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Why the Aussies can''t not sledge

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kudos Mr Laidlaw
by gopal on May 24, 2003 12:05 AM

Kudos to Mr Laidlaw for this incisive and informative article.
by sledging , the aussies not only bring disrepute to the game but the sheen from their victories is taken off.
the generation 20 years from now , after reading about this team's exploits would rate it as probably ever. but only the generation which has seen and followed it mauling mediocre teams and capitulating ,when given their own medicine, will know that the reality was something else
Gopal Krishna , Durham , NH

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Sledging cannot be explained or accepted
by asmita on May 24, 2003 12:01 AM

Is David Laidlaw an australian. If so then it explains why on one hand he sort of tries to explain the logic for their boorish and utterly uncivilized behavior and on the other hand tells the cricketing world to lump the criticisms against australian players.

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by safs on May 24, 2003 01:47 PM

and u say that the aussies are racist????

and as a proud australian fan all i can is ... jealousy... jealousy... jealousy...

So because the aussie team is great and the team that u support isnt u go around criticising the aussie team...what a great aggressive tactic!!!!!!!

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We are like this only???
by Darkspur on May 23, 2003 11:42 PM

Seems like an apology for Australina bad behaviour. two points:

1) If there are cultural issues what about respect for the sentiments of the other side? Is it not civilised behaviour to alter your "normal" behaviour out of respect for what somebody else find offensive? (given that your "normal" behaviour is offensive by any standards)

2) what about the duplicity in handing out judgments by match referees? Why are some teams treated more leniently while other teams not so? Do match referees also analyse "social" conditions prevaling in the team's country before making their judgments?

The logic is specious: Australian society gives rise to a team that behaves badly; Indian society doesn't -Who's right? So will an Indian team receive harsh penalties for milder offences whereas an Australian team can get away with anything?

Seems to me the cricketing governing institutions have also taken up Sociology

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Yeah Sledging shows the true culture of Australia
by Archies on May 23, 2003 11:37 PM

Daniel, If you condone such acts by saying that it is the Australian culture then will you condone some team which starts killing/hurting the opponents bcoz it is common in their culture. I am pretty convinced that Sledging is bad and Australian team inspite of being a very good team are the worst team in terms of this and I wouldnt want any kids to emulate them.

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Bunch of excuses
by pradeep on May 23, 2003 11:32 PM

It is amazing to see this kind of explanation for such unacceptably nasty behavior often demonstrated by Australian players over the years. Teh fact is they are not a team that will ever be remembered as a sporting side inspite of its magnificent winning run under Steve's leadership.

What is even mre annoying is the discrepancy in the way the match referees hand out punsihments. Sehwag is banned for "excessive appealing" and McGrath and Slater get away with rank abusive language under the guise of "this is how Australians play the game". Fact remains that non white cricketers still get second class treatment from the authorities adn till this remains we will not see the fair image of this game established beyond doubt.

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What they need is a rap on their kunckles
by Vijay on May 23, 2003 11:21 PM

Rightly said, but Mr.Laidlaw when a team plays in international arena, it has to modify its behavior which is internationally acceptable. It is common place in India to be late by few minutes , do you approve that behavior of Ganguly(I have seen the so called Aussies whine about that)? Having said that I admire Ganguly for giving back what he gets. As they say cricket is a great leveler , the Aussie bandwagon cannot go on and on, they have come down one day, We in India wait for that to laugh and say poor old Aussie, no behavior and no skill.

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NO way!! Sorry!
by Vivek on May 23, 2003 11:08 PM

I think Daniel Laidlaw is absolutely wrong in even trying to condone the australian behaviour. If cricket indeed is a reflection of society, then howcome teams from South Asisa continously get fined and reprimanded for deeds which pale in comparision to those carried out by the Aussies.

There's no denying the aussies are a great team but sadly they will also be known as one of the greatest sledgers of all time and for me, and I'm sure for many other cricket lovers across the world, this has taken the sheen of their performance.

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