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Ganguly gives reporters the slip

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Come On All....Give them a break...
by Mani on Jan 18, 2003 04:47 PM

please....we all know it has been a disappointing tour for india and all indian supporters....but we ned to give them a break..sure they will learn their lessons and will keep indian flag flying high in south africa....

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ganguly is coward
by tushar on Jan 18, 2003 03:57 PM

Ganguly showed that he is not suitable for Captain.. becoz captain should face all challenges and shud accept failures too..

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One Request
by Shriniwas on Jan 18, 2003 01:14 PM

I am the one amongs the 1.15 cores of cricket fans in india wants to see our Master batsman Sachin Tendulkar to Bat at No.1 position.

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Gangulies Captancy
by Shriniwas on Jan 18, 2003 01:01 PM

Ganguly has won the Natwest Cup not because of his captancy but because of the Heroic performance from Yuvraj,Mohammad,Rahul,Dinesh.What was the scores of the senior players.This is because the politics ganguly is playing with Sachin & most of the senior players.

My point is their is no harm in keeping him as a captain,But The Worlds No1 Batsman Sachin must be Batted as an Opner.Ganguly must be realised this mistake.So for the sake of GOD & 1.25 Corer peoples who love the game of cricket,SACHIN should be allowed to play as an Opner.

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serious recalibration needed!!
by uday on Jan 18, 2003 11:19 AM

It is quite ironic that the everyone jumps on the bandwagon when the indian team wins and shouts out 'told you so' when they lose. Seriously One win does not make you a champion, nor does one loss make you loser.. so lets stop just exalting or abhoring the team.. All said and done they have not proved themselves to be a great team nor have they shown themselves to be no hopers...

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tendulkar is not world class batsman anymore !!
by prasadh on Jan 18, 2003 08:57 AM  | Hide replies

no one can call sachin tendulkar a world class batsman any more. may be he was once. world class batsman cannot be so inconsistent. i hardly remember a match that sachin has played and won it except the two matches against australia in sharjah. why everyone blaming ganguly when all 11 failed ?

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the Men in Blue
by Keyzersos on Jan 18, 2003 02:54 AM

shit happens everyday....so what. each and every player had their poorest run of form during the recently concluded series in NZ. hey better now than in the world cup.

I feel the team is going to be the better for it, My gut tells me the Indian Team is going to have an AWESOME WORLD CUP and instead of belittling them we should GET BEHIND THEM, cause they have a great chance of BRINGING HOME THE CUP. so lets get behind OUR MEN IN BLUE.

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Hyped up
by Srikanth on Jan 18, 2003 02:13 AM

The Indian team is such a hype that no one is fit to be in the international top 11. These guys think that they are out of form but according to me they do not have the skill set to handle trying circumstances.

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