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Congress and Court in general
by Santosh Kumar on Aug 14, 2007 03:10 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Congress is EXCELLENT at center but WORST in state.

in the same line

'Supreme Court' is excellent but 'High Court and below' are worst.

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  RE:Congress and Court in general
by Kakhagha on Aug 14, 2007 03:16 PM   Permalink
Congress is worst in both viz. Centre as well as states. It should be wiped out all over, else it will ruin the nation.

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  RE:RE:Congress and Court in general
by Santosh Kumar on Aug 14, 2007 03:51 PM   Permalink
Coorection........LIBRALIZATION Policy

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  RE:Congress and Court in general
by vanguard hinduism on Aug 14, 2007 05:13 PM   Permalink
Santosh i guess you been run away from mental hospitality. First and foremost the liberisation was not in initiated by so called congress government it was the need of hour since we were compel to modified our economic policies due to certain international trade compulsions.

And i don't understand why you have such a circular login about nuclear policy it was the courage and wiliness of Vajpayee Government that we are declare nuclear state. Coward narisma rao have drop the idea to test the nuke under the american pressure.

Yes manmohan singh is really great and the saviour of all he certainly saved and encourage those terrorist organization in india which want to inflict radial islam in india by scraping pota followed by muslim appeasement policies. Yes he is certainly the messiah and saviour of those muslims who have been subjugated due to stereotype attitude of majority calling all muslims a terrorist. Also he is not able to sleep due to atrocities and heinousness act of violence over muslims.

Certainty india is the vivid example of the idealistic secular democracy. Where the minority are been praise and uplifted . i wonder why hindu minority in pakistan, bangladesh and other islamic country can't get those privilege

Jai hind

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  RE:Congress and Court in general
by Santosh Kumar on Aug 14, 2007 03:50 PM   Permalink

Dont forget their LIBRISATION policy which saved our country otherwise just before that we sold GOLD to fill our foriegn currency reserve.

Also we got success to encounter post pokhran embagos putted on us by rest of the world.

There currently ongoing NUCLEAR policy will also stars giving fruits withing 1-2 years of their implementation.

Manmohan Singh is really great. He is savior of modern India.

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