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Middle order makes it look easy

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Vamsi K Salaka
Man of the Match
by Vamsi K Salaka on Mar 22, 2004 04:26 AM

The adjudicators of the "Man of the Match" demonstrated their super stupidness by electing Inzi as Man of the Match. (When observed closely Inzi himself was surprised when it was announced.)Inzi has the highest score in the match, it doesn't mean he is the automatic choice. Man of the Match in my view should be the one who makes the difference in the outcome of the game, in this match its Rahul Dravid.
Anyway a great come back by India, kudos to their performance.

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change the topic there is a flaw in topic placement
by vijay on Mar 22, 2004 04:06 AM

please change the topics.
Under Indian Innings you have given pakistan batting
and under pakistan innings you have given indian batting..

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Jignesh Shah
Once again its Dravid
by Jignesh Shah on Mar 22, 2004 04:04 AM

Considering the very poor performance by Dravid (Strike-rate wise) in last match, there were couple of critics for him.

In this match, he showed why he should be in ODI team. Sheer calmnness! When everybody was getting out around and the total to be chased was challenging, this guy took India to victory. I did not watch the match but was reading the ball-by-ball commentary. And it was interesting how Dravid was batting. When Yuvraj was aggressive this guy justed rotated the ball. THen when new batsmen Kaif came in, he became aggressive letting off the pressure from KAif so that he can settle and the runrate do not become a worry. Again when Kaif started hitting, he slowed down. SMART, isn't it? Perfect thinking. Again he did not give away his wicket by getting excited after reaching fifty which kept pressure on Pakistani Bowlers.

Another reason he should be on the team, because he provides the flexible batting line-up. He can bat anywhere starting number three onwards.

ANd extras kept the runrate above 6.

And great batting by Inzy.

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Ashutosh Shukla, USA
Big three and the next three
by Ashutosh Shukla, USA on Mar 22, 2004 02:52 AM


Lot is being written about similarities between Sachin Tendulkar and Virender Sehwag. People have even called him "Junior Sachin."

Well let me take this debate a step further.

Indian team has 3 senior players and 3 players who represent the future of Indian cricket.

We have Sachin and his replica Sehwag. No need to write lines and lines about it. A lot has alread been written.

I am going to talk about:

Sourav and his replica - Yuvraj


Dravid and his replica - Kaif

Sourav & Yuvraj:

Both are south paws. Elegant timers of the ball and when they hit sixes the ball lands up in the stands. Both come with excellent leadership qualities. In Yuvraj I see India's future captain - who can motivate Indian team to new heights

Dravid & Kaif:

Both share one great quality "Wear down the opposition" and never gift your wicket. In Kaif I see the future Vice Captain. Like Dravid he too is Cool Head and less flamboynat.

It is time media starts writing about:

"Three musketeers and their juniors"

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Indian Cricket
by Sampath on Mar 22, 2004 02:16 AM

My message to Indian cricket team, don't loose your confidence, workhard and try to reach your goal. and don't depend on others, think that what is your responsible, do that!
When ever we loose 3 or 4 wickets, you all become presure. why !
Your batting also good and you can do with good score. Only keep your confidence.
(Indian Cricket team is very best).



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naitik parikh
good commentary
by naitik parikh on Mar 22, 2004 01:35 AM

well done Indians. BRAVO!
and the way writer explained the match was awesome. good work. now we have to win the final. and i am sure that team India will bring its best.

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namrata mehan
dravid takes sachins place in the heart of the indians
by namrata mehan on Mar 22, 2004 01:26 AM

I think the same indians who use to say "everything is not lost sachin is still there" now say " we still have a chance to win our dravid is still there".Dont u think this should be taken seriously by sachin??When was the last that u remember that sachin came to the rescue of india or performed under pressure??What is the cause,has he made so much that the game is no more important??or is he too big to notice such things??I'd love to ask him this!!!

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Ind-Pak innings interchanged
by MixUpSpotter on Mar 22, 2004 01:03 AM

The indian innings summary has the title "Pak inning" and vice-versa. This wil probably be spotted and fixed by the time this message is up

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