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Keep the team out of it: Ganguly

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please remove Ganguly Captaincy
by k.Ramakrishna on Sep 26, 2005 09:55 PM

Hello sir,

1. Gangully is very poor in onday captanicy.

2. Please remove India Captaincy.

3. Chappell is very good coaching.

4. Rahul Dravid is better Indian Captain.

Best of luck to Rahul.

Your's fan


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Ganesh Babu
Indian Cricket
by Ganesh Babu on Sep 26, 2005 05:43 PM

Ganguly must be sacked from the team.... Nobody wants him anymore, He is surviving in Indian Cricket just because of Mr.Dalmiya.....

Dalmiya is the Root Cause, First Sack Him from the Board and things will automatically change.

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only Spice in indian cricket
by jome on Sep 26, 2005 05:15 PM

The only spice left in the Indian cricket is such contoversies. Saurav is to blame to leak out dressing-room talks. Apart from the fitness or his form point of view, he should now morally step out considering the betterment of the the team...

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Where is indian cricket heading?
by Sarat on Sep 26, 2005 02:59 PM

The murkier side of Indian cricket is atlast been made public by Great Greg Chappell. Thanks to this brave aussie who has taken a step ahead to save Indian cricket.

Agreed Ganguly has done a tremendous job to get the Indian crciket to its helm but it was past. What a century in 260 balls in first test against Zimbabwe will show his regained form?

Time for Ganguly to graciously retire.

Indian cricket has to open its eyes and leave the past records if they want to survive the competitiveness of England, Australia and Sri Lanka; else we will be treated as a Top team in C class teams like Bangladesh, Zimbabwe & Holland.

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Alok Mehta
Let us be more mature
by Alok Mehta on Sep 26, 2005 02:25 PM

Why so much of hall guall on the issue which we are all convinced and know that we dont play the game the hard way, We are not professional in our approach to wards the game even the board is run in a professional way

Look at the way politicians are aiming to joining cricket board despite there being so why so ,

Someone comes here and points out that you are not professional ,please change, You have the talent ,you have money ,you have infrastructure so why not you are no one ,I am going to take you to no one slot please be with me .

With regards

Alok Mehta

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Ajit Ptadhan
Remove G & G
by Ajit Ptadhan on Sep 26, 2005 01:35 PM  | Hide replies

Remove Greg and Ganguly from Indian cricket team, which would be better for Indian Cricket.

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Kannan Iyer
RE:Remove G & G
by Kannan Iyer on Sep 27, 2005 03:19 PM

I think One has serious problems in decision making if he asks GREG to Leave ?

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Komail Abbas
Greg Chappell V/s Sourav Ganguly.
by Komail Abbas on Sep 26, 2005 01:34 PM

The coach's email was no doubt a shocker and so was Ganguly's comment after the match.

As a cricketer or any other sportsperson , one should not tarnish the image of the game by making such remarks in public or to the media. It should be in the capacity of the sportsperson(whether the coach/player) to be tight lipped on such issues as they only tend to disintegrate the team and worsen the morale.

First came Ganguly's remark then Chappell retorted by his email to the BCCI. If Ganguly had not revealed sensitive information like that then maybe even the contents of the email by the coach would not be known to us, sadly both have become public.

Well all of us have our opinions abt the coach and the player,both are proven performers. But this is no way to endanger any ones post in the team.

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Kannan Iyer
Tough GREG !!
by Kannan Iyer on Sep 26, 2005 01:30 PM

Dear harbhajan ,i agree Ganguly is good,But tell me what is he TODAY ! I Want Deliverable not the History !
Hey guys its time for you to work out.Focus on game mates rather on TV ADS and Fashion Shows!!Dalmaiya's baby DADA scott freed under Poor WRIGHT !! Now Chappel is a tough Guy to tame , He thinks rationally and put tough practices in place.I don know how some dirty players dare to talk bad about Greg out in open bypassing BCCI! Hez MAN of STATURE boys...

Dear Greg ...If Found free time GREG,PLZ coach some BCCI officials as it's low in,performance & Morale these Days !

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