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God will save this Country
by ravi kant on Apr 07, 2008 04:36 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Now, general people can imagine how secure is their lives. Atleast, common persons were expecting that some hard punishment would be awarded to those involved in Terrorist activities so that it will be lesson for future for other terrorist. But no. Soon, Terrorists will be projected as martyrs by our so called Secularist( Congress, Left, RJD bla bla bla). Politicians will be secure and safe as they are now. And they will be getting votes by Minority(Read MUSLIM) Appeasement Policy. And the common persons will be suffering Attacks.
Politicians should learn something from Afghanistan where US supported earstwhile talibans and now these talibanis are f**king US. Similar case is going to happen very soon in India. These politicians who are protecting Terrorists will sit on their head one day and will f**k them also.

And at the last but not least, people had still some beleif in our Judicial System but, it seems, it will be a dream for the public that judiciary will protect them.

Hope, someday our Politicians, Judiciaries will wake up and will take some harsh decisions.

Jai Hind !!!

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