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Butt spoils the party

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Somnath Sengupta
International Players must play Domestic Cricket
by Somnath Sengupta on Nov 14, 2004 09:12 AM

Sadly we lost the match at Kolkata not because we played badly, not because Pakistan played better but because we read our own playing conditions wrongly which lead to wrong planning and team selection.

Why do we keep reading our own home conditions wrongly? Because our International cricketers just do not play domestic cricket at all. They do not know the ground reality of various Indian venues simply because they have hardly ever played on these grounds. So when they reach these venues a few days before an International match they have to take important strategic decisions based on what they hear from so called local experts which is the same for visiting teams. So where is the home advantage?

A classic case was at Eden Gardens yesterday when Sourav felt that 292 was enough as it is impossible to chase such a total in the night as it has never been done before. How wrong he and his think tank was!!

Our boys have forgotten one basic fact which wins matches. And that is to play to your strength. And you can do that only when you know the conditions and you can know the conditions only when you play often enough.

Can the BCCI or someone do something about it soon???

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Somnath Sengupta
Its time Ganguly started thinking differently
by Somnath Sengupta on Nov 14, 2004 08:56 AM

It is about time that Sourav Ganguly started thinking differently than playing 7 specialist batsmen with Dravid keeping. This move may have won us a few matches in the past. But like many good things it has gone stale. It does not have the "SURPRISE" factor any more. Other teams have come to expect this move from us and have worked out their counter strategies. In fact if Ganguly sits down and starts thinking objectively he would realise that this move has probably lost us more matches than it has won.He has to realise that he cannot be obstinate in his planning and decision making. This is not his Behala Empire where he probably does not need to give any explanations.Here as India captain he is answerable to his countymen who showers crores of rupees on him and his so called great teammates every year. I do not write this because we lost to Pakistan. Probably for the cricket pundits like TV commentators Robin Jackman and Merve Hughes it was a great game of cricket. But when we keep on loosing consistently after bad planning and unimaginative leadership it stinks and stinks badly.

Come on Sourav pull up your socks and produce results!! Or else move out and let someone else do it

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Give chances to South Indian Players
by tdeven on Nov 14, 2004 08:49 AM

Indian team must take away Ganguly from the team. This guy is purely selfish and racist. He never give a chance to South Indians. He just think that South Indians are rubish. He is always selecting the team from his known circle and not for the good of India. This fellow used to talk in the media like Bush. Don't care about the south Indian fan. You can read the statistics... whenever there are more south Indians in the team, India will always win, otherwise these mindless rubish Ganguly people will never win a game. Just enjoying the moments with the cricket without doing any thing for the country. Stupid... We south Indian fan will make you cry one day. Then you know what is the important of south Indian players. Ganguly stated Pakistan outplayed us( not India). He think that he is very smart and patient to say this kind of statement easily in public by representing millions of people in India. Heee... you are acting... talking... playing like mentaly disorder kids. Be professional in reality, not by acting and talking...
We are not dividing the country by saying like this. believe it! you are dividing the country by rejecting south indian players....

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by JAYANT RAY on Nov 14, 2004 08:35 AM

A well deserved win. It once again showed how the determined team like Pakistan can make the impossible...possible. Personally, I love Ilzamam-ul-Haq not because of his game but his ability to steer his team from what seemed a target beyond reach to something they made us feel was another challenge for them. Congratulations to Ilzamam and Butt. I am sure they have done proud not only to their country but also their parents. Truly speaking, I am not a Pakistan fan but i express my anger to the comment of Mr. Krishnamachri Srikant, sitting as a fouth umpire and voicing his strong opinion about India's 100% chances of winning this game. On this Maninder Singh commented that the chances were 75% and not 100% on which Mr. Srikanth laughed and joked around. I am glad he had to bite the dust and he did that badly. A cricketer should always know that with a dedicated team effort anything can just be possible and our Indian team should learn a lot from this professional attitude of Pakis and not spend time minting money through ad-shows and floating restaurants and eateries all around this country. They should realise that today what they are is cus of the love of the people for the game.

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This Indian Team is a burden on entire nation
by karan on Nov 14, 2004 07:43 AM

This team once again brought shame to the country on the auspicious occasion of Diwali. They are simply be called shameless persons who are not concerned at all about the seriousness of playing for the country. Their losing streak especially to Pakistan now seems to be never ending.It's high time now that BCCI should be shut down becos if they can't give us results after so much investments, we don;t need them. We don't need any of these cricketers and the BCCI. India should immediately stop playing cricket.

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ind v pak
by NAVEEN on Nov 14, 2004 06:32 AM

salman butt played extremely well.what india needs is an allrounder so that the balance of the team is right(they can play well with 5 bowlers).

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T.S. Surendra
BCC Platinum Jubilee ODI
by T.S. Surendra on Nov 14, 2004 06:03 AM

Congratulations Pakisthan. Your victory was well deserved. Chasing 292 in front of a 100,000 partisan crowd and pulling it off is some achievement. Well done Salman. Another Brian Lara in the making ? Well done Indians. You fought till the end. You have to plan better next time.

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We Have Lost Faith
by Muddassir on Nov 14, 2004 05:29 AM

After the dismal and spineless performance against the Aussies, the fans were eagerly anticipating a win from the Indian team. Were we expecting too much? Is the team good only for endorsements and advertisements? TI dont know the answers. But I wish I could let the team know that WE HAVE LOST FAITH.

I have decided that i have had enough of cricket. From now on, i will not waste my precious time and effort in watching any more games. Especially when India is involved. he last test win wasn't any achievement to party about. Remember the pitches we faced in New Zealand about 2 years back???

I also think it would be a better idea to switch sides ans support deserving teams like the Aussies? Why, even the pakis play with more passion because they know the responsibility that comes with representing the country. Do our players no longer play for the country? Is it just the money that matters now?

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zeeshan babar
good show
by zeeshan babar on Nov 14, 2004 02:06 AM

Good show pakistan !! nice batting. good batting by salman butt.

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