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5 blind men: A cricket tragedy

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selectors are a bunch of clowns
by srinivas on Nov 19, 2003 08:23 PM

To me select are nothing but a bunch of jokers.
I think selectors never cared for the interests of the nation or cricketers. What they care is just for them. I think selectors are the persons who do match fixing by selecting players who are not talented enough to be selected. selectors are so selfish that they would do anything for their interests. I think any one can get into indian cricket with proper recommendation( even when he lacks talent).

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Is there nobody to oversee BCCI policies ?
by Ravi on Nov 19, 2003 08:05 PM

As in most of the Indian organisations, can Govt's sports ministry not try to fix BCCI's policies for selections ?. Not that anything will come from Govt though they allow these cricketers wear officiall India cap. Who controls BCCI and unless they follow result oriented policies, why should we allow them official recognition ?

All idiots making merry with the game.

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five blind men
by amarkalidindi on Nov 19, 2003 07:58 PM

the selectors should answer on what basis did they did the selection.of course the board is not their private property as if selecting a bride for their daughter.if they donot take the criticism seriously i think they are five blind monkeys as in the case of three monkeys , one closing its eyes, one its ears and the other its mouth

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Partha pratim Chakrabarty
by Partha pratim Chakrabarty on Nov 19, 2003 07:20 PM

the indians should look at this match , sit back and just think as to what a disaster they are...there is absolutely no passion , no commitment ....they are so bothered about their ad films and the revenue generated from them , that they are least bothered about the game

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Kartik and a specialist wk
by Alok on Nov 19, 2003 07:19 PM

Its amazing that ex cricketers on the selection comittee can be so myopic. Kumble is way past his prime. He can't turn the ball at all and he is persisted with. Murali Kartik, against whom the australians are most wary, is relegated to the India 'A' team. Then one bad game by Parthiv Patel is enough to send him into oblivion whereas Dravid can keep missing catches, stumpings et al and we still persist with him as WK. Whereis Ajay Ratra who can bat as well as keep wickets.

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5 wise men
by agrani on Nov 19, 2003 07:12 PM

disappointingly true..nicely put. every cricket lover can feel the writer's pain..still there is nothing to learn from the story..uh?

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Ragoth Sundararajan
5 Blind Men: A Cricket Tragedy
by Ragoth Sundararajan on Nov 19, 2003 07:08 PM

hi Prem,

You should have called your piece, to be honest, 'Five Idiots and a Recurring Nightmare', but civility must have stopped you from doing that, i guess!! What a shame these guys put us through.

I really don't understand why some one like Kumble is not considering retirement. I mean, he should realize he is blocking the chances of young talent like Kartik, and God knows who else. How selfish can one get ? It's not like he is reinventing himself either, i mean, Kumble. True he was our matchwinner of yesteryears, but that was then, this is now. Get on with it Kumble, you can find another way of bringing food to the table, not this way. One more year resting on laurels, fans would even forget how good he was. It has been a while since he was good, even on Indian pitches.

BTW, what do you think of Dravid's captaincy ? True, Ganguly is gonna be around barring a sequence of disasters, more importantly spats with the men at the top. But, i do believe that Dravid will be considered seriously as captain, if that were to happen. Even if that's not the case, imagine Ganguly getting injured somehow Down Under, which is not that unlikely. Do you think Dravid can live up to it ?

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kumble/selector bashing
by Srikanth on Nov 19, 2003 07:06 PM

Prem goes too far in bashing selectors for not selecting karthik. Journalism for sensationalism is what i sense here more than a intent to decode selectors intentions. They may have recognized the captains rightly placed trust in kumble's ability to take vital wickets though not as parminious as karthik.

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