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Double blow for team India

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indian team state
by kasper on Dec 09, 2005 07:55 PM

at the recent wake of injuries of the skipper and his deputy leaves the team india with no choice but to take the \" most sucessful skipper \" Mr. Saurav Ganguly as the stand-in captain of the team!!!!!!

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s chakraborty
too cold for comfort
by s chakraborty on Dec 09, 2005 04:20 PM

With the stalwarts out and Tendu in poor form Dada has no option but to take the captaincy in his hands. This is a make or break opportunity for him, what with the selectors breathing down (hot air) in his neck and his fan following dwindling.
Good luck Dada.

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Blow for india
by sreekanth on Dec 09, 2005 02:20 PM

i think this "blow for india" would let our old captain ganguli in for the coming matches..it seems ganguli caught a bookie to grab sehwag and kaif..i dont know what happened with dravid!!

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by ajaymishra on Dec 09, 2005 01:46 PM

i think if dravid is not well then we should take the advantage of exprrience of gaguli

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pulak majumder
double blow
by pulak majumder on Dec 09, 2005 01:36 PM

In such circumstances, Saurav can be choosed for captainship as he was a success captain of Indian Cricket.

Team Management can decide on this.

Pulak Majumder

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Double blow or blessing?
by TG on Dec 09, 2005 01:19 PM

Oh, so the team is in trouble? Woe is us. What is the use of our living on?
As long as we are personality dependent on cricket in particular and the game of cricket in general, our happiness and joy are going to be interlinked with the Indian cricket team's fate.
India is such a multifaceted nation with so many things on offer, but we don't seem to able to see beyond our noses at nothing else but cricket. Hope the consistency with which the Indian team is (dis)performing will bring more converts into other games and activities!

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