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Dravid to captain till 2007 WC

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Jayanta Sengupta
Dravid to captain till 2007WC
by Jayanta Sengupta on Mar 21, 2006 11:02 PM

This shows that how frightened the bunch of selecters are of a single man called Sourav. This man is like a ghost following them and they did not take any chances, lest some goof ups may occur. And goof ups would surely occur because Dravid is not of the same class as Sourav as captain.More so Mr. More is also frightened of Souravs presence ... if this guy scores runs and if public demands a change of captaincy...which was voiced at Wankade Stadium.So Sourav they may leave you out of the cricket team but you still keep them haunted like a ghost.

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it very good news for all indians
by G.balakrishna on Mar 18, 2006 07:02 PM

dravid is right person to become indian captain.

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Dravid as Captain
by sasikumar on Mar 18, 2006 03:09 PM

Dravid, inspite of all the hype about his being THE WALL is all too classy that he hardly inspire spontaneously passionate performance from his team mates which makes the game gloriously uncertain.

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Well Wisher
Dravid as captain till WC 07..
by Well Wisher on Mar 18, 2006 01:36 PM

It is very shocking and sad news for all cricket lovers all over the world that Rahul Dravid has been named as Indias Captain till WC 07. As a Captain of Indian Cricket Team we want to see only SOURAV GANGULY, and no other one.

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CS Thiagarajan
A bold step
by CS Thiagarajan on Mar 18, 2006 11:10 AM

A bold step indeed towards right direction.

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