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Cricket''s healing touch

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Rakesh Satpathy
Kudos to Pakistani
by Rakesh Satpathy on Mar 25, 2004 12:36 PM

So much similarity, so much of love, so close to our heart..But why the bitterness. The moment i open up the newspaper and see players hugging up each other off-field...People there rendering the warm welcome to the indian Crowd.... Have you ever see any Australian player hugging the Indians or otherwise. It happens only in the sub-continet. The core of the heart of every individual knows that there is no much of diffrence except the boundaries. Whatever be the case the indians feel at home there..and the same case applies to them.
I don't have words to thank the pakistani....Full marks to you.

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Clear Picture
by Nayyar on Mar 23, 2004 12:00 PM

this simply tells that the situation is far more different and friedly than as projected by the politicians of both the countries

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pak tour
by laxmi on Mar 22, 2004 05:56 PM

it all looks good when we heard about the relationship and hopefully every thing should go well along with cricket. the politician should not utilise this particular chance for their personal benefits. it is one particular occassion where both the countries should capitalise for the benefits of both the countries.


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i love india
by jothi on Mar 22, 2004 02:58 PM

i hope india i ll do the best of rest

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i see hope
by Rajesh on Mar 22, 2004 10:29 AM

because of someone else's hatred..... the five brothers came far from their homes.
Cricket is just an alibi... Agreed
When I see crackers burst after a wonderful win here in bangalore... or when I see Pakistani's cheer when Dravid makes his 50..
I see no hatred anywhere... just happy people.
Then I wonder.... where is the hatred coming from... who is creating the terror...
Some small questions in every ordinary Indian's mind

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We didn't made the difference
by sivakumar on Mar 22, 2004 10:15 AM

Few guys paved the way for seperation between muslim and hindu. Main issue between India and Paskistan is J&K and state sponsered Terrorism.Pakistan has to stop that. English guy fooled us while partitioning India. Their determination is to make this region unable. So they used J&K as their tools and deployed it in effective way.

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Re: Nice piece
by ss on Mar 21, 2004 11:05 PM

A refreshing story indeed. Nice to know that Cricket is bringing together people of both countries. Please do a follow up on the visit of the 5 brothers after they return to India. It will be interesting to know what they thought about their trip to their birth place and how the trip has impacted each of their lives.

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