if stalin or lenin were alive..they wud be so proud of china... bt ppl remember..the commies want to expand since comminism began... so we need to stop them at tibet.. they must not cross over.. so soon there will be communism in north india.. God save the ppl..
RE:God save the ppl..
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:31 PM Permalink
china is the unstoppable power of 21st century..usa is having economic recession whereas communist china is having 11% economic growth !!!
RE:God save the ppl..
by chetan kotur on Apr 17, 2008 05:30 PM Permalink
those we can always..thro them out.. bt if chinese start at the north.. there is not control.. there and hopefully congress(commies) dies out.. or else india in big trouble..
RE:God save the ppl..
by Raymond Lee on Apr 17, 2008 05:29 PM Permalink
if you dont know the socialism or communism theory of Marx, then you have no right to say these two words.