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Why the Aussies can''t not sledge

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Stringent action needed!!
by Susan on May 24, 2003 03:45 PM

Ok..mebbe it's in the blood of the Aussies to sledge and behave badly..but isn't it about time some action is taken against them??? When people like Sehwag and Ganguly appeal a little loudly they are slapped with match-bans. And how come Mcgrath, Lee and co. get away with anything. And when somebody brings this up, they are accused of falsely bringing racism into the game...but the truth is, that is exactly what is happening!!!!

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Mental Disintegration
by suman on May 24, 2003 02:54 PM

If the Australians (Steve Waugh in particular), publicly claim their sledging to achieve mental disintegration on the field, why cant an opponent get mentally disintegrated and physically disintegrate the Australians?

If Aussies are allowed to mentally disintegrate, then opponents would definitely get mentally disintegrated and react accordingly. Why is the cause allowed and the result not?

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i think it is usual 4 them
by nabaruna on May 24, 2003 02:19 PM

i think that whatver McGrath did was very much an australian thing to do.People do get frustrated at times but showing the frustration in this way is not what you call encouraged. in the past as well this has been happening to the australian team and so i definitely would say it's usual for them.

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by Swati on May 29, 2003 12:41 PM  | Hide replies

I totally agree with you.

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by kerry on May 31, 2003 02:42 PM
well said everyone is having a go at the aussies but no one has question Lara's antic's arguing with the umpire, running around beligerently disputing decisions but no one see's this why I wonder, yes the aussie's lose it at times but the whole affair was actualy started by lara. Why pick on one bowler when the batsman was also just as guilty, have a good look at all cricketers and you will find they are as guilty of sledging as the aussies, least they are not guilty of ball tampering to which two players of pakistani and indian origins have been found guilty of what is worse somebody calling you names or someone trying to rig a game in their favour I find the latter more offensive

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they are watching
by manish on May 27, 2003 01:48 PM

dont worry if we didnt see how lara behaved with umpires....the ICC (and gang) is totally focussed on non-aussies...so they will watch....and punish...ridiculously harshly....Happy ??....want proofs ?

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they are not the only ones
by manish on May 27, 2003 02:01 PM  | Hide replies

yes...so here's a thought for this 'they are not the only ones' line....do you know how many countries would never have sledged if the aussies had not mastered it ???....and who cares how they are off the field. And as for 'they do it openly, and feel sorry for it' i would like to add '...and then keep on doing it and keep on feeling sorry and keep on...' which basically means they are not sorry for it. After all how can you be 'sorry' for your gameplan?!!...and that too a successful gameplan !!!

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RE:Aussies Mentality
by kerry on Jun 01, 2003 02:20 PM
oh come on, really the only joke around here is you, this sounds like a bit of racial abuse here, jealousy is a very destructive emotion, If the Indians or the rest of the world where the best then they would be up at the top instead. if they were then credit would be given to them, the only problem I find is the supporters are the worst sledgers and jokers of all, most of the cricketers are good people who are on good terms with each other. yes the indians are guilty of offensive behaviour that includes ball tampering to which your great sachin was found guilty of in the year 2000 so does that make him the best if he has to resort to cheating!! and yes so is acktar of pakistan, so get a good perspective of your own teams behoaviou before you point the finger. there is a saying that goes if you can't say anything good about anyone then say nothing at all.

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Praveen Kumar
RE:Aussies Mentality
by Praveen Kumar on Jul 30, 2003 01:06 PM
hello Mr. Kerry
First thing I want to tell u that the sachin was not a guilty, it was who prosecute him (Mike Dennes)& that everyone knows but i think u didn't heard, u raised again the issue of match fixing,I think u forget the case of Mark waugh and Shane warne whom Australians call him a great bowler & great batsman but my dear your cricket board also found him guilty for match fixing, how could u forget that issue.how could u forget the recent case of taking drugs in the cricket, and culprit was an australian(warne).I think the australians are the only ones who r spoiling the image of this gentleman's game by sledging on the field. In my opinion ICC should ban them(australians)for six months time & conduct a coaching camp for the australians to make them gentleman for this gentleman's game. I think it would be good for cricket & australians also.

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Absolutely Meaning Less
by Anil on May 24, 2003 01:27 PM

Partiality. The only word to describe ICC being so lenient on Glenn Mc Grath. People say that racial or partiality on the basis of white and black is gone, but in Cricket world it is still alive. Had this been done by any Inidan or for that matter any sub-continent player, they(ICC) would have handed over a minimum of 2 test ban or 4 ODI ban.
Remember Brett Lee being cleared of chucking charges, and Shoaib khtar being warned to modify his action.
And also the ball-tampering charges against the worl's greatest and respected Sachin Tendulkar.

It is high time that whites like Aussies and England players are also given the same treatment like the Indians or Pakistanis get.

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