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''Ganguly axing irreversible''

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Ganguly axing irreversible
by B.C.NAYAK on Dec 16, 2005 06:00 PM

Ganguly axing is irreversible,but axing Chappel,Kiron More,other selectors,and Niranjan shah is possible.Chappel is neither upto the standard nor up to the mark.So far what has he done?He has created
"divide and rule" policy(like any other foreigners)in
Indian cricket,and for that he should be sacked immediately.Are there no cricketers in India fit enough to coach our team?Chappel is no great in comparison to Mohinder Amarnath,Kapil Dev,Srikant,Sandip Patel,Vengasarkar,Gavaskar etc.
After 59 years of Independence some Indians are still in the habit of licking foreigner's shoes.

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Ganguly's axing
by k.v.viswanathan on Dec 16, 2005 05:59 PM

Why so much of fuss is made by everybody including the politicians? The selection committee has been given the assignment and they are doing their job. No interfeence should be there for their efficient functioning: otherwise regionalism and parochialisw will come into play.
Some years ago Venkatraghavan was captaining a test and in the very next test he was made the 12th man. No politician or regional committee members nor the public made such a hue and cry nor Venkatraghavan cried in public or let his anguish be known. He sportingly accepted the decsion of the selection committee and carried on with his game.

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