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Lara pans Sabina Park curator

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karthik kumar
great win
by karthik kumar on Jul 04, 2006 11:14 AM

its was a proud movement for all off the indian fans all over the world.actually india deserved to win 3-0 in this series.dravid led by an example.
its nice to see dravid is forming a team that will be very srtong in world cup especially when sachin,balagi,nehra,zheerkhan will come back.

about lara"s comment its not a great wicket,but when ur a international player u should adopt to any kind of atmospere or pitch.that should be one of ur challenge.

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Ideal Pitch
by Kesavan on Jul 03, 2006 05:58 PM

It has become common practice for the Captains to hide behind dead pitches and produce draw after draw. Any pitch which turns out results, should be welcome for tests. If the One dayers is packed with all advantage to Batsman (poor bowler after their toil being slogged over after over), let the tests be loaded in favour of Bowlers. I think this fair enough.
And to come back to my first comment - Captains hiding behind dead pitches - Why dont we try similar practice as in Soccer. If the test is headed for tame time draw. At the end of the day - say last one hour let both team play 5 overs each and the best team based on runs and wickets in the last 5 over win the match.

Fair enough I suppose!!


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LARA double speaks
by Dr F RAHMAN on Jul 03, 2006 05:24 PM

when INDIA were bundled out for meagre 200 runs in the 1st inning of the 4th test, LARA claimed his team will show how to bat on the same pitch.
If the board doesn't listen to his request he should give way to others who can be heard. However, Indian spinners won the test NOT the seamers!!
didn't expect 4 a cricketer o' LARA's calibre to find excuses.

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Rajaram Alva
Lara pans sabina park curator
by Rajaram Alva on Jul 03, 2006 05:00 PM

Great win for india.

The weakness of India against genuine fast bowlers is time and again exposed in The West Indies. We have no chance at all in the world cup with this bunch of inconsistant players like Uvraj Singh, Doni, Jaffar, Sehwag and Kaif.

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Ketan Palekar
Could have gone either way
by Ketan Palekar on Jul 03, 2006 04:40 PM

The match could have gone either way. The difference between the two sides was Dravid's solid batting which enabled India to put a decent score in both the innings. The match was quite close as is seen by the victory margin which is just 49 runs. Fortunately for India, the pitch proved to be a turner which helped Bhajji and Kumble in the first and second innings respectively.

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hello lara
by kishore on Jul 03, 2006 04:37 PM

Its a difficult wicket to bat for both the teams, then howcome lara claim that due to the bad pitch they lost ? Its also difficult for india to bat at the same time. AS India outperformed WI in both batting and bowling, it could able to garnish a win :)

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Series Analysis-WI/INDIA
by observer on Jul 03, 2006 04:35 PM

Irrespective of the win, I do think the win was handed to India when they decided to make a spinner friendly wicket for the last test match. THe conspiracy theorist in my mind always goes back to before the start of the series when West Indies was a team which struggled to beat even minniows Zimbabwe and India had mowed down both England and Srilanka at home and were evened it out with SA.

Now just before the series comes the news that cruical WI votes were sought and garnered by Indian board for their bid to host the next world cup. The Indian board in return agreed to help "revive" West Indian cricket.

Maybe the One day series was handed over to them to revive interest for the home team. Maybe
Iam just spewing nonsense but the fact remains that Inconsistent Indian performances either here or in Pakistan or elsewhere defy every other logic except they follow a neat logic of give and take with each host country involved..

Match fixing was going on for the last ten years and we did'nt think it was possible, who is to say it still is'nt going on today.

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