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reservation more as a tool to oppress
by saraswathi on Jun 14, 2006 06:58 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Tamilnadu, has brought most of its population in reservation bracket. ALL castes, EXCEPT brahmins are in the reservation list. Somehow the ruling party here has developed an aversion to brahmin community. They do not leave any chance to spread their hatred towards brahmins. It is sad they make the whole TN population like that. In tamilnadu, the reservation
is used more as a tool to deprive brahmins of every opportunity, than as a tool to improve other communities.

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  RE:reservation more as a tool to oppress
by kp chandra on Jun 20, 2006 12:36 AM   Permalink
prashant, dont be disheartened by vicious "merrit".dupes.,
my message to ALL OBC AND DALITS
reservations are your bithright given by the constitution of india no one can take them away form need to feel guilty
protct them with your life for your future generations.
we now know how viciously ,the caste hindus hate the dalit and obc.
do not trust them ,you noW know what they think of you.they cant see educated dalits.they hate you,reply hate with hate. you are better off trusting the muslims and the whites.
if the dalit ,obc and muslim can get together,they can then rule india, then what will happen to the merrits.
ONE EDUCATED DALIT CAN HELP A HUNDRED IN THEIR COMMUNITY TO COME UP, the merits know this ,they dont want any more to come up .as they know in a few years they will no longer be able to compete.
so they want to stop you ,by hook or crook. do the same to come up.
ch azad

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Quota: Dalits have not benefited