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Laxman should not play in ODIs

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Oh! Should HE?????
by Amol on Mar 20, 2004 09:14 PM

They say 'record will speak for itself' and record is never biased hence making it best tool to analyze anybody`s progress in any field.
So record has spoken and would continue to speak henceforth until we keep overlooking the obvious.
With Best possible Regards

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Rajendra Bongale
Laxman should not.....
by Rajendra Bongale on Mar 20, 2004 09:12 PM

Very good Mr.Latif.Just by two innings of Laxman you come to conclusion that he should not play.Have you gone through his Australian tour record?
When you say that Indian batting was exposed. Well Pakistani batting was also exposed against weak bowling attack of India.You say is afraid of shoib's bowling.So then same rule should apply to Inzy also as he come down late in the 3rd one dayer.And about Shoib, I think it is better if we dont comment here.He was actually throwing the ball in 2nd one dayer particularly at he end overs.He was annoyed the way Power and Balaji gave him a lesson.If shoib is banned where is your bowling attact Mr.Latif?

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brilliant article!!!
by nishant on Mar 20, 2004 09:04 PM

sure!throw laxman out.what a brilliant idea!why not throw sachin also out to give laxman company?and then maybe pathan and balaji could open the innings.
laxman has proved time and again that he is an excellent batsmen and doesnt need to do it again.he was the only batsman who performed in australia,facing off an attack which was much stronger than the pakistanis.the "lambi race ka ghoda" is soon gonna be crippled by the indians.
with thinking like this,no wonder mr latif is out of this team.

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Ramakrishna Chitrapu
Laxman should not play in Onme Dayers
by Ramakrishna Chitrapu on Mar 20, 2004 08:50 PM

The other day we saw some one writing Mumbai Cricket is shrnking.Are the players to be selected on the basis pf their performance or on the basis of the population of the State.With the policies of the Government the meritocracy in the in the seat allocation in the professional colleges and Government jobs is gone.Now probably we want the same thing to be extended to sports also.The other day before the World Cup selection we heard Sindhu shouting at the top of the voice Dinesh Mongia should be in and Laxman has not place.What is happening ? You ar the same people who praised Laxman for his superb performance in Australia. Now just because he failed twice you say some thing different. Did you say a word when Tendulaker failed many times. It is afterall a game. Sometimes one scores and sometimes one fails. Is it the way you try to show your regional mentality?.Come on let's play the game.Let us not be petty minded.

C Ramakrishna

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Laxaman should not play in ODIs
by Akshya on Mar 20, 2004 07:52 PM

I believe this is the way to go,if Indians ought to go to succeed and any management guy will tell you that it's not necessary for the best guys to be in the team but the one's suited for the job.Laxman may be the amongst the best but not the best suited for ODI's . Bad fielder,bad runner and doing the job similar to what Dravid and Ganguly are playing he's a liability reather than an asset to the team.Instead badani or an extra bowler ought to be played.

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indian team and there bating order
by vishal on Mar 20, 2004 07:15 PM

in my views indian team should play with there full strength in every field specialists means five batsman , specialist wicket keeper and four bowler and one allrounder.

Sahwag or Laxman

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VVS Laxman
by sha on Mar 20, 2004 06:59 PM

If laxman is not able to contibute why he should kept in the same place when there are so many spirited players. I think laxman will never his attitutes and playing nature

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Cricketers who should not play in ODIs
by ANIKET on Mar 20, 2004 06:52 PM

the current indian team in pakistan is the worst possible indian team i have ever seen except for some players. i sincerely feel people like Ganguly,Laxman,Kaif,Zaheer,etc should retire from international cricket. they play for themselves and not for the country. Ganguly is the worst captain i've ever seen,he can't bat,bowl or field. success on the aus tour has gone to their head.Laxman,Kaif have forgotten to bat.they have difficulty in touching the bat to the ball. the only thing worth in the indian team are people like sachin,dravid,powar,balaji,nehra,etc. if i were a selector,i would have never picked people like Ganguly,Laxman,Kaif,Zaheer.

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Re:laxman shouldn't play in ODIs
by bharath on Mar 20, 2004 06:34 PM  | Hide replies

laxman is the finest cricketers of today's cricket.we have seen his scitillating form against the aussies in australia.that is more than enough to prove him that he is a player of mettle.
i question latif what he has got in him that he has come to criticize our laxman.afterall he was one of the most mediocre wicky in cricket.
i don't understand why rediff.com is posting such comments by a cricketer who is not even remembered by the cricketing world.
i disagree with latif in this issue.

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RE:Re:laxman shouldn't play in ODIs
by Rahul on Mar 26, 2004 06:17 AM
I think u should look at the scores in both the matches played at Lahore. Ya, truly this is the worst indian team because it won the series, isnt it? Well, i guess its better to keep ur mouth shut and also the same applies to Rashid Latif.
Finally u two got the shit on ur own face.

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