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Australia score dramatic victory

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imran ahmad
australian win
by imran ahmad on Dec 05, 2006 04:38 PM  | Hide replies

The win in the second test has once again prove that in morern era Aussie team is far better than any oter team. They played the last day of has displays the suprmacy they hold on the cricket.
India has to take a lesson from this test and try to atleast follow the winning hunger of ozi

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RE:australian win
by shailesh on Dec 05, 2006 05:55 PM
Friend why dont u agree that Aussies better than freddie & co

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Pradeep Agarwal
Flintoff should step down to save his career
by Pradeep Agarwal on Dec 05, 2006 04:24 PM

The agony of managing the ship & perform is written all over his body language.The english selectors made the biggest mistake by asking Strauss to make way for Flint.They should have drawn lesson from Botham who after stepping down in favor of Brearly won Ashesh for England on his own.It is still not too late or face 5-0 whitewash.

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Rajesh Vyas
Australia Score Dramatic Victory
by Rajesh Vyas on Dec 05, 2006 04:05 PM  | Hide replies

The truth is finally out!!!!

England's ahes victory about a year and a half ago was nothing but a great stroke of GOOD LUCK for the pommies.

England won by FLUKE and by virtue of that FLUKE victory was rated very high. It was a big hype and ENGLAND has now been shown their true place.

Englans at the moment is only a shade better than Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and maybe INDIA.

Let get back to the earth POMMIES!!!!!

This is not a team with Bothams!!!!

It is at best a club side in Australia!!!!

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RE:Australia Score Dramatic Victory
by Nandan on Dec 05, 2006 05:14 PM
England has a lot more character than what the result of this test match shows. And being compared to Bangladesh is not only highly irrational but shows how much the Aussie supporters are relieved. Any England bashing at this point is just a vent of relief of having scraped through with a victory in this test match.

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