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Sachin gets his Ferrari at last

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by Bhavesh on Aug 10, 2003 04:05 AM

Heyyyy Sachin congrats. U deserve this. U r the best in this world of cricket. I am sure no one on this earth will b against watt i say. U deserve this vehicle n heartiest congrats. Keep up the good job n make India proud with your performance. Hope u get many more such vehicles. Best of luk

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by ritikrv on Aug 10, 2003 03:12 AM

I was a big fan of yours Sachin.You should have paid the import duty, because you could have afforded to.Shame on you!

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by tom on Aug 10, 2003 01:10 AM

tendulkar getss money for playing the game why are we funding him out of the public exchequer. that money could have been used for some roads or housing for the poor.
in india we have two set of laws one of rich and famous other for second class ordinary citizens. how can we call ourselves democracy. i dont think it works that way in say usa canada or uk

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Chris Wijnants
Ferrari should pay the import duty and not Sachin !
by Chris Wijnants on Aug 10, 2003 12:17 AM

Sachin is a great sporting icon of India and also a wonderful human being with high values given to him by the rich human,cultural and spiritual tradition of Maharashtra. It is a pity that the manufacturers of the famous Ferrari did not immediately pay the import duty to the Indian Government and deliver the car to the batting genius. That would have given greater mileage to Ferrari. In future Sachin could also use his popularity to do some acts of mercy like the great Steve Waugh of Down Under.

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Tax Waiver
by chandra on Aug 09, 2003 11:50 PM

I can't beleive this tax waiver for Sachin. Why is Sachin getting a preferrential treatment here. 1.2 crore is a big sum. Couldn't 1.2 crore been used to cleanup part of the slum in Dharavi, Mumbai?
Would Sachin have given away that much money in Charity? I never heard anyone from the Indian team contributing in a big way except Stevphen Waugh in Calcutta.

It's time we Indians grow up and not give preferrential treatment to anyone. Remember Sachin is just an entertainer. He's no Mahatma Gandhi.

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sachin's ferrari gift
by jawahar on Aug 09, 2003 11:18 PM

this is not right. some body should have paid the import duty for this.
if not sachin, they should have asked the FIAT company
to pay the duty or they cannot send the gift to india. a lot of people can get gifts like this to avoid the duty. there should be no exceptions to the rules.

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