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''Best crop of fast bowlers ever''

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Akshay K
we don't need you srinath
by Akshay K on Sep 13, 2003 06:37 PM

While this present crop of fast bowlers may arguably be one of India's best ever as far as potential is concerned, not a single one of them is a big match player as was clearly evident when this same lot let the whole country down in the World Cup final. Spearheading that disastrous spell of fast bowling was Srinath himself who bowled atrociously when the youngsters were losing their cool. If he had used all his experience to just bowl line and length on that day maybe Zaheer and Nehra would also have settled down and we may have had a different result that day. Srinath your time to retire has come and please leave so that your place in the team can be taken up by a fresh talented pacer like Munaf Patel.
The time has come for bowlers to be mentally strong and the current young crop can be groomed to be just that but you cannot teach an old war horse like Srinath new tricks ao Srinath please retire and let Patel go to Australia instead. Thank you for your service to Indian cricket but don't need your experience.

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Great palyer great thinking.
by Unmesh on Sep 13, 2003 06:29 PM

The comments on Zaheer and Nehara are shows the greatness of the Shrinath, now he is out of team just because good performance of new players but eventhough......... This can happen by players like Shrinath only!!!

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Fast Bowler
by HCDave on Sep 13, 2003 06:26 PM

Indian team with medium pacer and never with high speed fast bowlers and hence when our batsman playing against fast bowler of other countries,creats problem of making huge total.Australian,West Indies,Pakistan and South Africa and Shane Bond of New Zealand are having such fast bowlers and in these countries pitches also preparing for fast bowlers so we are facing problem.Our fast bowler Srinath,Venkatesh prasad have done nice job but sometimes we are not succeded.Zaheerkhan and Ashish is also doing good job now a days and we hope for better.

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Srinath Rao
Sri - good bowler
by Srinath Rao on Sep 13, 2003 05:04 PM

It is sad to note that J Srinath's career really blossomed only in the last 3/4 years. If he would have bowled the same length throughout his career he would have had close to 450 test wickets & 400 ODI wickets.
anyways it is all destiny..

Srinath Rao

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