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Why the Aussies can''t not sledge

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surajit basu
Why shouldn't the aussies sledge?
by surajit basu on May 24, 2003 11:57 AM

The idea of a gentleman's game - where winning is incidental - is obsolete. Come on, grow up; welcome to the modern world.

We care about winning. If sledging (gamesmanship) helps a team win, why not? Would you rather your team plays like Victorian gentlemen and loses?

The Aussie approach has been aggressive off-the-field and on-the-field. That helps them win. So why shouldn't the aussies sledge?

There are lines to be drawn, and a fight - as between McGrath and Sarawn - is to be discouraged. But that is not sledging; it was just a personal "insults" match.

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Murali Hariharan
Sledging and the Aussies
by Murali Hariharan on May 24, 2003 11:54 AM

Dear Daniel

I have long been an admirer of your balanced and independent coverage. However, this article is neither balanced nor is it independent.

It seems more like justifying the Aussie behavior, however deplorable it gets. If excessive appealing can be deemed as "Bringing the game into disrepute", then what justification is there to call an opponent all kinds of curse words and call it gamesmanship, and a part of the culture.

I wonder whether even in Corporate boardrooms across Australia, people use the same language, the same tactics and the same approach? After all, they too are a product of the same society!

Whether you win, or you lose, it is important, not to overdo the aggression portion of things to make yourself your own worst enemy.

It is quite paradoxical that even boorish behavior can be so justified as part of aggressive Aussie Contact sport culture. I wonder whether there are similar justifications for other crime - such as robbery, rape and murder?

Best Wishes and hope to see a more sober and thought provoking presence from you.


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by Ananth on May 24, 2003 11:33 AM

The aussies r not fined when they create disturbances on the field, whereas when anybody else, for example, Sehwag are made scapegoats. Overappealing from Sehwag caused the referee to ban him for a match. But while captain of aussie team talks rudely to the opposing captain, there is only a small session bet the referee and the captains. Terribly unfair

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sledging by the australians
by ooxoxox on May 24, 2003 11:26 AM

to an extent the article does make sense where sensibilites are a result of the culture one is bred in.. but definately what happened in west indies between sarwan and mc grath wasn't a result of that, it just showed that the australians are not good at being on the receiving end of sledging. also i dont agree with the fact that the australians dont do it as a tactic, they do , as has been agreed by most of their cricketers like waugh, mc grath and warne in the recent past. the administration of the game should not be vested in the hands of australians and the english because they are very racist and all their talks about fair play and playing in the spirit of the game are unfound and have always been used against asian and other non white playing nations. i dont remember a single incident when a white player has ever been punished other than lehmann. if the icc is so concerned about sledging they should have a system where a player can be sent off for sledging by the umpires, this will put to rest the entire controversy, i very much doubt that the australians and the english would do this, because their players do it the mist.

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sledging by ausies
by eNVy on May 24, 2003 11:21 AM

this is just bull shit. sledging in any form on the cricket pitch should not be allowed. cultural background is certainly not an excuse for this. there is no reason to sledge if u think u r good. it is a sign of weakness and vulnerability and poor sportsmanship. i admire aussies capabilities, but they still are not the heroes. there are a few countries in the cricket world who also come from similar backgrounds, but they dont sledge all the time. it a shameful excuse. aussies should be punished and should be made to pay for their mis behaviour.

if some one sledges and later on says, i am sorry but i cant help thats because of my background. well doesnt it sound a bit LAME!!!!!

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M D Sundaresan
Sledge - Reg
by M D Sundaresan on May 24, 2003 10:29 AM

ICC has to involve in these type of happenings witnessed by majority through TV.When Indians
were punished(Sachin (Ball Tampering,not true)& Sehwag (excessive appealing)while played in
South Africa why can't Mcgrath & Sarwan.The rule
remains same.Are they having two horns over their
heads?.What is special in them?.The spirit of the
game should be maintained.There should not be any
verbal exchanges while in.Just a handshake after
the match will not solve the problem.They should
be punished very severely failing which ICC cannot expect anymore Gentlemen Behaviour.I am really
surprised over Steve Waugh's reaction after this
incident known as Commandar to this mighty Australian
Team,unbeatable one.

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by Himanshu on May 24, 2003 09:58 AM

Author thinks he is defending Aussies for their rubbish behaviour.

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Tejbir Singh
Unsportsmanlike behaviour
by Tejbir Singh on May 24, 2003 09:16 AM

No excuses will justify this vulgar behaviour. Just like no excuses will make this team a popular one for anything other than winning matches - which the Australians will probably think is all that matters. Bad sportsmen are bad sportsmen. If its a once off, perhaps an excuse is valid. If it a habit then no excuses.

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amol nagarkatti
why the aussies cant not sledge
by amol nagarkatti on May 24, 2003 08:16 AM

The Aussies are basically carrying on their legacy of tthe White man policy.Along with them are the Proteas too. But players like McGrath, Lehman and few others keep proving to the world that they are descendants of ... you know who. Infact these players can be clubbed as rogues in all respects.Only hanumant singh was brave enough to penalise Mcgrath. That is why bowlers like wasim and waqar are truly great. they never spit venom at the opp batsmen.The prim minister of Aust by seconding his teams behaviour has proved that he is no less a rogue than the players.Tomorrow if the leader of any country makes a statement which iis better than what howard says,he too may go in for sledging

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by Shivaji on May 24, 2003 07:22 AM

".......Australia will always tread close to the line of acceptable conduct. Changing this approach would be like telling Gilchrist to bat conservatively or Lee to bowl medium pace. It is against the nature of the team."
So what is the message being delivered here? The Australians will have to sledge to perform...is it?
Let's stop being hypocrites and stop being supportive to the unlawful practice of pampering and being tolerant of white skin dominance in cricket.
Sourav Ganguly and Arjuna Ranatunga have shown us the way to deal with the Aussies. Just give it back to these indisciplined and un-cultured brats in their own way. It does not require anything extra to rough up the Australians on the field, and it has shown on many occasions that they are a vulnerable and coward lot, once kicked.
For Mcgrath & co. it is not their folly to have behaved in the manner thay are known to. Human race per se is governed by the genes it carries. The attitude a person develops over the years is nurtured by the tradition and history of the race concerned. What better behaviour to expect from the Australians, who have their origin sourced as outlaws and prisoners.

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