I appreciate the writers views on reservations. He has given us a very good overview of reservations and how it was first brought in by the British. BUT I DONT UNDERSTAND ONE THING,WHY ISNT ANYONE WRITING ABOUT CASTEISM.There is widespread discrimination even after 59years of independance.Why arent people protesting about casteism?Indians complain about racism when they travel abroad why for that matter even in cricket people talk about racism when an indian player was penalised and a player from the opposite team was let off only with a reprimind for the same offence.This really hurts all the indians.Reservations are wrong but dont you think castesim is even more worse just like raceism.Dalits are not even allowed to draw water from common wells in villages,hold on its just not restricted to rural areas it is very much practised in cities too,the biggest example is house not being ented out to a lower caste family by the upper castes.Shame on us indians.We need to first abolish castism and reservations will vanish automatically.Organisations like y4e can and should work towards abolishing casteism.Its no use blaming the greedy politician who easily divides us for his votes.
RE:Reservations and caste divide
by mahesh on Jun 18, 2006 06:52 PM Permalink
I fully agree with Bharat's comments. New resrevation is an attempt to undo bad effect of casteism(old name for reservation based on birth) in Hindu society.If there had no casteism no reservation would have required for caste sufferers.