I too feel we should not mix Politics with Sports.
How ever, if the purpose of Sports is to bring harmony and Peach with Nations ,the Beijing Olimpics will not achieve it's purpose.
Chineese Agression is very well known to the World Community. If the Tibetians want freedom from China,they should immediately allow it and clear their image.
China's Agression towards India is well known.
When our Priminister visited Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, the Chineese Officially made the complaint.
Shame on Indian Government and the So Called Spineless Political Leaders like Pranab Mukerjee who vouch for China now.
India wants to act as a Big Brother and show to the World about it's support for Noble Causes.
Is not Tibet issue a Noble Cause. I think the current government is too fearfull to face the Chineese and their Chamchas Prakash Karat and Barden in India. They are afraid of the Lefts support matter.
Long Live Tibet. Hope the Agressor China will be out from your country.
Also, I think Dalailama is not the right kind of Leader the Tibetians need now. Teaching Non Violence etc ok. But when you have to Act with Force and the opportunity is available,you have to do it.
Pls note, the whole world is critically watching China and support Tibetian cause.
RE:Olympic Torch
by Samson Tellis on Apr 17, 2008 06:10 PM Permalink
gilbert, does your ignorant A$$ understand what are the fundamentals of buddhism? tibetian chimp..
RE:Olympic Torch
by Amit Joshi on Apr 17, 2008 04:51 PM Permalink
Abe ee selfish man... Do u know how did we get independence?????????? If u dont ask ur grandfather
RE:Olympic Torch
by raj g on Apr 17, 2008 05:07 PM Permalink
i know hence i m talking.. i think u need to check this whehter we got freedom from sending emails and follow up mail from outside india.... we did not even protested in front of the indian embassy in UK