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Why the Aussies can''t not sledge

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Why the Aussies can't not sledge
by Raj on May 24, 2003 05:56 AM

Yeah, it is fundamental for criminals to commit crime and for terrorists to terrorize. So why blame them? The thought process that is behind this column is same as the one that supports terrorism and terrorists. If the Aussies cannot play with decency and by the rules, they should not play at all.

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why the aussies can't not sledge
by nonplussed on May 24, 2003 05:42 AM

I couldn't help detect a patronizing undercurrent in that article, or was it supposed to be an apologist's reply. What you probably haven't noticed is that most sledging seems to take place with racist implications. (Ever wondered why there was never a furore about an aussie sledging a kiwi or an englishman). The frustration may be result in a verbal explosion, but the explosion reveals deep seated stereotypical notions. This is precisely why they are labeled boors, and rightly so. They are crude people who look hurt a competitor to take advantage. Your anology to sledging in contact sports doesn't justify sledging nor does it say why these boors should not be called boors.
Sportsmanship means grace in defeat, and this the aussies have never shown. All the other positive traits you have pointed out are quite orthogonal to even the most stretched notion of sportsmanship. They can in fact be traced back to reptillian origins of our brain, so please don't say that these glorious qualites set them apart.
below-the-belt-blow: You just have to see a foster's ad to realise that boorism is an aussie pastime.

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Faulty Argument
by Gayathri on May 24, 2003 05:18 AM

This is a dangerous line of reasoning. Do you mean people should understand that Australia sledges because it is a way of life for them and that they would never change? In some countries, corruption and cheating is a way of life, even survival, does that mean cheating teams should be understood and not made to mend ways? In some countries, rough play is a way of life, even survival, then why were laws invented against bouncers and bodyline tactics? Why were they not better understood, saying that they will always be like that.

If abusive language is a way of life for Australians, then would it be acceptable if the Prime Minister Howard spoke such language with visiting dignitaries, because, hey, here its a way of life? There are codes of behavior for national symbols, the bigger the symbol, the more the responsibility. If the Aussies use sledging, not as a tactic, but because they are brought up like that, then maybe its time for Australian society to mend ways and teach dignity to atleast their sportsmen.

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Rahul Kulkarni
Why can't Sub-Continent Players sledge - habitual or not
by Rahul Kulkarni on May 24, 2003 04:44 AM

Consider this Mr. Laidlaw.

India and Australia are slugging it out. Zaheer bowls a bouncer and Ponting has to duck away in nick of time. Ponting does not like it and gives Zaheer a mouthful (probably saying something bad about Zaheer's girlfriend). Zaheer gets upset and blasts Ponting again. After that lot of finger pointing occurs (same like Sarwan-McGrath). After that, Mr. Mike Proctor (referee) gives Zaheer a one match suspension and fines half of his match fee.

Why will the above scenario occur, but McGrath and Sarwan escape from punishment?

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CS Muralidhar
Aussy Cricket
by CS Muralidhar on May 24, 2003 04:32 AM

Despite the long winding convoluted argument by the author, it fails to justify Aussy (mis)behaviour. The only solution to this problem is for the opponents to develop batting and bowling skills with which they can physically respond to such abuse by directing a fierce shot to the bowlers head, arms, shin so that it inflicts a serious damage and renders the abusive player useless. Now coaches will have to train young batsmen in this art of physical confrontation should the need arise. But for adopting such counter measures the new breed of batsmen will need to develop high level of discipline, mental concentration, extraordinary control over there batting, phenomenal reflex action and all that goes in making a truly great player. If such a batsman can be developed who physically destroys abusive cricketers on the field, that would be taking cricket to new heights! So come on ace coaches, the ball is in your court now. It is up to you to give a devastating reply to the intimidating, greedy cricketers and in turn take cricket to new heights of sporting!

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RE: Well written....
by Saradhi on May 24, 2003 07:38 PM

Whatz good in one country may be misunderstood in another. Ahhaa. Is this a good analuysis. Do you know and should know what kind of desi language will be used in rural areas of India and how they behaves?? and if the player that comes from that area behaves in such manner, will ICC agrees for it?? Social differences doeesnt have any role in the cricket. Cricket is equal for all and all should behave in the similar manner.

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Aussies... players should have been banned for couple of games
by Vinny on May 24, 2003 02:24 AM

Daniel, it seems like you have gone to length in justifying aussies for sledging, If the same thing was done by american media today american sports also would have been played like aussies play cricket. If every sports person starts bringing their local culture in the international sports, I dont think their is any need for rules. I am so surprised that someone would even think of justifying it.............. talk of double standards by ICC and there puppet writers..........

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Hari Prasad
by Hari Prasad on May 24, 2003 01:53 AM

Oh !!.....how enlightening....!! so itz the Aussie culture....they are all cool dudes off the field.....

on their part, the rest of the cricketing fraternity should be resigned to Aussie sledging and always aim to attain the ultimate glory by striving to win their respect by displaying mental toughness !!!! Why is winning the Aussie's respect such a big deal ??????
So, after reading this article, the match referee needs to police only the Aussies' opponents....since,thatz the way their culture is...!!
I don't know which is more ludicrous and outrageous - this article or Mike Procter's comments after the McGrath-Sarwan incident !!!!!!!

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