kamdev
RE:Stars matter more than just players!!
by Rana Kamdev on Aug 23, 2007 04:51 PM
BCCI is also full of jockers, No CA and No ECB.
Even West Indies Board has some cricketers in managment.

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aravind kumar
RE:RE:RE:Stars matter more than just players!!
by aravind kumar on Aug 23, 2007 04:58 PM
atleast in Aus and Eng or South Afrcia the empty stands are good looking. see the subcontinent. the way the boards treat the paying public is pathetic

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Surya Kiran
RE:Stars matter more than just players!!
by Surya Kiran on Aug 23, 2007 05:02 PM
Getting emotional-? Do you have some financial intrest in BCCI-? People are fed of with blunders of BCCI, have a chance to see others as well but the people like you can be emotional when somebody critise the Jokers.

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part 3
by Sparrow on Aug 23, 2007 04:42 PM

5. And please do not bring in the %u2018ppl watch god cricket, and ICL only has retired or mediocre players%u2019 bushtit. If that were to be true the whole of India would have stopped watching cricket after the WC debacle or after our every performance (exceptions excluded) in Australia, S-Africa, Pak etc. Not even the best of our psychologists can predict the mass psyche%u2026 It is rather luck. So far nobody tested ppl%u2019s loyalty to BCCI. Now here is ICL. God knows when will ppl%u2019s loyalty will swing and where and for what%u2026

Just hope that ICL will stick to the ground and work its way out %u2026 whether for money, or loyalty to the game, or ego problem with BCI, or just the passion%u2026 who cares!!


We are with u

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Bankey Bihari
by Bankey Bihari on Aug 23, 2007 04:41 PM

True as much as BCCI is no match to Cricket Australia (except better financially)

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