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Sehwag slams Indian pitches

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S Das
Stupid Logic!
by S Das on Oct 19, 2003 01:32 AM

Well, if India need to play in green tops at home against touring countries, then by similar logic, New Zealand should prepare turners at home which they dont. I dont understand Indian journalists asking for greentops when it would suffice to play domestic cricket in hard wickets to improve play abroad. But tests should always be played on turners. Why would a country sacrifice its inherent strength and play to the foreigners dictat. I dont see the Kiwi journalists lambasting their team for not being able to play on turners and seeking turning tracks at home. Their performance in this series is nothing great as the wickets had absolutely no life in it.

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by v.s.singh on Oct 18, 2003 10:59 PM

some should tell sehwag to keep his mouth shut.he seems to be growing too big for his boots.he is technically so unsound that he needs to work on his technique more than just yapping bcause hehas scored a century.he has been lucky to remain in the team as a opener for so long.let us see what he does in australia.what happened in the county matches in england? he is same as ramesh.

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I support Sehwag
by Anand on Oct 18, 2003 10:17 PM

Who on earth told spin tracks are not sporting wickets??. Great teams win everywhere except the subcontinent and it is vice versa for the subcontinent teams. Instead of playing International matches in the so called "Sporting grounds" we can have some of our national level games played on these grounds. Spin is the characteristic of this subcontinent and let us keep up this tradition.


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There goes Faisal again
by yasho on Oct 18, 2003 10:16 PM

"Indian mindset that is perturbing" & "we are not even winning handsomely at home". Mr Faisal if you start writing comedy for third rate comedy movies may be you will get some success. You have a slave mind and nothing else. Which country says let us make turing pitches so we can learn how to play spin. They keep on making bouncy pitches so they can win. We are not as big physically as they are. For a fast bowler height is the first requirement. So why to copy others which we are not. Mr Faisal you are not a horse neither a donkey .

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by srinath on Oct 18, 2003 09:39 PM

mcmillan ,

fyi , u are very well accustomed to playing on bouncy track right !! than why is ur record in australia so dismal it is not any better than us. also why were you guys dismissed for 94 in the 2nd test against India in NewZealand.


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newzeland series
by WANKAR NARESH P. on Oct 18, 2003 09:32 PM

Indian grounds men made silly mistake not providing any assistant to our main strength i.e. spinners.Newzeland force use to play on under prepared pitches when we tour and it hampers our world cup preparation. So it was time to force them dance on our spin music. When in India our spinners donot get the wickets and face the hard 5th day in middle then where they are suppose to take wickets? so from this Indian administration shuold look into matter and make the turning pitches. The player like styris, Mc millan who are not permanant in test team made the 100 against world class spinners in India that is really bad news for the other young spinners.In this series the pitches are becoming slower there is assistant to any bowler not ours and their. The people of India who are mad obout cricket canot see our spinner frustrated on the final day of match. Every visiter should be wind up in our spin web that is what we want to see in India. Our fast bowler are doing good job in recent time but they also donot get assisant from pitch.But the visitors like Newzeland should be forced and whitewashed on turning pitches, who says great players (SSR)have to adjust the different conditions.

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Faisal, u r wrong!!
by Prasad on Oct 18, 2003 09:17 PM

I strongly disagree with ur statement "Perhaps, it is not so much the pitch but the Indian mindset that is perturbing. Instead of asking for good, sporting wickets, Sehwag is asking for turning tracks that would not help India's perennial problem of struggling abroad to the rising ball."
Sehwag is absolutely right. why should we give up our turners. let the visiting sides face the turning music. Instead of giving up our traditional turners, we should arrange more and more 'A' tours. In the present team everbody has experience on overseas pitches. so we should send our youngsters on A tours frequently. Would Aus give up its bouncy pitches because they failed on turners. no. then why should we..... but we can mkae a couple of grounds bouncier not the test grounds though.....
And u r talking about INDIAN MINDSET!!!!!! Just try to understand the team and support its views if u can....dont talk about indian mindsets.

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Alhad Phatak
Re: Sehwag slams Indian pitches
by Alhad Phatak on Oct 18, 2003 09:14 PM

Faisal Sharif wrote:

"Perhaps, it is not so much the pitch but the Indian mindset that is perturbing. Instead of asking for good, sporting wickets, Sehwag is asking for turning tracks that would not help India's perennial problem of struggling abroad to the rising ball."

Indian mindset? Give me a break. Anybody who saw the test series in New Zealand last year knows it wasn't played on "sporting tracks". Its players like Sehwag who are answerable to the Indian public for losses and not reporters like you, who are basically paid to put players on the pedestal for one good series and throw them off it for one bad series. Unfortunately thats what sports writing has come to, especially when its about Indian cricket. Sehwag and the rest of the Indian team is perfectly justified in asking for pitches that improve India's chances of winning.

Ever heard of something called home field advantage?

The solution to India's poor performance on bouncy pitches is making such pitches for our DOMESTIC matches. For international matches, however, there is absolutely nothing wrong in playing to our strengths. In fact, it is foolish if we don't prepare turners for home series!

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