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Drop Sehwag and Kaif, says Kapil

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drop sehwag and kaif
by bhushan on Apr 12, 2006 03:00 PM

yes he is right they must be removed form th eteam as they are not performing well

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Let 'em play domestic cricket to gain form!
by Ashley on Apr 12, 2006 02:16 PM

Let them experiment in domestic rather than international cricket. Once they r in form get 'em back.....

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Lenin Babu
Drop Sehwag from onedayers
by Lenin Babu on Apr 12, 2006 01:12 PM

Sehwag has been a consistent non-performer in one dayers. However, he has been good in test matches. He should be retained in test team and dropped from one day team. The team management seems to have high hopes on him in one dayers. Will the same type of treatment given to other players too!

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ANil Poojari
Its True
by ANil Poojari on Apr 12, 2006 12:58 PM

Dropping shewag & kaif its the Right decision the BCCI should take b'coz they both are not perfoming only for fielding we cannot keep them .Board should give youngester the chances.If they don't drop Shewag & kaif then there was no reason d5roping Ganguly he has the better record frm both of this player .Now the board should take steps how all the cricket team takes .If u don't perform then the door is open for new players ...The legend of cricket & the great payer of india Mr.Kapil Is telling correct.He also had been droped when he was not performing .

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Drop Sehwag and Kaif, says Kapil
by asitpapu123@rediffmail.com on Apr 12, 2006 12:41 PM

yes player with consistant scores should retained in the national team.people should think its not charity.when you are doing national caps its your duty to perform well.if you dont perform you should be sacked.so both Sehwag and kaif should be dropped outrightly.Their place should go to the deserved players.Thats why the selection commite is there.they should do their job well.Mr more and co i hope you are listenning.

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Drop em? they r untouchables!!!!
by Ujjal on Apr 12, 2006 12:20 PM

In spite of wretched show off in recent times by
Sehwag & Kaif, yet both are very big names in TEAM CHAPPEL, especially Sehwag.
I believe its marely sensible to voice that they need to be dropped as they are into the shoes of 'untouchables' of Indian cricket team and will continue to remain so as long as Chappel and Mr. Dependable back these Non Dependables up to the pinnacle of their dismal shows.
So long the team wins everything is acceptable & unabated will remain the dictatorship of Chappel and His excellency Mr. Dependable's dance to his coach's tune. For TEAM CHAPPEL its " All well as long as everything is ending well".

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Drop Sehwag
by Deb on Apr 12, 2006 11:48 AM

As per the performance by Sehwag, it is right to drop him so that he can get his touch in domestic cricket as Saurav Ganguly was also dropped after repeated failures.

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T Surendra Singh
by T Surendra Singh on Apr 12, 2006 11:47 AM

In my point of view: the players should have the sprit to think about the performance of the team, not individually. If DADA was not doing well, he should have thought to give the responsibility to another person and look inside you that where I am lacking and what I need to improve instead the making other people think to ask him to leave. In the same contrast, Shehwag and kaif should evaluate themselves where are they lacking and what they need to improve. As, our former cricket star already said so they should take it as suggestion and start improving their performance. I am sure, they are tough guys and retain back their stamina again.

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droping of sehwag and kaif
by srinivas on Apr 12, 2006 10:34 AM

i think what kapil says is correct let we check for the previous matches i agree with the kapils words saying any player not in form go again back to domastic cricket and prove them selves.

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Arun Singh
Yes Sehwag & Kaif should be dropped....
by Arun Singh on Apr 12, 2006 10:02 AM

Indian cricket team represents the whole country. When these two bats man are continously failing to perform and score runs they should have to be dropped from Indian team immediately. Why their own personal and individual performance should affect the whole countries performance. They should play domestic level cricket and then return to team when they perform and score runs continously.

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