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''300 with my flawed technique''

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by INDIA fan on Mar 31, 2004 08:40 PM

Batsmen like SACHIN TENDULKAR would have scored 300 long ago if he would have opened the innings as SEHWAG and HAYDEN does. We should not take anything away what SEHWAG acheieved. I like SEHWAG'S batting style as well as he plays good shots and entertains the crowd.

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Bravo veeru
by kokarajkumar on Mar 31, 2004 07:51 PM

Like the man, his talk too nothing uncomplicated. Shabash veeru keep up the good work.

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hats off to faisal
by maddy on Mar 31, 2004 07:22 PM

to all the guys at rediff and specially to faisal
hats off to you for this fantastic interview.
Viru has a great attitude towards the game.Viru Way to go.....
U r simply the best.
Forget about the runs u score.
Keep up the attitude

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