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BCCI warns Sehwag

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Jaythirth Agnihotri
Sehwag has spoken his heart out........
by Jaythirth Agnihotri on May 10, 2006 05:53 PM

Sehwag has spoken his heart out.....
There's no denying the fact that some of the players are missing DADA.... Infact (DADA)he's been instrumental in shaping those careers who are now the integral part of the team.....The killer instinct which this team is showing is inherited by DADA.....
Ganguly doesn't have to prove his worth by playing in domestic circuit...Coz,not everyday 10,000 runs are scored(which Ganguly has).............

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Comment on...
by Manoranjan on May 10, 2006 05:29 PM

Board members are trying to put Ganguly issue to Cold Storage by using there power. That sould be an open discussion for that going on in Indian cricket as the players are reprenting for the country not for the BBCI.

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Warning from Niranjan Shah to Viru.
by Chintamani on May 10, 2006 05:22 PM

We dont see any reason why a player cannot say he misses some one who was his ex companion. More over I dont see the day far off where the situation shall be similar to Windies and Zimbabwe.

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A K Chakrabarti
BCCI warns Sehwag ??????
by A K Chakrabarti on May 10, 2006 05:01 PM

Niranjan Shah/BCCI just can't stop any body to say any thing except BCCI. It is encroaching on Sehwag's fundamental rights. BCCI- Why not you call for explanation in writing rather than verbal warning if you are right in your action? We will take you to court for this illegal behaviour to indepndent citizen of India. BCCI- you are enjoying all this power because of these players like Sourav, Sehwag, Harbhajan, Kaif, etc. Now as word of George W Bush, BCCI/Coach/selectors have formed an evil axis towards to sopil Indian cricket.

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by Ady on May 10, 2006 04:00 PM

Sehwag,,,poor chap is just trying to save him by saying these things..How much score he has created in the last 20 matches..Just trying to shift the matter...Why the question of Gangugly, when nobody is discussing him right now..I too agree that Ganguly was a good player and he has served a lot for the cricket..but again here it is cricket and here performance should count...

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Shewag a loud mouth
by danny on May 10, 2006 03:16 PM

Shewag is just a loud mouth and has no sense. I cannot see the difference between him and Afridi.Both cannot think their way out of a paper bag. Sooner or later he will be out of the Team.There will be no ganguly protection for him anymore.

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Board is going overboard
by Budhha on May 10, 2006 02:59 PM

Sheer arrogance on the part of the board.

Play...or take rest ......what an arrogance.

It is these players who bring laurels and money to the board and India and not the otherway. Agreed that they make money in endorsements. That doesnt give swweeping powers to the board.

Someone should shake these people and ask them to keep their feet on the ground.

Atleast other sector employees have unions to voice their concerns....the board expects the players to be obedient, without any self respect and SLAVES

What an arrogance it is. somebody should bell the cat

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Well said VIRU
by krishnendu on May 10, 2006 01:49 PM

This proves indian cricket board has done something unjustified to ganguly ánd they no that.so in order to supress that they are taking such steps.it is really a shame that the cricket board has no impact on the players.
and what virndra sewag has said is not anything new,it has been said by many players before.Well said viru.I am sure more players will join you soon.

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Dr. Rajkumar Singh
Niranjan Shah
by Dr. Rajkumar Singh on May 10, 2006 09:59 AM

I want to know whether Mr. niranjan shah has ever touched a cricket bat or ball. Does he thinks Indian Cricket is his paternal property or it belongs to Sharad Pawar who leaves a party denying leadership of a foreign lady and again laps her feet like a dog? The players are our heroes not these dirty politicians! We must kick at the back of people like Niranjan, Pawar, gerg, Kiran and Rahul.

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