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Kaif signs with Derbyshire

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by Srinivasan.N on May 01, 2003 06:32 PM

We from the IC wish Kaif a happy and prosperous

outing for his County in England. He is a player

who starts of slowly and once he gets his eye, he

cannot be dismissed easily. Our advice to him is

to stay at the wicket as much as possible.




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Mohd. Kaif is a very talented batsmen
by Tanvir on May 01, 2003 06:25 PM

Yeah! it is great to see someone as talented as Mohd. Kaif to play in county cricket for England, this will increase his confidence and mental strength.

I really appreciate the batting of Mohd. Kaif.

All the very best for hom from my side and my friends.


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hi kaifi
by faisal on May 01, 2003 06:09 PM

hi kafi i m a great fan of urs and i want u to do welll for derbyshire..i would like to see a couple of century from u ..and i also want u to perform well for india..so plz dont let us down we have great hopes from u ..ok plz do the need ful ..khudahafiz allah tumko salamat rakhe

bye take care

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Best of luck
by M.A.Muqeem on May 01, 2003 06:05 PM

My best wishes are with Kaif. He has got another opportunity to prove his skills in front of English supportors. I hope that he comes out with flying colors.


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Good Exposure
by Saradhi on May 01, 2003 05:30 PM

Its a good opportunity and good exposure and good experience for young guns like kaif to play in different conditions and different circumstnces at different venues to meture themselves as good players on every Condition.

I see Kaif as a future Indian Team Captain after these 3 big guns retire after 4 or 5 years. Its time for us to groom these three new kids Sehwag, Yuvraj and Kaif to groom and fill the gap that will happen after these thre top guns finally say thei final say.

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by srinivasan on May 01, 2003 05:11 PM

Here's wishing Kaif all success and tons of runs for Derbyshire.


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drafzal khan
wishing kaif and derbyshire all success
by drafzal khan on May 01, 2003 04:57 PM

i hope kaif performs well in derbyshire and help derbyshire do better in county cricket...

wishing them all success....

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