u can do anything that is possible by u,,,,but no force can prevent the communists from capturing new delhi...in 2020 red flag will fly over lal kila and we will rule delhi..karat will be the pm and i will be his secretary
RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by chetan kotur on Apr 17, 2008 05:32 PM Permalink
narayan..u will be dead before that.. and commies will rape u in hell.. njoy
RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:35 PM Permalink
now we captured nepal and hindu monarchy is finished off...our rule is unchallengable in tripura,bengal and kerala..now we will capture tamil nadu & andhra while our maoist brothers will capture chattisgrah,orissa and jharkhand..by 2020 we will make india into a communist dictatorship with karat as the pm
RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by Bharatkumar on Apr 17, 2008 05:30 PM Permalink
commies are going to china for olympics on a special invitation from beijing
RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by SLVP on Apr 17, 2008 05:31 PM Permalink
My RED DREAM :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: HA HA HA............. LOL................... MERA LAAL SAPANA .