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Match Referee against India?

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Match referee against India?
by Bharat on Jun 16, 2006 03:55 AM

Bizzare is what I call this. India should appeal these unfair decisions and question the same. It should be a level playing field.

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shanker simon davamony
Match Referee against India
by shanker simon davamony on Jun 16, 2006 03:32 AM

Yes, everytime is seems that India is at the receiving end and anything that India does on the field is not accepted, i can understand to an extent, the umpires have to be neutral no matter who it is that has committed any thing that brings game to a halt or does not keep up the spirit.
Be it in England, Australia, or even in Westindies, India is always minutely looked up on.

Please give them a break.


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Biased match referees
by raj on Jun 16, 2006 03:12 AM

The international game of cricket appears not be run on so called objective rational rules for all but on a set of 'disproprtionating' stereotypes. Accordingly the 'perfidious' oriental or sub-continental types generally over-appeal way too much, are truculent, have a 'chip on their shoulder' (an iferiority complex), perfidious (cheat and decieve) etc etc. The 'munificent' Englishmen and Australians, New Zealanders, like Jeff Crowe, Chris Broad, John Reid (perhaps the most explicitly racist referee of all), and Shane Warne or Allan Donald, in contrast are governed instead by reason, by principles of human decency, by a competitive but fair spiirt when they appeal long loud aggressively and copiously, claim catches and LBWs that palpably arent, and racially abuse their opponents.

Its possible to do a 'scientific' or statistical study of test, examining umpiring and refereeing decisions (both positive and negative outcomes) to prove the hypothesis that ICC officials, umpires and referees are heavily influenced by other than that belief and practice of being equally fair to all proponents of our game - regardless of creed colour and faith.

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Double Standards!!
by B on Jun 16, 2006 12:30 AM

I agree with the partiality diplayed during the 2nd test match. However, i would like too see Inidan players condeming and holding their ground. Mutual benefit theory ended in late 80`s guys.
I would also would suggest Dravid to me more agressive than partial submissive towards these situations. Indian lack that executing abilities, however they can over come this by having a winning apetite.

Coming to the umpiring, India should take a stand on these shady decisions by the refree`s. Every one needs clarity here, how could they let off Lara and then Fine Sehwag???? The refree should be given an sportmanship enlightment. No individual player is abouve the game irrespective of their performance records.

Indian players and the board definetly should hold firm on these situations rather than just neglecting over. We should show some strong character. !!! High time...!!!!

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unfair treatment
by phinehas on Jun 15, 2006 08:51 PM

well, to me it seems that foreign umpires have teamed up against India, in making life difficult on the pitch and outside the pitch for putting heavy fine, this type of bloody umpires should be disqualified from officiating, they are not only punishing indian cricketers but also spoilling the game of cricket, by supporting the opposite team, may I know whether the ICC watchdogs are at sleep when all such nonsense are happening in and out of the field. the behaviour of lara should be punished otherwise it is clearly understood that partiality and racisim once again is in excistence.

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whethere icc umpires aganist india?
by kannan on Jun 15, 2006 06:25 PM

yes, incase of india plaaying in wi or in aus ...india faces this problem..same icc says tht indian umpires are not good ...since we are neutral ..indian umpires should develop to support there home side ..

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Dalmiya is the right man!
by Anitha on Jun 15, 2006 06:18 PM

I feel Dalmiya is the right man in handling these affairs. During his tenure he saved the indian players like a knight in a shining armour. Powar is too much busy in politics. Let politicians stay out of sports.

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refree means impartial
by natasha on Jun 15, 2006 05:59 PM

a match refree is required to see if the game is being carried in its spirit and also to make impartial decisions over the dissent shown by the players. if the decisions are made partial then the person has no right to be called as a "match refree".

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Match refree against India
by Neeraj on Jun 15, 2006 05:54 PM

Yes it seems that all the rules are meant to be enforced most strictly against India. Or the rules are only for Indians, rest of the world never commits a wrong.

This and our performance stems from somewhat misplaced humility in Indians. What Indians do to be humble is construed by the world as weakness. Goats and cows. And if one day the goat takes a stand the world unites to tell the goat that it is rude, short tempered.

This is the plight of being yellow skinned. The whites treat you as lowly. The blacks think that you are yellow blooded too. You sympathise with both and hate both and gain nothing. White and black team up better.

One thing the Indian cricket can do is to train with Sri Lankans. They have attitude. They are always right and have taken on the best and given them a good fight in these non-play things. They talk back, do so with timing and matching venom to the Australians. Either be as humble and as taleneted as Tendulkar, or be like a Lankan Lion. Then only the world will sit up and notice. Having a good team and good performance is necessary, but attitude keeps you in good stead in adverse times and therefore minimizes bad form days.

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useless umpires and useless lara
by anger on Jun 15, 2006 04:45 PM

first of all im writing this letter after reading others replies where some people blame dravid.i first think that that person is stupid.another thing is that the benefit of doubt should be given to batsman. when the umpires dont know this , they should not be paid . and who gave lara the permission to decide whos out and whos not??????????
i think that they are useless.

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