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Harmison ''trick'' destroys India

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Pathetic performance
by Peter on Sep 02, 2004 10:44 AM

I have never seen such a spineless performance by our players, It looks like something is wrong with our team and doesnt look like they are playing like a unit, i think its time now the BCCI axes some of the non performing players and give other players more chance. Players like kaif should not be kept in the team just because of his fielding, Nehra, Kumble should also be shown the door for their non performance. Indian players take themselves for granted once they score a 50 plus and they feel their place is secured for another 20 matches, i think this attitude should be curbed and they sould be warned that non performance will be delt severly. Ganguly should look out for some fresh ideas and not just be dependent on North indian players, try out some other zone players like dinesh kathik by which the pressure on Dravid will be eased and he can concentrate on his batting, i think ganguly should play around with the combination and shuffel the players, untill and unless something they do thing like this they will not see any result and india can be counted along with Zim and Bangladesh teams.

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Indian Cricket Players of Today
by sasidharan on Sep 02, 2004 10:10 AM

The Indian Team lost to England in the ODI as expected. The present Indian team should be given rest. There are many spenthorses in the team who lost interest in the game. Players like, Kaif, Kumble, Lakshman, Ganguly (a tired lot), Harbajan and bring in D.Mongia, Harvinder Sing, Das, MNilesh Kulkarni, etc. Of the present lot only Yuvaraj, Dravid are showing some sort of a calibre. Sewang has no footwork. Tendulkar has failed to play an authoritative innings since World Cup. May be he is not fit. Why India including him in the team for the sake of his name only. Our fileders does not show any inerest to cover the ball at the wicket or in the field. They wait for the ball to come to them rather than attacking it as other teams do. We never learn from our mistakes. The team effort is not there. Indian team is a pack of individual players. Dravid is spoiled behind the wicket by Ganguly's attitude to him. The specialist wicket keeper should be used. Kumble should retire from cricket altogether. He is indeed a good player but past his prime now. The bowlers shold be asked to keep a good line and length rather than speed. Finally,I now stopped watching India play. Oh the Selectors!

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Amit Nair
Good old story
by Amit Nair on Sep 02, 2004 09:38 AM

Well, its the same good old story. India plays very good cricket for 2 tours and then they play worse than Bangladesh.How do they manage to do this? No one may be having the correct answer. First of all,please start giving importance to other games too. The money involved in cricket is so much that other sports combined do not involve so much. All know what happened in Olympics.

Ganguly no doubt u r the best captain of India till date, but please u also have to play.

We have a great team with good talent but all r seeing the results. There are many hardcore fans like me who are getting frustrated by seeing this teams consistent pathetic results. Not long ago all were saying that India is the 2nd best team in the world. Now what?

South Africa has also been playing their worst cricket but i believe that if they play India now, they will also be able to regain their confidence.

Sachin no doubt u are the best batsmen in the world but now i think u were the best batsmen. Where is ur aggresion nowadays? Please start playing like u were doing it before. Otherwise everybody will think that what Hayden was saying, is absolutely correct.

Please India, play well in the future

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Natwest match
by satya on Sep 02, 2004 09:04 AM

Let's face it and stop fooling ourselves. Our team is only marginally better than Bangladesh and Kenya. It takes no time to account for our performances - Sehwag is brainless as usual, Ganguly has never been up to it with the bat of late, Dravid and Laxman are horribly out of form presently, and the idiotic duo of Yuvraj and Kaif is as undependable as ever. Tendulkar is a class apart - his being there or not being there makes no bloody difference to the team.
So is it still surprising how and why we lose six of them within 100 runs ?

I hold the media solely responsible for making demi-gods out of our ordinary cricketers. Silly journalists, advertisement companies are the ones idol-worshipping our so called "heroes" who do everything under the sun to bring shame to our country.

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Shielesh Damle
Wrong Newsline
by Shielesh Damle on Sep 02, 2004 08:47 AM


It was not Harmison but Wharf destroyed India

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Harmison trick destroys India
by IndianPurush on Sep 02, 2004 07:34 AM

It seems now a days anybody can destroy india in cricket.But hats off to our Indian boys for losing matches,they are infact doing a lot of hard work on "how to lose matches" .Keep up the good work Ganguly and his men..keep on losing matches(without a fight) and do our country a shame.

Now a days our cricket team plays like zimbave or bangladesh and with rate i think there will come a time when bangladesh will start beating us..but who cares..everybody is busy making..cricketers are busy in advertising, glamour etc...Cricket board is busy in making money ...so who cares for such dull performance...Infact i think India is performing well in cricket to reach the bottom.

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leadership or arrogance
by sriram on Sep 02, 2004 07:11 AM

This is nothing new. As long as the attitude of the team does not change. I thinkthe indian tam became far too arrogant in their approach after australia and pakistan. They are paying for it. Saurav should own up this as much as he owned up the successes of australia and pakistan.

This is the true test of his ledership.

I he has to prove a point he must do it now to show that he has been a good captain.


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What nonsense...
by JP on Sep 02, 2004 06:56 AM

The headline sounds as if No 1, 2 and 3 were gone in the first over... The hat-trick removed numbers 10 and 11, which means we were 170 for 8 anyway.

Unless of course, everyone was expecting Balaji and Nehra to score half centuries...


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